The Antiwar Wave
The antiwar wave that has been rising for months crashed and broke over the heads of the Republican Party, sweeping away all but the most entrenched incumbents. This election, in the broadest sense, was a referendum on the Iraq war – and the results are a dramatic rebuke to the War Party.
From Information Clearing House
The antiwar wave
by Justin Raimondo
With a majority in the House and probably the Senate, the Democrats now have it in their power to at least halt the escalation of the war. The War Party is calling for sending as many as 50,000 additional troops to Iraq. If the Democrats sent to Washington in the wake of the November Revolution fulfill their mandate, they'll put a swift stop to this -- and take their opposition to the war one step further. Congress holds the purse strings and can cut off funds for the war whenever it likes: failure to do so will blur the differences between the two parties on this issue and betray the trust of millions who registered their opposition to the war by voting Democratic. The Democrats must either oppose the war and vote to rein in the president with their power of the purse -- or else they must take their share of responsibility for the failed policy of this administration, and also share the blame...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
From Information Clearing House
The antiwar wave
by Justin Raimondo
With a majority in the House and probably the Senate, the Democrats now have it in their power to at least halt the escalation of the war. The War Party is calling for sending as many as 50,000 additional troops to Iraq. If the Democrats sent to Washington in the wake of the November Revolution fulfill their mandate, they'll put a swift stop to this -- and take their opposition to the war one step further. Congress holds the purse strings and can cut off funds for the war whenever it likes: failure to do so will blur the differences between the two parties on this issue and betray the trust of millions who registered their opposition to the war by voting Democratic. The Democrats must either oppose the war and vote to rein in the president with their power of the purse -- or else they must take their share of responsibility for the failed policy of this administration, and also share the blame...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 9. Nov, 13:31