Manufacturing consent for war with Iran

N Korea helping Iran with nuclear testing

North Korea is helping Iran to prepare an underground nuclear test similar to the one Pyongyang carried out last year.

US says its has proof Iran is interfering in Iraq

The United States said it had proof of Iran's interference in Iraq, promising soon to publish details of Iranian networks in its strife-torn neighboring country.

Bolton: U.S. following flawed Iran plan

Bolton said that contrary to administration claims, the U.N. Security Council U.N. Security Council resolution against Iran that was approved last month is "very weak."

Iran May Have Trained Attackers That Killed 5 American Soldiers, U.S. and Iraqis Say

The officials said the sophistication of the attack astonished investigators, who doubt that Iraqis could have carried it out on their own — one reason a connection to Iran is being closely examined.

Officials: White House Holding Back Report Detailing Iran's Meddling in Iraq

A plan by the Bush administration to release detailed and possibly damning specific evidence linking the Iranian government to efforts to destabilize Iraq have been put on hold, U.S. officials told FOX News.,2933,248791,00.html

Officials: General says U.S. has proof Iran arming Iraqi militias

Iran is supplying Iraqi militias with a variety of powerful weapons including Katyusha rockets, the No. 2 U.S. general in Iraq said Tuesday.

Iranian-Made IEDs Are the Most Deadly U.S. Forces Have Seen

The most deadly improvised explosive devices being used against U.S. soldiers in Iraq continue to come from Iran, and Iran continues to provide more tactical training, according to explosive experts working with the U.S. military.

Are the Iranians Out for Revenge?

American forces still hold five members of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Arrested by American forces in Erbil on Jan. 11, the five are accused by the Administration of helping the Iraqi opposition kill Americans.,8599,1583523,00.html

Air Force's role in Iraq could grow: The heightened role of U.S. air power in the volatile region is the latest sign of tension between President Bush and Iran's leaders.

Report: US plans strike against Iran

The US was drawing up plans to attack sites where Iran is believed to be enriching uranium before President George W. Bush's candidacy comes to an end, the UK-based Times reported on Wednesday.

US strike group transits Suez Canal

A US Navy strike group led by the assault ship USS Bataan steamed through the Suez Canal on Tuesday on its way to join the buildup of American forces in the Middle East.

Europeans fear US attack on Iran as nuclear row intensifies

Senior European policy-makers are increasingly worried that the US administration will resort to air strikes against Iran to try to destroy its suspect nuclear programme.,,2002319,00.html

Senators warn of drift toward war with Iran

Republican and Democratic senators warned against a drift toward war with an emboldened Iran and suggested the Bush administration was missing a chance to engage its longtime adversary in potentially helpful talks over next-door Iraq.

Report Says Iran Could Build Nukes In 2 To 3 Years

Both John Negroponte, the head of national intelligence for the U.S., and Mohamed ElBaradei, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, have said Iran is perhaps four years from the capacity to produce a nuclear weapon.

US accuses allies of dragging their feet over Iran

Divisions are emerging in the West’s united front towards Iran with fears being voiced over the aggressive military posture adopted by America, while European allies are accused by the US of dragging their feet.,,3-2575797,00.html

Iraqi troops find cache of Iranian-made rockets, other weapons south of Baghdad

The cache was found in one apartment and contained 17 bombs known as explosively formed penetrators, or EFPs, three Iranian-made 107 mm rockets and an assortment of rifles and Iraqi security force uniforms.

Iran Boosts Support for Militias

Iranian support for militias in Iraq has grown, top U.S. defense leaders said Friday, asserting that recent battles in Basra gave the Iraqis an eye-opening view of Iran's increased negative role there.

Spy photos 'show Iran missile site'

The imagery has pinpointed the facility from where the Iranians launched their Kavoshgar 1 "research rocket" on February 4, claiming that it was in connection with their space programme.,25197,23522062-2703,00.html

From Information Clearing House


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