Symptoms of Wi-Fi Installations

We've been challenged to divulge some real, personal, case evidence of health problems arising from Wi-fi (predominantly in schools) as a result of our Press Release on Wi-fi.

I have seen some in past weeks, but if you can give your stories of children with nose bleeds, Teachers who can't work, etc. etc. I'd be much obliged.

I'll compile them and CC the reply to the list - it's for our mates at the BBC (Biased Broadcasting Corporation) as some people used to call it - so we don't want to disappoint do we?

For example:-

1. I have an acquaintance who used to get headaches when he was using Wi-fi, his kids were always ill with colds, but now doesn't since he had it removed plus his kids are in better health, 2. I have a neighbour who constantly was ill whilst Wi-Fi was in the house - now it's been turned off she is fine.




Attached are the D Fox and Robert Thinker experiences - you probably have these already :)


To Whom It May Concern

In the summer of 2003 I installed a wireless modem for Broadband in my home. Over the following weeks I and my family showed a variety of symptoms, which only vanished when the modem was removed. In my case, lethargy was predominant. Returning to school in September 2003 I discussed the issue of wireless transmitters with my Headmaster. At this point the school had no wireless network installed. At the beginning of 2004 plans were announced to introduce this into different parts of the school. When my Headmaster asked me to move my teaching room into a block designated for maths and computing, he reassured me that all computer connections would be hardwired to prevent any adverse affects on me.

On this understanding I began to teach in the block from September 2004. Within three weeks I began to feel tired, my concentration was poor and after five weeks I felt as though I was losing my mind. My wife bluntly told me that she thought the computer department were using wireless transmitters. Next day I confronted the computer technician, who told me that the wireless transmitters had been switched on at the start of the school year. Unbeknownst to me I was working for 8 hours a day bathed in the same radiation that had made me ill the previous summer. When I brought this to the attention of my Headmaster, he was stunned. I don't think that he had believed me up to that point. He kept saying to me, "But you couldn't have known it was switched on, could you?" No, I didn't. That's precisely my point. On his orders the transmitters were switched off, my fatigue passed and concentration was restored.

I am a teacher with 32 years experience, having obtained a First Class Honours Degree in both mathematics and physics from Cambridge. I am in excellent health. I do not even know the name of my current GPs, it's been so long since I had to call on their services. I am not a Luddite, but I do not ignore the evidence of my own experience, or that of others. This is disparagingly referred to as "anecdotal", by those with a vested interest in promoting the sale of these technologies. I prefer to call it commonsense. Mobile phone technology and wireless modems damage the health and well being of some members of our community. I do not believe it is fair to students, or employees, in a school to expose them to such risks. The only people, who will suffer from not using wireless connections are the manufacturers and educational establishment which promote them.

If the precautionary principle had been followed in the last century, many of our countrymen would not be suffering the crippling effects of asbestos related illness. Doubtless any questions about the safety of asbestos were also dismissed as unfounded.

Yours Sincerely

John Fox

Below is a message from Robert Thinker recording peoples reactions just TWO DAYS after Oakland Countywide wireless system went live

I took a "Quick" health poll today on our street since Wireless Oakland went live.. I took 6-7 walks today and managed to talk to about half the neighbors on the street, and of those, a majority seem to be having symptoms since the system fired up. Of the 16 neighbors I spoke with, 11 of them had a "Bad Headache" today, most of them seemed to blame something else like "Allergies" or "Drinking last night". One thing I noted, another neighbor said his headache is so bad tylenol isn't improving it.

I asked the lady 2 doors down about her experiences over the last 2 days, and she mentioned her infant is refusing to take naps in her own room (at the front of the house), but if she takes the infant into their bedroom (back of house), the infant will sleep. She said it is particularly troublesome and they've never noticed this before. I stopped to talk to a real estate agent showing a house on the street, and asked him if he has had any health symptoms since arriving to show the house, and he said "Yes, I got a terrible headache shortly after I arrived.".

An important aspect here is when I was chatting with them is this started exactly at the time the Wireless Oakland system went live in the city. It seems every third block there is a dual antenna system mounted on the light poles with tag numbers on them. Another interesting fact is that these were installed between 9PM-1AM at night. The lady down the street that has her house in front of one said she noticed them "Hurriedly" installing the antenna system at midnight a few days ago.

If this is such a great thing for the city, and an important thing that they think all of us will want, why are they not advertising it? Why are they installing the systems at night when people won't be out to see them? Why are they referring any and all questions on the matter to their attorney? What are they trying to hide here? Clearly we're being subjected to reckless experimentation on our biology under the guise of technology to help the county to expand and emerge as a tech mecca.


Robert Thinker

Re: Real Symptoms of Real Wi-Fi Installations


Wireless networks health debate on BBC "You And Yours" radio programme Radio programme extract of debate over health dangers of wireless networks in schools. BBC You And Yours Format: MP3
Go down untill you find this: Wireless networks health debate on BBC "You And Yours" radio programme Thats Vivienne.

But here are my case histories so far:

How I got rid of my phone and cured my child's sickness.
From Christine Garnier. (Jersey Mast resistance group JMMCG 8/12/06
A MONTH ago I went to a meeting to find out more about mobile phone masts. I went away and looked at information for myself, because I decided there may be a risk.

I kept on looking.

I came across numerous articles about digital cordless telephones stating that these were more dangerous than mobiles and that they were like having a mobile phone mast in your house as they continue to emit radiation while they are not in use (see for one example).

I decided to pull the phones out. I had had cordless phones for almost two years, and I live in a very small place, but I was very shocked to find that within 48 hours my son and I were feeling much better than we had felt for the last few months.

The feeling of pressure in my head stopped, I no longer had aches in my joints, and both of us lost the feelings of nausea, tiredness and irritability.

My son used to wake crying every night. He now sleeps through.

And whereas he used to complain of feeling sick in the mornings, he now eats a good breakfast. He has become a different child.

Now my symptoms could be psychosomatic, but his cannot. He is six.

If someone came to me with a million pounds on the condition that I lived with those phones in my home, I would not do it.

This exposure to radiation I can control. I cannot control the proximity of masts to my home or my child's school because someone else is telling me they are safe. What choice do I have here?

14 Grouville Arsenal, Rue Don, Grouville.

And, from John Kelley in Limerick Ireland i live in ireland and since i suffered pain using wifi broadband in my home, i have also felt ill near 3g masts. these masts have only been put up recently in my area (limerick). i complained to the government, but they are in the pockets of the mobile phone companies who set up these 3g masts! one minister on the irish communication regulator board (comreg) was given an executive\'s box ticket to a major irish football game by VODAFONE! he had the cheek to say this wasn\'t a conflict of interest! 17th sept 2006

Best regards.


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