In Opposition to the Iraq Supplemental Conference Report

Join Russ Feingold to help end the war

The latest version of the Iraq Supplemental Appropriations Bill is scheduled to come to a vote this week and I will not support it. It is a toothless measure that gives a blank check to the President and does nothing to end our involvement in Iraq.

We've made great strides in recent weeks and months in our combined effort to end one of the biggest mistakes in the history of our country and redeploy our brave men and women out of Iraq. That said, the President and some members of Congress, from both sides of the aisle, still haven’t acknowledged the message the American people sent last November.

Last week the Feingold-Reid bill that would use Congress's 'power of the purse' to end the war in Iraq was voted on in the Senate. The procedural vote was another step forward in our effort. It put the majority of Senate Democrats on record calling for a firm end date for this misguided war, and I'm already looking for the next opportunity to push this important legislation forward. I'm continuing to fight every step of the way and today I'm asking you once again to help spread the message that the time for the war in Iraq to end is now.

Today, the Progressive Patriots Fund is launching a new online effort to promote awareness of my legislation and encourage individual initiative in reversing the reckless leadership President Bush has demonstrated through his Iraq policy.

Click here to get your "Help Russ End the War" Widget

We've created a widget, a graphic that you can place on your website, MySpace page, blog, or other social networking site to let your friends know where you stand and help recruit others to support this important legislation.

Make no mistake about it, our effort is gaining ground. Where once I was the lone voice advocating binding timelines for redeploying our troops, last week the majority of Democratic Senators voted with me. Of course no one ever said this was going to be easy, but we must keep the pressure on and continue to build strong grassroots support for ending this war.

Click here to get your "Help Russ End the War" Widget

Using the latest Web technology, you can help me spread the word and expand the Progressive Patriots' reach. All you need to do is copy and paste the provided code on your website. When your friends and family click on this graphic, or widget, they are automatically sent to a page where they can join you in co-sponsoring my important legislation.

Together, we can harness the power of the online community and force Congress to use its constitutional power to end this disastrous war.

Thank you for all of your support and for standing with me time and time again.


Russ Feingold
United States Senator
Honorary Chair, Progressive Patriots Fund


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