How to remove antennas: a quick course on what really works

The residents in Yokneam received a quick course on how to remove the antenna near their houses. The leader of the Haifa's Neve Shanan fight against antennas was invited to guide them. Very quickly they understood from him that all the authorities are a waste of time, and started working: they attacked the person who put the antenna on his roof, they blocked his way to go to work- he couldn't go to work. They drew Grafiti on the wall that protects his vila, and they sang songs loudly near his window - all night. When he went to the synagogue they hit him, and warned him - either he removes the antenna or he is out of the neighbourhood. In the evening he threw a grenade on them from his house. The police and ambulance came to the place and people were evacuated to the hospital, including the vila owner because he was injured from the hits by the neighbours. The end: he removed the antenna. Because he didn't like his new life style. The story was sent to me by the person who guided Yokneam residents, Dar Nahum from Haifa.

Things are getting even more crazy now, when is was reported in the newspapers two days ago that the 3 israeli companies are going to invest 10 million shekels in builiding a visitor center which is part of the campaign of explaining to the public that - the more antennas, the less radiation. AND today it is published that the companies cooperate with the ministry of environment and the ministry of education in a new campaign: "antenna on every school" - to put antenna on/ near every school, in the attempt to recude radiation (who buys that?!) from the mobile phones of the children. This is TOTALLY CRAZY. This is also part of the campaign of the ministry of environment to bring closer the antennas to children, as the Env. minister promised recently. There is no doubt that things are going lunatic. With Iran threats in the background it is a recipe for disaster.

Iris Atzmon


Health fears lead schools to dismantle wireless networks


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