Time for Perspective, Time for Action


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The gripping Congressional testimony yesterday of James B. Comey, former Deputy Attorney General under John Ashcroft, lifts the curtain ever so slightly on the lengths that the Bush White House went to carry out its illegal and secret spying program against the people of the United States.

The hearing was called to investigate the political firings of U.S. Attorneys by the Bush White House. Mr. Comey's testimony reads like a John Grisham novel, except the events are all too real. We have included the New York Times article as a link at the conclusion of this email. The testimony proves the bare knuckle approach to subverting the Constitution, just as Bush has subverted all pretense to honesty about the illegal invasion and war in Iraq.

The big question now, as Bush’s crimes become increasingly exposed and as his political isolation reaches near record levels, is whether our elected officials will be compelled to take action and introduce Articles of Impeachment. The Democratic National Committee insists that no Articles of Impeachment be filed. But why the spinelessness? It is not too late for Congress to do the right thing. Any argument that suggests that impeachment is a bad political maneuver for the Democrats must be rejected. It is a violation of the Constitution to allow high officials to commit criminal acts and avoid responsibility and accountability.

Meanwhile, people all across the country from state to state are organizing, taking action and demanding that articles of impeachment be filed by their elected representatives. This conflict between Congress and the people they are supposed to represent is growing.

Congress' timidity is also based on a failure to understand basic lessons from even recent history.

President Clinton was impeached in spite of enjoying a 70% approval rating. It all took place as his administration was winding to a close. The Articles of Impeachment against Clinton were filed in December 1998 and the Impeachment trial was held in 1999.

Why is it that a popular President can be impeached for lying about an extra-marital affair in the calendar year before a Presidential election, while George Bush can live free from this constitutionally mandated action?

Bush's political base has shriveled and his crimes are so great in comparison to that for which Clinton was impeached: waging an illegal war in Iraq, secretly spying on Americans, permitting torture and targeted assassinations and more.

The Democratic National Committee is without courage or honor. The people must act now to insist that the elected officials keep the oath they swore upon taking office. They must uphold the law of land and the Constitution. They must listen to the people who are demanding impeachment all over the country.

If President Bush and Dick Cheney are not impeached, it tells every future administration that “anything goes” -- that government officials are above the law. It is imperative that we step up the pressure and create such momentum that makes impeachment an irresistible force.

This is a matter of principle and we will not rest. All over the country people are organizing impeachment events, rallies, demonstrations. ImpeachBush.org is helping to sponsor important protests when Bush speaks on May 23 in New London, Ct. at the Coast Guard graduating ceremony and three days later, May 26, when Dick Cheney speaks to West Point’s graduating class.

From all of us at,


To read the New York Times article on the White House-directed eavesdropping program, click on this link. http://www.impeachbush.org/site/R?i=n29mpVuDGHoKrQMCXT3-SA..



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