Libby Trial Full of Political Intrigue

Former White House aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby goes on trial on Tuesday on charges of perjury in a case that has all the elements of a political thriller. The tale involves a spy's blown cover, the US administration's preparations for war in Iraq and elaborate intrigue among Washington's power brokers.

Previewing Fitzgerald's Case Against Libby

Opening statements in the criminal trial against I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff, are still a week away, but the special prosecutor has already provided a preview into the government's case against the ex-White House official accused of lying to the FBI and a grand jury about his role in the leak of a covert CIA operative.

Jury Selection Begins in CIA Leak Trial

Dozens of potential jurors were asked their opinions of the Bush administration Tuesday as jury selection began in the perjury and obstruction trial against former White House aide "Scooter" Libby, who is accused of lying to investigators about his conversations with reporters regarding outed CIA officer Valerie Plame. Her identity was leaked to reporters in 2003 after her husband criticized the Bush administration's prewar intelligence on Iraq.

Scooter Libby's Time-Travel Trial

Robert Parry writes: "the real significance of the Libby trial is that it could demonstrate how far George W. Bush went in 2003 to shut down legitimate criticism of his Iraq War policies as well as questions about his personal honesty. In that sense, the trial could be a kind of time machine for transporting America back to that earlier era of not so long ago when Bush and his team felt they controlled reality itself and were justified in tricking the American people into bloody adventures overseas."

Libby Seeks Jurors Who Trust Cheney

Libby's attorneys say it's critical that know whether potential jurors view the vice president as credible. Two people who expressed doubts about that were dismissed from the jury pool Tuesday.

Sixteen Words and the Trial of Scooter Libby

Jason Leopold begins: "Four years ago this month, President Bush, in his State of the Union address, said, 'the British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.' ... White House officials were fully aware that the intelligence was suspect, but allowed its inclusion in the State of the Union because it would help the administration win support for the war."


Libby perjury trial will drag in Iraq policy

The biggest US political court case for decades opened in Washington today when Lewis “Scooter” Libby, the former chief of staff to vice-president Dick Cheney, went on trial for perjury.,,1991787,00.html

From Information Clearing House


Libby on trial

by Justin Raimondo


According to many news reports, Libby’s will be the archetypal neocon defense: that a vastly superior being such as himself, who was concerned on a daily basis with the most earth-shattering matters — a veritable Master of the Universe — could hardly be expected to remember all the mundane details of his various machinations and campaigns to ’spin’ the truth. The American people are in no mood for this kind of arrogance, and — I predict — they will not take kindly to its prominent display in U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton ’s courtroom. Regardless of this jury’s verdict, Libby’s ‘don’t bother me with details’ memory-lapse defense is bound to convict him in the eyes of the public. And if the jury is in any way a proximate reflection of the public, their judgment is bound to be a harsh one...

Plame case: Fitzgerald is getting Nifonged

Mother Jones
by Daniel Schulman


What do Patrick Fitzgerald and Mike Nifong share in common? Not much, beyond the fact that both are prosecutors who have pursued politically fraught cases. But don’t tell that to Investor’s Business Daily, which published an editorial today calling for ‘all the rogue prosecutors’ to be reigned in. The paper’s prime examples of prosecutorial zealotry are Nifong, who recused himself last week from the Duke sexual assault case, and Fitzgerald, whose perjury and obstruction of justice case against Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby began in D.C. district court on Tuesday. ‘Like the Duke lacrosse players, Scooter Libby faces jail for alleged involvement in a crime that was never committed, pursued by a vindictive prosecutor,’ the editorial reasons. ‘And also like the Duke case, it’s a national disgrace.’ In lumping Fitzgerald with Nifong, whose case against the Duke lacrosse players appears at best deeply flawed and potentially politically motivated, Investor’s Business Daily is only the latest to deploy this disingenuous bait and switch...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Scooter's Time-Travel Trial

by Robert Parry,

The media, as usual, are missing the significance of a Washington insider drama.


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