Hagel: U.S. should pullout of "mismanaged" Iraq
A leading Republican senator called Sunday for American troops to begin withdrawing from Iraq, declaring that a U.S. pullout is needed to head off 'impending disaster' in the nearly 4-year-old war. 'There will be no victory or defeat for the United States in Iraq,' Sen. Chuck Hagel wrote in Sunday's edition of The Washington Post. Instead, he said, President Bush should use the upcoming report from a bipartisan panel led by former Secretary of State James Baker to begin laying the groundwork for a 'phased withdrawal' of U.S. troops...
A leading Republican senator called Sunday for American troops to begin withdrawing from Iraq, declaring that a U.S. pullout is needed to head off 'impending disaster' in the nearly 4-year-old war. 'There will be no victory or defeat for the United States in Iraq,' Sen. Chuck Hagel wrote in Sunday's edition of The Washington Post. Instead, he said, President Bush should use the upcoming report from a bipartisan panel led by former Secretary of State James Baker to begin laying the groundwork for a 'phased withdrawal' of U.S. troops...
rudkla - 27. Nov, 15:29