Wi - Fi worries
-----Original Message-----
From: Judith M Davies
FYI - There is a possibility that the second You and Yours programme on Wifi in schools will be on Monday (radio 4 at noon). Michael Bevington, the teacher from Stowe with ES, has been pre-recorded and there will be an establishment scientist.
Apparently there were complaints after the last programme of bias on our side! But actually they will have had 2 scientists speaking, and parents and teachers on our side. This bias needs pointing out.
It may be possible to phone in during the programme, as well as afterwards - 0800 044 044 or email - http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/youandyours/youandyours_contact.shtml
Please pass the message on.
Monday is also the day for the BBC Breakfast News to do its piece on Wifi/ES and this date seems fairly certain. Dr Fox and teacher husband, both of whom were made ill from wireless networks may be on it.
Wifi worries
WiFi and Electrosensitivity
To be circulated widely to all Electrosensitives and media interested in the science.
Today in the UK the media is very interested in WiFi and ES.
BBC Breakfast News TV. Richard Westcott covered the topic very well at 8.15 am.
BBC Radio 5 Live at 8am (no link as yet)
BBC Radio 4 at noon today.
Plus the Times on Saturday on mobile phone study and cancer!
Three top international scientists, all of whom have done original research on ES and on WiFi effects on human health. Please quote these scientists, if and when you are interviewed on this topic, each of whom has been briefed and expects media interest.
Dr. Med. Univ. Gerd Oberfeld Tel. Salzburg ++43 (0)662) 8042 - 2969 Fax ++43 (0)662) 8042 - 3056 gerd.oberfeld @salzburg.gv.at
Dr Oberfeld is in the Salzburg public health dept.It is their official advice not to put wireless computers in schools and nurseries.
Prof Olle Johansson Sweden +468-52 48 70 58 olle.johansson @ki.se Karolinska Institute, Sweden Prof Johansson has many papers on EMFs, ES, WiFi among other subjects. His advice is also that children should not be exposed to this radiation
Dr George Carlo glac44 @aol.com USA 571-277-1332 Dr Carlo headed up the $28 million USA phone industry brain tumour research programme from 1993 to 1999. On finding evidence of genetic damage and increase in brain tumours his contract was terminated! He also advises that schools should not put in WiFi but use cabled networks. WiFi in Schools
Basically all our children are being exposed now to radiation in their schools, which have installed WiFi. The transmitters (access points) emit radiation at 6 v/m as do the cards in the laptops. Emissions from a phone mast usually do not exceed 1 v/m in a building near a phone mast. The guidelines allow for a max exposure of 61 v/m. However since these guidelines only prevent heating effects, they are irrelevant when considering other effects at sub heating levels, such as cancer or headaches and concentration problems.
WiFi systems have never been pre market tested for safety.
The Stewart committee recommended that a school and parents have a right to refuse permission to allow the beam of max intensity from a phone mast fall on its grounds, as they did not want children to be exposed as they are felt to be more at risk than adults. This was reinforced in the Dept of Education Guidelines. However it is not included in planning law so has no teeth.
With kind regards
Sarah Dacre
London, UK
-----Original Message-----
From: Judith M Davies
FYI - There is a possibility that the second You and Yours programme on Wifi in schools will be on Monday (radio 4 at noon). Michael Bevington, the teacher from Stowe with ES, has been pre-recorded and there will be an establishment scientist.
Apparently there were complaints after the last programme of bias on our side! But actually they will have had 2 scientists speaking, and parents and teachers on our side. This bias needs pointing out.
It may be possible to phone in during the programme, as well as afterwards - 0800 044 044 or email - http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/youandyours/youandyours_contact.shtml
Please pass the message on.
Monday is also the day for the BBC Breakfast News to do its piece on Wifi/ES and this date seems fairly certain. Dr Fox and teacher husband, both of whom were made ill from wireless networks may be on it.
Wifi worries
WiFi and Electrosensitivity
To be circulated widely to all Electrosensitives and media interested in the science.
Today in the UK the media is very interested in WiFi and ES.
BBC Breakfast News TV. Richard Westcott covered the topic very well at 8.15 am.
BBC Radio 5 Live at 8am (no link as yet)
BBC Radio 4 at noon today.
Plus the Times on Saturday on mobile phone study and cancer!
Three top international scientists, all of whom have done original research on ES and on WiFi effects on human health. Please quote these scientists, if and when you are interviewed on this topic, each of whom has been briefed and expects media interest.
Dr. Med. Univ. Gerd Oberfeld Tel. Salzburg ++43 (0)662) 8042 - 2969 Fax ++43 (0)662) 8042 - 3056 gerd.oberfeld @salzburg.gv.at
Dr Oberfeld is in the Salzburg public health dept.It is their official advice not to put wireless computers in schools and nurseries.
Prof Olle Johansson Sweden +468-52 48 70 58 olle.johansson @ki.se Karolinska Institute, Sweden Prof Johansson has many papers on EMFs, ES, WiFi among other subjects. His advice is also that children should not be exposed to this radiation
Dr George Carlo glac44 @aol.com USA 571-277-1332 Dr Carlo headed up the $28 million USA phone industry brain tumour research programme from 1993 to 1999. On finding evidence of genetic damage and increase in brain tumours his contract was terminated! He also advises that schools should not put in WiFi but use cabled networks. WiFi in Schools
Basically all our children are being exposed now to radiation in their schools, which have installed WiFi. The transmitters (access points) emit radiation at 6 v/m as do the cards in the laptops. Emissions from a phone mast usually do not exceed 1 v/m in a building near a phone mast. The guidelines allow for a max exposure of 61 v/m. However since these guidelines only prevent heating effects, they are irrelevant when considering other effects at sub heating levels, such as cancer or headaches and concentration problems.
WiFi systems have never been pre market tested for safety.
The Stewart committee recommended that a school and parents have a right to refuse permission to allow the beam of max intensity from a phone mast fall on its grounds, as they did not want children to be exposed as they are felt to be more at risk than adults. This was reinforced in the Dept of Education Guidelines. However it is not included in planning law so has no teeth.
With kind regards
Sarah Dacre
London, UK
rudkla - 19. Jan, 22:28