Star Neil Morrissey says 'NO!' to phone mast outside home


22 November 2006

NEIL MORRISSEY outside his home in Mount View Road, where the phone mast could be situated

TV star Neil Morrissey is leading residents into battle against the latest attempt to install a mobile phone mast opposite their homes.

Hutchison 3G UK has appealed Haringey Council's rejection of its application for a 13.5 metre mast on Crouch End Reservoir land off Mount View Road to the planning inspectorate.

But furious residents say the mast will emit radiation that may affect health and spoil sweeping views over London.

Mr Morrissey, 44, the Men Behaving Badly star and voice of Bob the Builder, has lived in the area for around 20 years. He said: "What annoys me is these things seem to be popping up all over the place. Apart from the fact they are ugly they are dangerous too.

"The health implications are not clear. It is also a conservation area. The fact is it is probably going to spoil one of the best views over London you can get.

"You can't build there but you can stick these false masts pumping out radio signals. I don't think anyone has thought about this."

Haringey Council rejected the application earlier this year for the replica telegraph pole that would accommodate the mast, ruling it would negatively affect the conservation area. Residents argued it would block part of the pavement and produce emissions that may contaminate reservoir drinking water.

In a letter to the planning inspectorate, Robin Derham, an architect, who lives next door to Mr Morrissey and is co-ordinator of the Mount View and Womersley Roads Neighbourhood Group, says: "In making their decisions, the inspectors might like to ask themselves whether they themselves would choose to buy a house with an immediate foreground view of the H3G 'telegraph pole' and all its associated gear and have it beaming radiation through their windows directly at them and their families by day and night for the rest of their lives."

The community is backed by Hornsey and Wood Green MP Lynne Featherstone. She said: "While the scientific community is still arguing about it we can't risk the well-being of young children."

Anyone with written representations about the mast should send three copies to The Planning Inspectorate at 3/14 Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN by tomorrow (Friday, November 24). A decision is then due in six to eight weeks.

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.


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