Dump Pelosi?
by Timothy Noah
I'll admit my timing could be better, since the incoming House Democrats, on a unanimous voice vote, just made Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., speaker of the House. But I think her party should give serious thought to dumping her. The proximate reason, of course, is that she tried (and, thankfully, failed) to install as House majority leader Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa... [editor's note: Interesting. My own reason is that she wasn't willing to put her speakership on the line by making it a package deal -- no Murtha, no Pelosi. By choosing Hoyer over Murtha, the Dems are tacitly announcing that it will be "business as usual" where Iraq is concerned - TLK]
The mugging of Murtha
by Justin Raimondo
Back when the Democrats were AWOL on the Iraq issue, Murtha changed the debate over the war by coming out for a rapid American withdrawal. His stance caused a sensation: here was a conservative Democrat, a veteran Marine, whose campaign chest is heavy with cash from the defense sector, surely no Dennis Kucinich -- and he wants us out now! Close to the military establishment, Murtha is seen to reflect opinion in the senior ranks that this war is unwinnable and likely to spread, stretching the fighting capacity of the world's last superpower to the breaking point. His high-profile stance represented a threat and had to be smashed -- as it was. It is instructive to observe how readily supposedly 'liberal' groups stabbed the antiwar movement in the back by fueling the 'Murtha = corruption' meme ...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Timothy Noah
I'll admit my timing could be better, since the incoming House Democrats, on a unanimous voice vote, just made Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., speaker of the House. But I think her party should give serious thought to dumping her. The proximate reason, of course, is that she tried (and, thankfully, failed) to install as House majority leader Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa... [editor's note: Interesting. My own reason is that she wasn't willing to put her speakership on the line by making it a package deal -- no Murtha, no Pelosi. By choosing Hoyer over Murtha, the Dems are tacitly announcing that it will be "business as usual" where Iraq is concerned - TLK]
The mugging of Murtha
by Justin Raimondo
Back when the Democrats were AWOL on the Iraq issue, Murtha changed the debate over the war by coming out for a rapid American withdrawal. His stance caused a sensation: here was a conservative Democrat, a veteran Marine, whose campaign chest is heavy with cash from the defense sector, surely no Dennis Kucinich -- and he wants us out now! Close to the military establishment, Murtha is seen to reflect opinion in the senior ranks that this war is unwinnable and likely to spread, stretching the fighting capacity of the world's last superpower to the breaking point. His high-profile stance represented a threat and had to be smashed -- as it was. It is instructive to observe how readily supposedly 'liberal' groups stabbed the antiwar movement in the back by fueling the 'Murtha = corruption' meme ...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 17. Nov, 15:40