Sign up in support of the Liberty Ark Coalition

This is taking place in KY - however, given the National Animal Classification Identity Program, this will affect everyone in every state sooner than later, IMO. Peace - Anna

Begin forwarded message:

From: Dawn and Gary Oaks
Date: January 16, 2007 8:06:53 PM EST
Subject: KY Dept of Ag Regulation for Animal Idnetification - How it affects you

Among the many other messages that we received in our inbox in the last 24 hours is this critical message attached below from the Weston Price Foundation. Upon reading it we contacted our contacts at the Community Farm Alliance in Frankfort. Surprisingly, and yet not that surprising, there has been virtually no public awareness of this critical hearing. The hearing will address the new proposed regulations with regard to mandatory particpation in the National Animal Classification Identity program. At first, many will now be ready to go on to their next message. Please don't, keep reading - this does apply to you!

Under the proposed regulations, anyone that owns an animal that could produce food will be required to register with the NAIS and be subject to unannounced searches of their property at the State Veterinarian's discretion - no need for even a search warrant or reasonable cause. If these regulations move forward it will greatly affect small farmers, hobby farmers, individual families with a handful of chickens, as well as all those Kentucky residents that enjoy consuming farm fresh food.

Gary has chosen to address the committee at the January 23rd hearing in Frankfort. We are asking anyone, and most especially concerned KY residents and farmers, to accompany us to Frankfort on January 23rd. Their is a strength and voice in numbers!! This is not just a raw milk issue. It applies to all those that would be interested in having chickens for their families or to raise a single beef for their own consumption.

We will be working actively with the Community Farm Alliance over the next week to help organize support in the form of attendees at the meeting as well as get press coverage of the absurdity of such regulations. If you can not attend on the 23rd, you can also submit written comments to the committee through the Department of Agriculture until January 31st. It is encouraged that your state representatives be carbon copied on the letters so that more than one entity in our state government is aware of their constitutents feelings.

By all means, please forward this to anyone, especially in the State of KY, that would have an interest in this issue. If you plan to attend on the
23rd, please RSVP back to us so that we may keep you updated on info as we receive it and we can also let the CFA know what kind of numbers we are looking at as far as participation at this hearing.

Thank you for your ear and may all of our rights as citizens of a "Free" country be protected, Gary and Dawn

[Original Message] From: info(et)
Date: 1/15/2007 8:42:58 PM

NAIS ACTION ALERT Kentucky Department of Agriculture is proposing new regulations to make NAIS mandatory

The Kentucky Department of Agriculture has proposed regulations that would make the premises registration and animal identification portions of NAIS mandatory, and require a certificate of veterinary inspection for sales, shows, and many routine movements! The proposed regulations would also allow the State Veterinarian to enter any farm or "any other place where animals are handled" to inspect and test, without a warrant. Kentucky residents need to act NOW!

There will be a public hearing on January 23rd, starting at 10:15, at the Kentucky Dept of Agriculture, Office of State Veterinarian, 100 Fair Oaks Lane, STE 252, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601. Anyone who wants to speak at this hearing must notify the agency in writing by January 16, 2007, of their intent to attend. Written comments will be accepted until January
31, 2007. Send written notification of intent to be heard at the public hearing or written comments on the proposed regulations to:

Robert Stout or Sue Billings, Kentucky Department of Agriculture, Office of State Veterinarian, 100 Fair Oaks Lane, STE 252, Frankfort, Kentucky
40601, phone (502) 564-3956, fax (502) 564-7852.

Here are links to the proposed regulations:

At the end of this action alert are talking points for speaking at the hearing, or you can use them to develop your written comments. Focus on the issues that are most important to you and personalize your comments. It is also very important to send a copy of any letters to your elected officials. You can find who your legislator is at

As always, if you have questions or concerns, you can reach us at noah(et) For local contacts in Kentucky to organize the opposition to these regulations, contact: Laura at laurashaggarty(et) or Matt at info(et)


Talking Points on the proposed 302 KAR 20:020 and 20:065

• The USDA has announced that the National Animal Identification System is voluntary at the federal level. There is no reason for Kentucky to move forward with the program on a mandatory basis, as is being proposed.

• The proposed regulation states that "A CVI or appropriate permit shall be required for movement or exhibition of all animal(s). Exceptions to this requirement are in each species section." Proposed regulation 302 KAR
20:065 contains very few exceptions and requires veterinary inspection for a wide range of routine, intrastate movements, including private sales and shows.

• Requiring veterinary inspections for routine movements and private sales imposes significant monetary and time burdens.

• There have been no scientific studies conducted to show that premises registration or this type of animal identification and tracking will provide significant animal health benefits.

• The Department has not done an analysis of the costs of this program.

• The costs, both in time and money, will be high.

• The intrusive, burdensome, and costly nature of these regulations will drive many small farmers out of business and discourage people from owning animals as pets. Livestock-related businesses, such as feed and supply stores, will suffer, and the economic effects will be widespread.

• The proposed regulations are vague and unclear. As just one example, when is individual identification required as opposed to group/lot identification?

• The proposed regulation provides that "All animals requiring AIN shall meet the specifications of the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) on or before January 1, 2009." Yet no regulations have been promulgated under the NAIS, and the USDA has indicated that it has no intention of promulgating regulations at this time. What specifications must be met?

Talking points on the proposed 302 KAR 20:030

• The proposed regulation would give the State Veterinarian the authority to enter "any farm" or "any other place where animals are handled" after simply notice, without a warrant, reasonable cause, or any protection for the person's property or privacy rights.

• There is no evidence that such measures are needed to control animal disease in Kentucky.


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