Analysis of Curtis-Feeney race in Florida District 24

IMPORTANT BREAKING NEWS: National Election Data Archive January 2, 2007

Analysis of Curtis-Feeney race in Florida District 24 shows that:

The official Diebold reports of vote counts in the Curtis-Feeney U.S. Congressional District 24 2006 election significantly misreport the number of voters who voted and the number of under-votes. The pattern of votes counted in Florida's US Congressional District 24 is unusual and consistent with a pattern that would be caused by vote fraud or innocent miscount. Further investigation is warranted.

The National Election Data Archive is urging people to contact their U.S. House Representative and ask them to investigate Florida's U.S. Congressional Elections!

On Tuesday, January 3, the U.S. Senate and House will be swearing in new members. Several of the nation's foremost election integrity experts have spent the last several months grappling with some of these issues and have come up with 14 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FEDERAL LEGISLATION TO ENSURE THE INTEGRITY OF OUR DEMOCRACY.

In light of the continuing problem of questionable election outcomes in jurisdictions all over the country, where tens of thousands of votes appear not to have been recorded correctly, these recommendations are crucial to reestablishing trust in U.S. elections. Just five of these recommendations would prevent the wrong candidate being sworn into office as it appears may be happening in Florida's House District 13 election. Due to the untimely release of complete vote count data, investigators are just now turning up statistically improbable vote outcomes and election challenges are still underway. Those five recommendations, with just the briefest of definitions, are:

• Manual Audits, enough votes have to be manually hand counted to ensure that the machine counts are not outcome-altering;

• Auditable Voting Systems, the system must provide a voter-verified permanent paper copy of the vote that is sturdy enough for handling in recounts and/or storage;

• Public Election Records, rapid access to paper and electronic election records, and detailed vote counts in all vote types to ensure that over or under votes in different vote types don't cancel each other out and thereby obscure vote irregularities, before a race is called;

• Public Right to Observe, genuine observation, not just presence in the room is vital to the maintenance of fairness and transparency;

• Teeth in the Legislation, civil and/or criminal penalties or a reduction of funding for failure to live up to the standards of a fair and open election process, do not swear in until election contests are satisfied.

To read the recommendations with details in full go to

This highly qualified group of election integrity authorities is comprised of attorneys, election law specialists, state election officials, computer scientists, mathematicians, a designer of systems for people with disabilities, and a public administration and election policy expert. The complete list of experts, including their qualifications, is available at

Kathy Dopp
National Election Data Archive
Dedicated to Accurately Counting Elections

"Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day," wrote Thomas Jefferson in 1816


Election Data Mixed Up Thoroughly in Florida

NOTICE: NEDA may have made a "faux pas".

The previous analysis of Florida's Curtis-Feeney U.S. Congressional District 24 race has been temporarily withdrawn to verify the consistency of the data we were asked to analyze (i.e. were apples [ polling + early votes] being compared to apples [polling + early voters] to calculate number of under-votes?). Information will be released as soon as it becomes available.

We have learned that Florida's election data reporting practices make it impossible to compare its voter history files directly with its official precinct vote count reports because:

1. the two files aggregate different vote types (eg. one combines early Optical Scan and DRE votes by precinct, the other file separates early DRE votes by precinct and combines all early Optical Scan votes in one number for the entire county), and

2. several types of votes are not broken out by precinct in Florida's official precinct vote count reports, but they are broken out by precinct in the voter history file!

Arduous examination of paper records must be performed to obtain basic vote count comparisons!

There is an urgent need for election reform legislation requiring counties to release detailed vote count data like that the experts in its voter history and official vote count files. (See press release below). Without timely data release, it is impossible for the public to exercise oversight over the election integrity until AFTER election results have been certified and "winners" sworn into office. And even that only if resources and time are available. This is unacceptable!

Preliminary examination of Volusia county summary data only shows that there are at least 1,000 phantom votes in the Diebold official vote count files for which no voters are recorded in the voter history file, in addition to at least 1000 under-votes. Obtaining the vote counts needed to thoroughly uncover how many voters were disenfranchised or how many phantom votes exist in FL US House district #24 may take weeks.

Please help us pass these recommendations so that citizens can have effective timely oversight over elections:



January 3, 2007

The question of ensuring an accurate, transparent count of the people's vote has been at the forefront of concerns of many individuals and groups, both private and governmental. How can we guarantee that the actual will of the people is carried out? This week the U.S. Senate and House will be meeting and voting on recommendations to improve the voting system. Several of the nation's foremost election integrity experts have spent the last several months grappling with some of these issues and have come up with 14 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FEDERAL LEGISLATION TO ENSURE THE INTEGRITY OF OUR DEMOCRACY.

In light of the continuing problem of questionable election outcomes in jurisdictions all over the country, where tens of thousands of votes appear not to have been recorded correctly, these recommendations are crucial to reestablishing trust in U.S. elections.

Just five of these recommendations would prevent the wrong candidate being sworn into office as it appears may be happening in Florida's House District 13 election. Due to the untimely release of complete vote count data, investigators are just now turning up statistically improbable vote outcomes and election challenges are still underway.

Those five recommendations, with just the briefest of definitions, are:

• Manual Audits, enough votes have to be manually hand counted to ensure that the machine counts are not outcome-altering;

• Auditable Voting Systems, the system must provide a voter-verified permanent paper copy of the vote that is sturdy enough for handling in recounts and/or storage;

• Public Election Records, rapid access to paper and electronic election records, and detailed vote counts in all vote types to ensure that over or under votes in different vote types don't cancel each other out and thereby obscure vote irregularities, before a race is called;

• Public Right to Observe, genuine observation, not just presence in the room is vital to the maintenance of fairness and transparency;

• Teeth in the Legislation, civil and/or criminal penalties or a reduction of funding for failure to live up to the standards of a fair and open election process, do not swear in until election contests are satisfied.

To read the recommendations with details in full go to

This highly qualified group of election integrity authorities is comprised of attorneys, election law specialists, state election officials, computer scientists, mathematicians, a designer of systems for people with disabilities, and a public administration and election policy expert. The complete list of experts, including their qualifications, is available at

Congressional members and their staffs may go over any or all of their concerns on the recommended legislation with these experts and their associates.

This group of experts feels that enacting these recommendations will help to ensure the integrity of our democracy. They urge you to contact your US Senators and Representatives to encourage them to vote for these recommendations.


Kathy Dopp
Dedicated to Accurately Counted Elections


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