He's in the Bunker Now
Frank Rich writes: "President Bush always had one asset he could fall back on: the self-confidence of a born salesman. Like Harold Hill in 'The Music Man,' he knew how to roll out a new product, however deceptive or useless, with conviction and stagecraft. What the world saw on Wednesday night was a defeated Willy Loman who looked as broken as his war. His flop sweat was palpable even if you turned down the sound to deflect despair-inducing phrases like 'Prime Minister Maliki has pledged ...' and 'Secretary Rice will leave for the region. ...' Mr. Bush seemed to know his product was snake oil, and his White House handlers did too."
Choices Dwindle If Iraq War Plan Fails
If the revamped Iraq war plan fails, it will be time to withdraw most US troops. Or send more in. The United States is seen as having a limited number of options, all grim, if President Bush's "new way forward" hits a wall. The pressure for US disengagement will be immense. Yet a further escalation, however unimaginable now, may not be out of the question.
Why Do We Need a National Conference for Media Reform?
"Bush just connected Iraq to 9/11 again, and the media will not tell you it was a lie," says David Swanson. "Bush just gave a list of reasons why this time his escalation of the war will work. A minute later, Bush told us there will still be IED attacks and suicide bombings. The media will not point out that such actions ought really to count as interference."
Choices Dwindle If Iraq War Plan Fails
If the revamped Iraq war plan fails, it will be time to withdraw most US troops. Or send more in. The United States is seen as having a limited number of options, all grim, if President Bush's "new way forward" hits a wall. The pressure for US disengagement will be immense. Yet a further escalation, however unimaginable now, may not be out of the question.
Why Do We Need a National Conference for Media Reform?
"Bush just connected Iraq to 9/11 again, and the media will not tell you it was a lie," says David Swanson. "Bush just gave a list of reasons why this time his escalation of the war will work. A minute later, Bush told us there will still be IED attacks and suicide bombings. The media will not point out that such actions ought really to count as interference."
rudkla - 14. Jan, 22:31