Iraq Vets Left in Physical and Mental Agony
The number of injured has far outstripped the dead, with the Veterans Administration reporting that more than 150,000 veterans of the Iraq war are receiving disability benefits.
More troops unhappy with Bush’s course in Iraq
For the first time, more troops disapprove of the president’s han dling of the war than approve of it. Barely one-third of service members approve of the way the president is handling the war, ac cording to the 2006 Military Times Poll.
From Information Clearing House
More troops unhappy with Bush’s course in Iraq
For the first time, more troops disapprove of the president’s han dling of the war than approve of it. Barely one-third of service members approve of the way the president is handling the war, ac cording to the 2006 Military Times Poll.
From Information Clearing House
rudkla - 4. Jan, 23:35