Urgent alert: Help keep whale champion Sara Wan on the California Coastal Commission

Natural Resources Defense Council's


NRDC's California Activist Network was formed to mobilize and provide action tools to Californians and others concerned with protecting the state's extraordinary wealth of natural treasures and the health of its citizens.

May 2, 2007

Urgent alert for California Activist Network Members: Help keep whale champion Sara Wan on the California Coastal Commission Take action now at http://www.nrdconline.org/campaign/nrdcaction_050107

California's breathtaking coastal waters -- and the gray, humpback and blue whales, dolphins and other marine mammals that make their home there -- are vulnerable to nearly constant threats, from pollution to ear-piercing sonar to oil and gas drilling. That's why we need state leaders who understand the importance of protecting our coast and marine mammals.

Sara Wan is one of California's top crusaders on behalf of whales and other marine mammals. For years she has advocated tirelessly to safeguard coastal resources as a member of the California Coastal Commission, the primary state body charged with coastal management. Commissioner Wan has voted against harmful industrial projects, pushed for the protection of wetlands, improved public access to beaches and demanded that the Navy keep its sonar away from key whale habitat, including the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary.

But this month Commissioner Wan's four-year term is up for review, and state Senator Perata, chair of the Rules Committee, is about to decide whether to reappoint her to the commission for another term. Although NRDC and other environmental organizations have given Commissioner Wan our strongest endorsement, others who don't appreciate her steadfast work to protect the coast from overdevelopment and industrial use that threatens marine life are lobbying hard to have her removed. That's why Senator Perata -- who is expected to make his decision this week -- needs to hear from concerned Californians that Commissioner Wan is the best person for this job and that her record has earned her another term as a champion of our coast.

== What to do == Send a message right away urging Senator Perata to reappoint Sara Wan to the California Coastal Commission for another term.

== Contact information == You can send a message directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at http://www.nrdconline.org/campaign/nrdcaction_050107 or use the contact information and sample letter below to send your own message.

Senator Don Perata State Capitol, Room 205 Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: (916) 327-1997
Email: Senator.Perata@sen.ca.gov

== Sample letter ==

Subject: Reappoint Sara Wan to the California Coastal Commission

Dear Senator Perata and members of the Rules Committee,

I urge you to reappoint Sara Wan to the California Coastal Commission. Our coast and marine life are among our most precious resources, but they are increasingly jeopardized by industrial development, global warming, water pollution and other threats. The Coastal Commission appointment currently before you will help determine whether our coast is vigorously protected in the years to come.

It is crucial that we have state leaders who understand the importance of our coast and of protecting marine mammals. For years, Commissioner Wan has advocated tirelessly to safeguard coastal resources, including whales and other marine life. As a member of the commission, she has been a true champion of our coast, voting against harmful industrial projects, demanding that the Navy keep harmful sonar away from key whale habitat, pushing for the protection of wetlands and improving public access to beaches.

Commissioner Wan has provided unparalleled leadership on the Coastal Commission, and her record has clearly earned her another term. Again, I urge you to reappoint Sara Wan.


[Your name and address]

Please also forward this message to your friends and co-workers who live in California, and urge them to contact Senator Perata as well.

Thank you!



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