Senate Republicans Trying Again to Kill Lobbying and Ethics Reform Bill
Senate passes Democrats’ ethics bill
Huntington Herald-Dispatch
The Senate, responding to voter frustration with corruption and special interest influence in Washington, on Thursday overwhelmingly approved far-reaching ethics and lobbying reform legislation. Under the bill, passed 96-2, senators will give up gifts and free travel from lobbyists, pay more for travel on corporate jets and make themselves more accountable for the pet projects they insert into bills...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Victory - YOU Made It Happen!
January 19, 2007
We won! Thanks to your emails and phone calls, we swamped the Senate and they passed a strong lobbying and ethics reform bill, S. 1, in a 96-2 landslide.
You can read our analysis of what happened on our Watchdog Blog:
Other good news: Justice was served today when ex-Rep. Bob Ney (R-Ohio) was sentenced to 30 months in jail. I guess that free golf trip to Scotland wasn't so free.
Again, thank you!
Daniel De Bonis
Online Organizer
Public Citizen's Congress Watch
P.S. If you are still fired up, write a quick email to your senators thanking them for passing S. 1. Click here:
Informant: Alan Dicey
Senate passes Democrats’ ethics bill
Huntington Herald-Dispatch
The Senate, responding to voter frustration with corruption and special interest influence in Washington, on Thursday overwhelmingly approved far-reaching ethics and lobbying reform legislation. Under the bill, passed 96-2, senators will give up gifts and free travel from lobbyists, pay more for travel on corporate jets and make themselves more accountable for the pet projects they insert into bills...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Victory - YOU Made It Happen!
January 19, 2007
We won! Thanks to your emails and phone calls, we swamped the Senate and they passed a strong lobbying and ethics reform bill, S. 1, in a 96-2 landslide.
You can read our analysis of what happened on our Watchdog Blog:
Other good news: Justice was served today when ex-Rep. Bob Ney (R-Ohio) was sentenced to 30 months in jail. I guess that free golf trip to Scotland wasn't so free.
Again, thank you!
Daniel De Bonis
Online Organizer
Public Citizen's Congress Watch
P.S. If you are still fired up, write a quick email to your senators thanking them for passing S. 1. Click here:
Informant: Alan Dicey
rudkla - 19. Jan, 10:51