Cell phones: daytime and nightime use

Email from Sarah Dacre ( Sarahdacre ) to Joanne Mueller ( jcmpelican@aol.com) dated 5-09-07:

One of the worst symptoms when I suddenly became incapacitated in May 2005 was an inability to remember anything whatsoever.

I had been growing increasingly addicted to my cell phone and had begun to sleep with it on a table next to my head, using the alarm clock function and charging it all night with the charger pack fixed into the wall 18 inches behind my bedhead and the cell phone 18 inches to the side of my head. The only other item on the bedside table was a simple lamp.

That level of exposure was almost irrevocably ruinous to my health. You should also know that I also had two DECT phone cordless systems in my home, located in other rooms in the house and a microwave emitting burglar alarm where one of the room sensors was located at ceiling height opposite my bed covering the entire room with its beam, 24/7.

This radiation cocktail was completed with infrequent microwave cooking.

In addition to dizziness, right eye deterioration, palpitations, night terrors, erratic and extremely high sudden onset high blood pressure, bladder and digestive disturbances and prolonged deterioration in my immunity, one of the worst symptoms was a complete loss of memory; I would forget the beginning of a sentence, either written or spoken, I would forget what I had jotted as a reminder; I forgot basic family details, birthdays and common recipes and easy domestic arrangements. I had always had photographic recall and I ran a work log book for legal and commercial reasons rather than to support a bad memory.

My illhealth was progressive, myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS), which meant a prolonged 18 months working on rediscovery of my regular sunny approach to life, right eye sight, heart palpitations, and return to some semblance of health and strengthened immunity.

I now have 95% of my perfect memory back. How did I achieve this? By shielding my life from EMR: moving my bed; switching off all EMF emitting devices; alternative supplements and detox; wearing the 99% EMR proof headnet for motorway driving and a shawl in highly emitting environments such as offices and airports, train stations, shopping centres. I also set out to retrain my short term memory with exercises, lists and soduko. My diet is full of healthy foods and pure supplements and minerals. I have regular Chinese acupuncture where the remedial focus is on memory and a healthy brain and central nervous system.

I know that my previous heavy use of my cell phone for say 4-5 hours each day and the night time phone charging ritual were the principal underlying cause of my memory problems.

We will certainly see an epidemic of similar levels of memory collapse in young people addicted to their cell phones.

We all have an obligation to raise awareness of this invisible peril to all of our young people.

With kind regards

Sarah Dacre MSc ACIB
London, UK


Think "environment" not "genetics"

POST BY JOANNE C. MUELLER ON ALZHEIMERS' FORUM (5-12-07): http://alzheimers.infopop.cc/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/2711002361/m/6931006322



The issue of persons of all ages charging cell phones on nightstands and/or placing cell phones under pillows, requires urgent attention.

"Distance is your friend" regarding electric and telephone equipment in bedrooms. Sarah Dacre from the United Kingdom, explains briefly (above) how drastically her memory and "entire life" was changed -- decline and improvement ........

Some children and teens keep cell phones under pillows, often in "vibrate mode," to allow them to interact with friends via text messaging. Parents are typically not aware of this extremely serious problem. Some parents, however, are doing the same thing. What about the infants and children who seek comfort in their parents' beds........ Could their infants/children be amongst the increasing numbers of children diagnosed with autism-spectrum disorders?

Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs "R" Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA
Phone: 763-755-6114
Email: jcmpelican@aol.com (1-16-08)

WEBSITE: http://guineapigsrus.org

Letter 7-22-04 by Joanne Mueller



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