Thousands of Wild Horses To be Rounded up in 2007
A message from Gwen
Tuesday, 8:45 PM
From: American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 20:07:27 -0800
The Bureau of Land Management has issued its 2007 Round-Up Schedule. Close to 7,000 horse and burros will be captured, further threatening the genetic viability of our wild herds. The absolute minimum estimated cost of these round-ups and annual containment of the captured horses exceeds 15 million of our tax-dollars.
Of immediate concern is the plan to zero out horses and burros from yet more Herd Management Areas (HMAs) in Southern Nevada, leaving less than 100 horses on over 1 million acres. After this latest round, BLM will have zeroed out horses from 6 out of 9 HMAs in the area. A total of 4 HMAs will also have lost their entire burro populations.
Cold Creek near Las Vegas is of particular interest, as it was the site of a mystery helicopter round-up last summer. About 200 horses are feared gone, yet BLM denies any horses were taken. Officials have failed to investigate the matter, despite repeated pleas by concerned residents who witnessed most of this beloved herd being hauled away to an uncertain fate.
Please protest this gross waste of tax-dollars and mismanagement of our natural resources by contacting the following: - Assistant Field Manager Bureau of Land Management Las Vegas Field Office 4701 N. Torrey Pines Drive Las Vegas, NV 89130-2301 Make sure to include your name and signature, and this reference number: 4700 (NV052)
- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (NV), who should be urged to revise his position on wild horse management in his state. You can email him via this web contact form, or write him at 528 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510-2803 - fax: 202.224.7327.
- Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne,, Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street, N.W., Washington DC 20240 - fax: 202.208.5048
- Please also alert Nevada to the fact that continued mismanagement of its wild horse herds will hurt tourism in the state. Contact the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority,, 3150 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89109 – ph: 702.892.0711; fax: 702.892.2906, and the Nevada Commission on Tourism, 401 North Carson Street, Carson City, NV 89701 – ph: 800.638.2328.
- Our Nevada supporters should also contact their U.S. Representatives to protest this eradication plan (locate your Representative at
On behalf of the horses, thank you for your support,
The AWHPC Team American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign
rudkla - 29. Nov, 19:15