Do you know what's in that bottle of water?

Do you know what's in that bottle of water sitting in your refrigerator? Probably not, right? Well, that's because bottled water corporations, like Coke, Pepsi and Nestlé, aggressively lobby against legislation that would require them to disclose complete water quality information.

Join our National Day of Action! Send an e-mail to the CEOs of Coke (Dasani), Pepsi (Aquafina) and Nestlé (Poland Spring, Deer Park, Arrowhead and more). Ask when these corporations will provide water quality reports based on independent testing comparable to those provided by our public water utilities.

The bottled water industry is one of the least regulated industries in the United States. Yet the giant bottling corporations spend tens of millions of dollars every year trying to convince us that bottled water is safer and more pure than tap water. We just don't buy it!

Think Outside the Bottle!
Take action today! Click here to send an e-mail to the CEOs of Coke, Pepsi and Nestlé.

You can also join thousands of people across the country who are calling these corporations today in a joint Day of Action.

Call-In Day Scripts

Call Coke CEO Neville Isdell:

Call 1-800-Get-Coke. Hi, my name is ________. I'd like to speak to CEO Neville Isdell, please.

You will likely be asked what the question is, or to leave a message:

I have a question. I know that your product Dasani is regulated by the FDA. And, I know that Coca-Cola says it uses filtration systems, voluntary testing and state of the art processes for its bottled water; but all of this information comes directly from Coke. As a consumer, I want to see the actual results of water quality tests from over the past year, like my public water system must provide. Coke continues to advertise bottled water as more safe and pure than tap water; when will Coke provide water quality reports based on independent testing that are comparable to those provided by our public water utilities?

Call Pepsi CEO Indra Nooyi:

Call PEPSI (914) 253-2000. Hi, my name is ________. I'd like to speak to CEO Indra Nooyi, please.

You will likely be asked what the question is, or to leave a message:

I have a question. I know that Pepsi's Aquafina bottled water is regulated by the FDA. And, I know that Pepsi says it uses filtration systems, voluntary testing and state of the art processes for its bottled water; but all of this information comes directly from Pepsi. As a consumer, I want to see the actual results of water quality tests from over the past year, like my public water system must provide. Pepsi continues to advertise bottled water as more safe and pure than tap water; when will Pepsi provide water quality reports based on independent testing that are comparable to those provided by our public water utilities?

Call Nestlé Waters North America CEO Kim E. Jeffery:

Call NESTLÉ WATERS NORTH AMERICA 1-800-937-7708. Hi, my name is ________. I'd like to speak to CEO Kim E. Jeffery, please.

You will likely be asked what the question is, or to leave a message:

I have a question. I know that Nestlé bottled water brands like Poland Spring/Deer Park/Arrowhead (put in the local brand here) are regulated by the FDA. And, I know that Nestlé says it uses filtration systems, voluntary testing, state of the art processes and protected water sources for its bottled water; but all of this information comes directly from Nestlé. As a consumer, I want to see up-to-date and current actual results of water quality tests from over the past year, like my public water system must provide. Nestlé continues to advertise bottled water as more safe and pure than tap water; when will Nestlé provide a current, comprehensive and independent water quality report comparable to reports provided by our public water utilities?

After your call, please take a moment to let us know what happened. You can report your phone calls by calling our Campaign Headquarters at 800-688-8797 or by e-mailing us at Email:


Patti Lynn


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