A Telephone mast has been put up in Llanelli even though planning permission was refused.Council planning officers took too long to tell O2 about the rejection - and the telephone company built the mast regardless.

Swansea Road residents are furious.

Town and county councillor Bill Thomas said: "Residents objected to the plans for a mast in Swansea Road as they were worried it was too close to local schools.

"They went to work one morning and found it there when they came back.

"They are furious and shocked, they feel as if their opinion just doesn't matter to the council."

The telephone company first submitted plans for a 15-metre mast in June, which were rejected by Carmarthenshire Council.

In November, an application was made for a 12.5-metre mast.

Six letters of objection expressed fears it was too close to Penygaer and Ysgol Dewi Sant schools and residential properties.

There were also health and safety concerns.

Carmarthenshire Council's planning department refused the plans, but failed to meet a 56-day deadline to notify O2.

Carmarthenshire Council head of planning Eifion Bowen said: "The application was for prior approval and is unlike ordinary planning applications as approval is deemed to be granted after a 56-day period.

"The agent was informed of this decision during a telephone conversation either on November 30 or the following day, and formal notification was sent out within the 56-day period.

"O2 was of the view that the notice received was incorrectly worded and that the revised notice subsequently sent out was outside the specified period.

"The authority is disappointed the matter progressed in full knowledge of its concerns.

"The authority is reviewing its processes."

O2 community relations manager for Wales Angela Johnson said: "The planning law stipulates that if we do not receive notice in 56 days then we have deemed consent to put a mast up.

"We need the mast there for coverage for the area.

"The masts are very low powered radio transmitters.

"The World Health Organisation has looked at research and come to the conclusion that there is no evidence of any health risk."

Reader comments

So O2's Angela Johnson assures us that the World Health Organisation happy for them to plant their harmful radiation emitting phone masts next to schools and housing. Well lets's see........ The World Health Organisation?s Radiation Health Protection Committee is responsible for the subject of Cellular Technology and Powerlines health effects. This committee?s eight representatives are all mobile phone operator ex employees. The chairman of this committee, Dr Michael Repacholi has recently resigned under a cloud after it was revealed that he received 150,000 dollar a year directly from the cellular phone industry for meetings and travels. This means he broke the rules of the WHO which bars receipt of money directly from the industry. In addition Dr. Repacholi is documented to have invited power industry representatives in order to review scientific work and participate actively in evaluating health standards of electromagnetic fields emitted by power lines. The names of the power line industry representatives are all documented. Dr. Repacholi systematically downplayed and ignored for years many scientific findings with one common ground: the findings which show that the cellular technology is not safe and cannot be freely distributed without a health price for the world population. Dr. Repacholi?s sharp bias threatens world health. He now works for the nuclear industry and was recently seen on a Panorama programme on nuclear power telling viewers that small amounts of radiation does you good!

J Elliott, Swansea


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