Don't SURRENDER To Bush On Iraq


Please call NOW toll free at 800-828-0498, 800-459-1887 or 800-614-2803 and ask for your own House member and Senators. And ALSO leave separate messages for both Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi at their leadership offices. They represent you too!


Drafting this alert has been an enormous challenge . . . to find a way to express our anger in a way that is still civil. Please, Lord, help us to express this in a way that will have a positive result.

We are hearing reports that the Democrats are preparing to unilaterally surrender to Bush on the Iraq supplemental, despite a solid majority of the American people in favor of at least some kind of restraints on a war president run amok. If this is a trial balloon, or in part even a Republican trick to try to demoralize us, it didn't work. We're not demoralized, we're just angry.

The inside the beltway genius pundits, the ones who thought the Iraq invasion and occupation was such a bully-bully party for the first couple disastrous years, pontificate that if the Democrats don't completely cave in on yet another mammoth emergency funding demand it would be political "suicide". Like we really need them to self-appoint themselves as our campaign managers. Meanwhile, the death and destruction in Iraq continues unabated.

And for what? The latest rumblings in Iraq are that the stinky, smelly oil production sharing agreement that was the end game of this entire monstrosity is generating increasing resistance in even the puppet Iraq government, the harder we try to force it down their throats. This is the only benchmark Bush has ever been interested in. And is there any doubt that even if they are able to force it through by our military presence, that it be nothing but a casus belli for all eternity?

Is there any doubt that the Iraqi people, if not the entire Muslim world, will resent for generations, with the most blind and unanimous hatred, the way their natural resources were looted from them by an invading imperial army? Is there any doubt that insurgent attacks will continue to increase exponentially, the Al Qaeda dream come true? Is there any doubt that any member of the Iraqi parliament who signs on to this does so at peril to his own life from his own people?

Is there any doubt that our only net spoils from this war will be magnified threats of terrorist attacks against our own homeland in revenge?

In 1919, the Chicago White Sox UNEXPECTEDLY lost the World Series. Their biggest star, Shoeless Joe Jackson, the number three lifetime batting average champion of all time, had admitted under oath to being part of a conspiracy to throw the series, but he was only convicted of not reporting the scandal. On leaving the courtroom, it is reported that a young fan plaintively begged him, "Say it ain't so, Joe!" Joe Jackson was banned from major league baseball and never played there again.

Democrats have majorities in both houses of Congress. They have done little but surrender, capitulate, and surrender some more since the day we gave them those majorities. One of the things we have heard is that they will attach the forgotten minimum wage increase now to a new total surrender version of the Iraq Supplemental. Somebody please explain to us why with a majority in both houses of Congress they could not have put the minimum wage provision on the president's desk months ago.

Some say they will "seek other opportunities later this year to challenge Bush's handling of the unpopular conflict." There will be other opportunities for gratuitous grandstanding. But there will be few other opportunities for ending this insane occupation, short of impeachment (itself a necessity), UNLESS the Democrats stick to their guns just one time.


Wake up, America. We respectfully submit that if you are not angry by now, you are not paying attention. And we pray for you, that if you are motivated to express that anger to Congress, please do it in a way that cannot be construed as anything but a verbal expression of your policy position.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.


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