Bush's presidency and his 'legacy' are in ruins, so he imagines he has nothing to lose
Hendrik Hertzberg writes: "Rather than looking for a policy that might be within our means and might mitigate the disaster, Bush is betting all his chips - all our chips - on the only choice that allows him the fantasy that in the end people will say: 'Bush was right.' He is sending twenty thousand because twenty thousand is all he has. Next to nothing in the way of ground forces remains for other contingencies. His presidency and his 'legacy' are in ruins anyway, so he imagines he has nothing to lose."
Hendrik Hertzberg writes: "Rather than looking for a policy that might be within our means and might mitigate the disaster, Bush is betting all his chips - all our chips - on the only choice that allows him the fantasy that in the end people will say: 'Bush was right.' He is sending twenty thousand because twenty thousand is all he has. Next to nothing in the way of ground forces remains for other contingencies. His presidency and his 'legacy' are in ruins anyway, so he imagines he has nothing to lose."
rudkla - 30. Jan, 22:46