Kennedy to Introduce Bill to Stop Troop Surge

Ted Kennedy thinks George W. Bush is dead wrong on a troop surge for Iraq - and while some other Democrats have reacted diffidently, he is determined to force the issue.

Guard and Reserve May Bear the Brunt of Surge

The nation's top military officials, expecting President Bush to order an increase in the size of the force in Iraq, have concluded that such a buildup would require them to reverse Pentagon policy and send the Army's National Guard and Reserve units on lengthy second tours in Iraq, Defense Department officials said Monday.

Escalation Is Not the Answer

Excerpt from the Senator's speech at the National Press Club: "I am introducing legislation to reclaim the rightful role of Congress and the people's right to a full voice in the President's plan to send more troops to Iraq. Congressman Ed Markey of Massachusetts will introduce similar legislation in the House of Representatives. Our bill will say that no additional troops can be sent and no additional dollars can be spent on such an escalation, unless and until Congress approves the President's plan. Our proposal is a straightforward exercise of the power granted to Congress by Article I, section 8 of the Constitution. There can be no doubt that the Constitution gives Congress the authority to decide whether to fund military action. And Congress can demand a justification from the president for such action before it appropriates the funds to carry it out."


Congress must act against Iraq troop rise: Kennedy

A leading Democratic senator proposed on Tuesday to block President Bush from sending more troops to Iraq unless Congress specifically approves.

Democrats Split Over Their Approach to Iraq

The new Democratic majority in Congress is divided over how to assert its power in opposing President Bush’s plan to send more troops to Baghdad, as leaders explore ways to block financing for a military expansion without being accused of abandoning American forces already in Iraq.

The surge dirge

by John Dickerson


Sen. Ted Kennedy is the Senate Democrats' army of one, trying to launch a revolution when they would prefer cordial discussion. Scheduled to discuss health care at the National Press Club, Kennedy uncorked a stemwinder about the Democrats' responsibility to shut down the Iraq war. He is proposing legislation that would prevent the troop surge President Bush will unveil tomorrow night by prohibiting additional troops and additional dollars for it. Kennedy implored his brothers and sisters in Congress to resist the president's specific new plan, and to revive their branch of government -- to 'reclaim the rightful role of Congress and the people's right to a full voice.' ... Shortly afterward, across town in the U.S. Capitol, the new Senate Democratic leaders took their place before the microphones just off the Senate floor to put forward their plan: a bipartisan, nonbinding bill called the Pale Action and Timid Gesture Resolution. That wasn't the real name, of course, but it is exactly what Kennedy insisted Congress should not do...

From Information Clearing House


House Approves Bill Opposing Troop Surge

After four days of emotional debate over the extent of presidential powers in wartime and the proper role of Congress, the House of Representatives adopted a resolution today denouncing President Bush's plan to send more American troops to Iraq.


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