Ready for another phone mast fight

By Rachel Lamb

CAMPAIGNERS have vowed to fight plans to put a mobile phone mast in a prominent Helensburgh street – just two years after a similar application for the same spot was rejected.

Communications giant T-Mobile is seeking planning permission to build a 3G phone mast at Helensburgh Bowling Club, on the corner of East Abercromby Street and Sinclair Street.

In 2005, an application by Hutchison 3G to build a 60 foot phone mast at the same location was thrown out by Argyll and Bute Council's Planning Committee following protests from residents.

T-Mobile bosses have arranged a meeting on Friday morning so that residents and members of the community council can find out more about the development.

Campaigner Colin Ward contacted the Advertiser to voice his opposition to the phone mast plan.

He said: “The Planning Committee rejected the last proposal by seven votes to two.

"That should have been the end of the matter but once again we hear that a mobile phone company is considering the same site.

“This is a conservation area, it is cheek by jowel with people’s homes. If you were to try and think of the worst possible space to put one of these masts, it would probably be that site.

“People feel very strongly about this. If it gets to the planning application stage then certainly it will be opposed.”

Kathleen Siddle of Helensburgh Community Council is hosting the meeting at her home.

She said: “It will be an informal, pre–planning application consultation. I think T-mobile are trying to test the water and see what response they would get.

“The community council cannot spearhead a campaign but what we would do is support the neighbours.

"If the people I spoke to while handing out leaflets about the meeting are anything to go by I think there will be a lot of resistance.”

Anyone who wishes to find out more about T-Mobile’s plans can attend the public meeting which will be held at 12 Duchess Park, Helensburgh from 11am on Friday.

Those who are unable to attend but would like their views to be passed on can contact Kathleen Siddle on 01436 678328 or Catriona Malan on 01436 676272.


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