Defund the war
by Justin Raimondo
We are told that cutting off the funding for the war means not 'supporting the troops,' but this is another bipartisan lie: the money for ongoing military operations in 2007 is already in the pipeline: HR5631, the Defense Department appropriations bill authorizing spending on Iraq and Afghanistan for this year, passed overwhelmingly, 394-22, with the full support of the Democratic leadership. So what is Nancy nattering on about? The idea that, if Congress cuts the funding, the GIs will soon run out of bullets and body armor is complete BS. That's what they want you to believe so they can sit on their hands while the casualties pile up and the war spreads beyond the boundaries of Iraq...
Defund the war
by US Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)
Congress failed to meet its responsibilities four years ago, unconstitutionally transferring its explicit war power to the executive branch. Even though the administration started the subsequent preemptive war in Iraq, Congress bears the greatest responsibility for its lack of courage in fulfilling its duties. Since then Congress has obediently provided the funds and troops required to pursue this illegitimate war. We won’t solve the problems in Iraq until we confront our failed policy of foreign interventionism. This latest appropriation does nothing to solve our dilemma. Micromanaging the war while continuing to fund it won’t help our troops. Here’s a new approach: Congress should admit its mistake and repeal the authority wrongfully given to the executive branch in 2002. Repeal the congressional sanction and disavow presidential discretion in starting wars. Then start bringing our troops home...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Justin Raimondo
We are told that cutting off the funding for the war means not 'supporting the troops,' but this is another bipartisan lie: the money for ongoing military operations in 2007 is already in the pipeline: HR5631, the Defense Department appropriations bill authorizing spending on Iraq and Afghanistan for this year, passed overwhelmingly, 394-22, with the full support of the Democratic leadership. So what is Nancy nattering on about? The idea that, if Congress cuts the funding, the GIs will soon run out of bullets and body armor is complete BS. That's what they want you to believe so they can sit on their hands while the casualties pile up and the war spreads beyond the boundaries of Iraq...
Defund the war
by US Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)
Congress failed to meet its responsibilities four years ago, unconstitutionally transferring its explicit war power to the executive branch. Even though the administration started the subsequent preemptive war in Iraq, Congress bears the greatest responsibility for its lack of courage in fulfilling its duties. Since then Congress has obediently provided the funds and troops required to pursue this illegitimate war. We won’t solve the problems in Iraq until we confront our failed policy of foreign interventionism. This latest appropriation does nothing to solve our dilemma. Micromanaging the war while continuing to fund it won’t help our troops. Here’s a new approach: Congress should admit its mistake and repeal the authority wrongfully given to the executive branch in 2002. Repeal the congressional sanction and disavow presidential discretion in starting wars. Then start bringing our troops home...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 8. Jan, 16:41