Dec. 10th Human Rights and Impeachment Day: "Putting Impeachment on the Table"

Groups Across Country Plan for Human Rights and Impeachment Day on Sunday, Dec. 10; Many Events Already Planned, More in the Works
December 10th is Human Rights Day, and this year we're making it Human Rights and Impeachment Day. Here's our slogan: "Putting Impeachment on the Table."
This is a chance to get organized locally and learn what's needed to lobby the new Congress for the investigations and impeachment hearings that will restore the rule of law to America.
You can sign up to attend a town hall forum, rally, vigil, training session, or house party in your area.
Or create a new event and post it online for others to sign up and attend.
If you choose to organize a new event or to help organize one that's already being planned, you'll want to check the list of available speakers and the many useful resources (petitions, information sheets, talking points, tools for honoring fallen troops, dramatic plays, videos, songs, imPEACHment food, shirts, signs, puppets) linked here:
New Resources
The resources provided now include sample media advisories, sample flyers, and a brief guide to how you can BE the media, including where you can post videos of your events online.
Events Already Planned
Events already planned include, on December 9 in NEW YORK, NY, a town hall forum with former Congress Member Elizabeth Holtzman, Co-Founder of Gold Star Families for Peace Cindy Sheehan, and Co-Founder of,, and Bob Fertik. And on December 10 in SANTA BARBARA, CA, a rally with Colonel Ann Wright, David Swanson, Rae Abileah, Elizabeth De la Vega, Dennis Loo, and Geoff Millard, followed by a march and a demonstration at Arlington West with Carlos and Melida Arredondo; in SAN FRANCISCO, CA a Human Rights/Impeachment Day Rally with The World Can't Wait, Codepink, Answer, Moveon, SF GREENS, Actsagainsttorture, and; in LOS ANGELES, CA an Impeachment Workshop providing materials for people to become media/street heat activists on the topic of Impeachment; in the SAN FERNANDO VALLEY, CA, an Impeachment Town Hall that will provide pro-impeachment individuals with the talking points necessary to counter those who disagree with impeachment. Confirmed speakers include Assemblyman Paul Koretz; author of "U.S. v. Bush", Elizabeth de la Vega; and political science professor, Dennis Loo; in CHULA VISTA, CA a Town Hall Forum on Presidential Accountability: Invited are Congressman Bob Filner, 49th CD Candidate Jeeni Criscenzo, and incoming president of the National Lawyers Guild, Marjorie Cohn; in CHICAGO, IL an Informal Impeachment Rally: People who want Bush and Cheney impeached should come out with signs, banners, and whatever else, indicating that you demand impeachment; in TALLAHASSEE, FL a Rally for War Crimes Trials with speakers, petitions, and fact sheets, held in conjuntion with Tallahassee's Eternal Peace Vigil; in GAINESVILLE, FL an Impeach, Indict, Imprison! event; in JACKSONVILLE, FL a rally to demand impeachment of Bush and Cheney; in WASHINGTON, DC a panel-led discussion and multi-media presentation; in WAYNE, NJ a Holiday Forum and Party: Why New Jersey Must Impeach the Bush Gang; in PROVIDENCE, RI a Rally and March; in CAMBRIDGE, MA a forum with notable musicians, activists, and orators; and an event in SEATTLE, WA with details to come.
Sign up to attend any of these events, or organize your own event, large or small:
Congressional District Impeachment Committees (CDIC) Keep Growing
We're up to 59 CDIC's!
Don't see your CD? Start a CDIC here:
Organizers are out in the streets collecting petitions. In Sioux Falls SD, Mike Mills went petitioning with his dog Sandy and was written up in the state's leading newspaper! Impeachment Organizer Makes News
Together we have collected over 31,000 signatures on our way to 1 million. Sign it today and spread the word!
Moveon Write-in Campaign for Impeachment
Moveon just emailed all their members to choose their priorities for the Democratic Congress. Non-members can also participate here:
We urge everyone to persuade Moveon to add impeachment to their priorities through a write-in campaign for "Impeach Bush and Cheney". You can write-in next to these questions:
* What is the most important message you have for the new Congress?
* Are there other issues that are important to work on right away?
* What do you think MoveOn should do next?
If you think "Impeach Bush and Cheney" is the right answer to all 3 questions, write it in!
Forward this message to everyone you know!
rudkla - 28. Nov, 11:18