Defend the Whales

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A message from Linda

Original Message

This year the Japanese fleet will kill already 1,000 whales off the coast of Antarctica, in what the whalers are calling a "feasibility study" for expanded "research" whaling. The International Whaling Commission (IWC) agreed to a moratorium on commercial whaling that came into effect in 1986. In 1987, Japan began its lethal "research" programme, and continues to sell the result of this "research" in shops and restaurants.

An opinion poll in Japan carried out in June 2006 by the Gallup affiliate, the Nippon Research Centre, showed that 95% of Japanese never or rarely eat whale meat and more than 70 percent of Japanese do NOT support whaling in the Southern Ocean.

Lack of support within Japan is mirrored by widespread condemnation from the world community.

GREENPEACE NEED YOUR HELP The new “Whales Campaign” needs you great idea. You just have to log in the web page: .

Then, we’ll choose the best idea to make it real at the next Greenpeace expedition to the Antarctica (coming soon). The videos and photographs of the whale’s campaign will turn all over the world, trying to get Japanese people more conscious about whaling. We just need your help to generate public discussion about whaling!!!! How to do??

1) Help us design a direct action to save the whales (without alienating the whalers, who are just trying to make a living).We need your help to create an amazing campaign that accomplishes the unexpected – and triggers a positive and productive public debate both in Japan and all over the world. It’s especially important to win the campaign in Japan, where most people are against whaling in Antarctica.Imagine you are designing the direct action:What would you do?Tell us here!Suggest your actions. Post some images or even a small video that tell your friends to look at all the suggestions and vote for the best one.

2) Register.Get on board and be part of the biggest crew Greenpeace has ever sailed with.Sign up now, chose a screen name and an avatar.

3) Post your idea.To create the best and most creative Greenpeace expedition ever we need your ideas and ideas from thousands of people around the world like you. Give your action a name, describe it, and add some images, photos, or a video. (And tell your friends to vote for your idea).

4) Surf, comment and vote on all the ideas.“Defend the whales” is a world-wide community of environmental activists. Join it. Rate the action ideas. Tell us how to make them better. IMPORTANT TIPSWe don't want to blame the Japanese people for whaling. Remember these facts:-77% of the Japanese population does not support whaling in Antarctica,-61% haven't eaten whale meat since childhood, and-ONLY 1% eat whale meat more than once a month ... and-Japan has more than 4.800 tones of FROZEN whale meat in storage.We need the whole world to stand up for the whales and against the Japanese government's policy of killing them.Our campaign goal is to win back a majority of votes at the International Whaling Commission meeting next May 2007 in Alaska, and clearly show the world that most countries are working for whale species recovery and conservation.

*manatee*2 THANKS A LOT !!!!!!!


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