Phone masts: the growing risk


23 November 2006

HARINGEY is covered in nearly 70 mobile phone mast and antenna sites, several of them in public buildings including schools, a hospital and a church spire.

The locations of the phone masts, which many people feel could be a public health risk because of radiation levels, have been revealed in information released to the Journal under the Freedom of Information Act.

There have been masts granted on at least 67 sites across the borough since 1991 - 15 in Tottenham, 14 in Wood Green, 10 in Muswell Hill, eight in South Tottenham, six in Hornsey, five in Highgate, three in both Crouch End and East Finchley, two in Bounds Green and one in Stroud Green.

Sarah Purdy, who lives close to Fortismere School, Muswell Hill, has been involved in numerous protests against mobile phone masts.

She said: "I think we have too many masts in residential areas and near our schools and nurseries, contrary to the recommendations of the Department of Education.

"If people don't want masts near their houses they should think about not making calls on their mobiles from home. Each mast can only take about 100 calls at once, and if a mast has to drop calls then the phone company will want to put up another one to cope with demand."

The most recent site is the spire of the Church of All Hallows, Church Lane, Tottenham.

It was also revealed at a meeting this month that there had been one in Hornsey Town Hall's tower, in Crouch End, since 2002.

One of the earliest masts to be granted was placed on Haringey Council's own River Park House, opposite Wood Green Tube, in 1991.

Tottenham Hotspur football ground has a mast, as does St Ann's Hospital in South Tottenham, Coppetts Wood Hospital in Muswell Hill, Fortismere and Alexandra Park secondary schools, Alexandra Palace and Hornsey Fire Station, Priory Road, Hornsey.

Several masts also sit on council housing blocks.



Northholt Tower, Lordship Lane, Wood Green
River Park House, High Road, Wood Green


Eckington House, Pulford Road, South Tottenham
Barclays Bank, Highgate High Street, Highgate


Alexander House, Hillcrest Estate, North Hill, Highgate
Car park, rear of Green Man pub, Muswell Hill, Muswell Hill
Fortismere secondary school, Tetherdown, Muswell Hill


270 Langham Road, South Tottenham
Chettle Court, Ridge Road, Crouch End
New River Sports Centre, White Hart Lane, Wood Green


312 High Road, South Tottenham
530 White Hart Lane, Tottenham
28 Lawrence Road, South Tottenham
YMCA, Tottenham Lane, Crouch End
BT Telephone Exchange, Reform Row, Tottenham
Dylan Thomas House, Denmark Road, Hornsey
Car park, Shopping City, High Road, Wood Green
Kenley House, Broadwater Farm Estate, Lordship Lane, Tottenham
Stella House, High Road, Tottenham
George Lansbury House, Progress Way, Wood Green


St Ann's Hospital, St Ann's Road, South Tottenham
Cordell House, Newton Road, South Tottenham
Elizabeth Blackwell House, Progress Way, Wood Green
Millicent Fawcett Court, Pembury Road, Tottenham
Edgecot Grove, South Tottenham
Eleanor Rathbone House, Avenue Road, Highgate


Telephone Exchange, Grand Avenue, Muswell Hill
14-28 Fortis Green Road, Muswell Hill
48-50 Muswell Road, Muswell Hill
Alexandra Palace, Alexandra Palace Way, Wood Green
Middlesex University, Bounds Green Road, Bounds Green
Thomas Hardy House, Commerce Road, Wood Green
Page High Estate, Lymington Avenue, Wood Green
Imperial House, Willoughby Lane, Tottenham


50 Clarendon Road, Hornsey
Sainsbury's Flats, Fortis Green Road, Muswell Hill
Southwood Park, Southwood Lawn Road, Highgate
Hornsey Train Servicing Centre, Hampden Road, Hornsey
British Gas Compound, Garman Road, Tottenham
Cordell House, Newton Road, south Tottenham
Outside The Chestnuts, Cherry Tree Hill, Great North Road, East Finchley
Lordship Lane, near junction with Walpole Road, Wood Green
Wilmott Dixon Building, Hampden Road, Hornsey


Haringey Borough FC, White Hart Lane, Tottenham
Hornsey Fire Station, Priory Road, Hornsey
Tottenham Hotspur FC, High Road, Tottenham
Middlesex University, White Hart Lane, Tottenham
Barrington Court, Colney Hatch Lane, Muswell Hill
41 West Road, Tottenham


Charles Clore House, Fortis Green, Muswell Hill
BHS, High Road, Wood Green
Junction of Bounds Green Road and Whittington Road, Wood Green
Outside Doran Manor, Great North Road, East Finchley
Hornsey Town Hall, The Broadway, Crouch End
Coppetts Wood Hospital, Coppetts Road, Muswell Hill


Junction of Lordship Lane and Granville Road, Wood Green


Site opposite Downhills Park, Downhills Park Road, Tottenham
Outside 1 Williamson Road, Stroud Green
Junction of Seven Sisters Road and St Ann's Road, South Tottenham
Outside The Coliseum, Green Lanes, Hornsey
Highcroft, North Hill, Highgate


Railway land behind Park Motors, Ringway, Bounds Green


Barber Wilsons & Co, Crawley Road, Wood Green
61 Markfield Road, South Tottenham
Telecommunications station outside 64 Aylmer Road, East Finchley
All Hallows Church, Church Lane, Tottenham
Date unavailable
Alexandra Park Secondary School

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