Join the global peace march before Saturday 27 January

Congratulations! 45,000 of us from 169 countries signed the Iraq petition so far, and we got a great response to our ad in American newspapers last week. Dozens of Congresspeople are coming out against Bush's escalation in Iraq and demanding a real plan for peace.

Now we have a great new chance to make our voices heard. This Saturday the US peace movement is being reborn with a big march on Washington DC. We're joining them with our own global peace march via

Avaaz supporters in Washington have offered to carry banners and placards at the protest to represent all of us round the world who sign the petition. How many more people we know would want their voices heard at the march? Could we turn 45,000 into 75,000 or 100,000 virtual marchers by this Saturday? There will be a flag from each country that generates more than
500 internet marchers!

Time is short. Please take a moment right now to invite your friends and family to take action as well. You can just forward the sample letter below, or click on this link.

Spreading the word is critical, but please only pass this message along to those who know you -- spam hurts our campaign.

Thank you for taking action,

Ricken, Paul, Tom, Rachel, Galit, Lee-Sean and the rest of the Team

Dear friends,

I've joined a global virtual peace march demanding that the new US Congress stop President Bush's escalation in Iraq and demand a real peace plan, and I thought you might be interested. Please see the email below.

FW: Join the global peace march before Saturday 27 January

This Saturday, hundreds of thousands of Americans will march on Washington DC to demand peace and justice in Iraq and the Middle East. We can be there too, raising a global voice of solidarity -- through our own worldwide virtual march. Time is short, so add your voice and join the march today!

Avaaz supporters in Washington have offered to carry real banners and placards at the US demonstration - showing how many internet marchers from all round the world are joining in. We will carry the flag of each country that generates more than 500 internet marchers, so tell your friends!

With American opposition to this war mounting, 45,000 of us from over 100 countries have already joined the call to oppose Bush's military escalation and demand a real plan to end this war.

Can we get 75,000 - even 100,000 people from round the world to join the march before Saturday? Click here to join the march -

This could signal the rebirth of the US peace movement. We need to show them the world is on their side. Let's bring our call for peace to the streets of power in Washington. Join the global peace march and tell your friends today!

With hope,

Ricken, Paul, Tom, Rachel, Galit, Lee-Sean and the rest of the Ceasefire Campaign (now!) Team


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