EMERGENCY ACTION: Don't Let The House Dismiss The FL-24 Congressional Election Challenge

Everyone has heard about the dramatically suspicious results in the Jennings congressional race in FL-13, but did you know that there were massive parallel shenanigans going on in FL-24 as well? And yet we got a tip late today that tomorrow the House Administration committee is secretly, and without public notice, preparing to dismiss their own inquiry into this other still NOT conceded race run by Clint Curtis, the famous voting software rigging whistle blower.

Since the election, dedicated volunteers have spent massive hours painstakingly collecting affidavits from citizens block by block in the district that constitute direct proof that the results in FL-24 are also not only beyond credulity, they are patently fraudulent. There is a still LIVE challenge to this election the Florida state courts, JUST AS in the Jennings case. So why is the House administration even considering refusal to hear this evidence, where it may even constitute evidence of a broader statewide conspiracy, and give additional weight to the Jennings FL-13 challenge as well?

Because of the shortness of time this will be primarily a PHONE action. Please locate the member of the House Administration committee closest to you from the list below and call them first thing in the morning. Distance being equal you may find the Democrat more receptive. Tell them that even if you are not in their particular district, they are the closest House member to represent you on this committee. And ask them to give the evidence in the FL-24 ALSO the fair and just congressional hearing it deserves.

You can call toll free at 800-828-0498, 800-459-1887 or 800-614-2803 and ask for your choice of House member below, in particular the CHIEF OF STAFF listed, or you can use their direct dial phone/fax numbers.


CA-3 Dan Lungren (R) ph: (202) 225-5716, fax: (202) 226-1298 Chief of Staff: Victor Arnold-Bik email: victor.arnold-bik.house.gov

CA-16 Zoe Lofgren (D) ph: (202) 225-3072, fax: (202) 225-3336 Chief of Staff: Stacey Leavandosky email: stacey.leavandosky.house.gov

CA-22 Kevin McCarthy (R) ph: (202) 225-2915, fax: (202) 225-2908 Chief of Staff: James Min email: james.min.house.gov

CA-53 Susan A. Davis (D) ph: (202) 225-2040, fax: (202) 225-2948 Chief of Staff: Lisa Sherman email: lisa.sherman.house.gov

MA-8 Michael Capuano (D) ph: (202) 225-5111, fax: (202) 225-9322 Chief of Staff: Robert Primus email: robert.primus.house.gov

MI-3 Vernon Ehlers (R), Ranking Member ph: (202) 225-3831, fax: (202) 225-5144 Chief of Staff: Bill McBride email: bill.mcbride.house.gov

PA-1 Robert A. Brady (D), Chair ph: (202) 225-4731, fax: (202) 225-0088 Chief of Staff: Stan White email: stan.white.house.gov

TX-20 Charles A. Gonzalez (D) ph: (202) 225-3236, fax: (202) 225-1915 Chief of Staff: Kevin Kimble email: kevin.kimble.house.gov


* [Not enough evidence.] What we did not have is mainstream media coverage. What we do have is hard evidence that there is a discrepancy between the official count and the affidavits that were gathered from actual voters.
* [Sworn affidavits not good enough.] In the past, it was exit polls that were considered not good enough because they did not connect the vote with the voter. Our system does exactly that. It is like having a paper ballots to count except even better. It is signed. Affidavits and eye witness testimony are the corner stone of our legal system.
* [Your signature not good enough.] If the committee is not willing to accept what every court in the country requires as evidence, what level of proof are you willing to accept?
* [Source code unknown.] If the committee requires the errors in the code to be found, we must be allowed access to the code and the machines. We are aware of hundreds of experts willing to independently examine and blueprint those proprietary systems should that opportunity become available.


The Congressional Contest filed by Clint Curtis is a Contest where the results of the election can be proven. Unlike Christine Jennings, whose loss was caused by 18,000 missing votes that unfortunately can never be found, Clint Curtis for Congress Campaign has found and tabulated data from actual voters that conclusively proves that Mr Curtis received more votes than the official results recorded.

The reason Mr Curtis did not concede is that although there was an apparent 16% loss, this loss did not reflect the Zogby Poll taken just weeks before the election that showed us within 2% points nor by the polling conducted by the online vote verification tool www.VoteNow2006.net. The Zogby Poll also revealed that Curtis was leading among likely voters who describe themselves as Independents by a full 11 points. The opponents lead was just 45% to 43%, with one in ten (10%) undecided.

The so called wide margin of 16 points in Mr Curtis' race is the exact reason it possible to find where the count was not accurate. If the results were closer like a 51/49 split or 369 votes as in the Jennings race, it would have been nearly impossible to determine whether or not the official results were accurate. Every voter would have to be contacted to find the few votes that may not have been recorded accurately.

On virtually every block walked by volunteers, the results have shown that more votes were cast for Clint Curtis than officially recorded. Walking for Democracy, the volunteers gathered sworn affidavits signed by the voters in District 24 as to how they voted for Governor, Congress and Amendment Three. The Governor's race and Amendment Three were control questions. The results from that data confirm the official results, while the data in this Congressional race is shown to be inaccurate.

For example in Precinct 66 in Seminole County (highlighted below), official results showed that Mr Curtis received 57% of the Democratic and Independent vote. According to the affidavits gathered however, he received over 80% of that vote. In each of the precincts that have been walked, he has received from 6%- 22% more Democratic and Independent votes than the official results.

This simple method of determining how voters actually cast their ballot, can be independently verified. Congress can mandate a non-partisan group of volunteers or pay personnel to gather affidavits from District 24 voters. The cost is minimal and results easily obtainable. Congress owes it to the American people to determine once and for all whether or not the electronic voting machines counted accurately. This is not about partisan politics. This is about our Democracy.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.


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