Urgent: Save the Channel Islands Sanctuary

Pierce Brosnan (above) and Halle Berry with Gabriel Aubrey at the Paddle Out protest against the development of a Liquid Natural Gas pipeline

BHP Billiton, the largest mining company in the world, is seeking approval to build a massive floating Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Terminal called Cabrillo Port off the Southern California coast near Malibu and Oxnard.

This gigantic facility (14 stories tall and three football fields long) would be moored for a minimum of 40 years near the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, one of the richest and most productive marine ecosystems in the world.

Tell Governor Schwarzenegger to reject the dangerous and dirty Cabrillo Port liquefied natural gas (LNG) project. Send the Governor an e-mail and urge him to Terminate the Cabrillo Port Terminal Project.

The Cabrillo Port terminal will cause air and water pollution, harm wildlife and the environment, and has the potential for catastrophic accidents that could threaten public health and safety. It would discharge tens of millions of gallons of heated waste water into the ocean each year.

Along with this thermal waste, the intake of massive amounts of sea water each year to cool the plant's generators will directly kill millions of larval fish and billions of other microscopic marine organisms crucial to the health of marine mammals and fisheries.

Marine mammals, including the endangered blue and humpback whales, and federally protected gray whales, commonly travel through the area and feed where the terminal would be located. These endangered marine mammals could be harmed if there was a significant release of LNG. They would also face an increased chance of injury or death from collisions with ships due to the increased tanker traffic.

The likely impacts on marine habitat and wildlife, which will be severe, are unacceptable

Constant noise from the tankers, the terminal and the pipeline construction would be audible from miles away and could harm whales and dolphins by reducing their ability to communicate and find food.

This is just one of many LNG projects being rushed through the permitting process right now in California and in coastal communities around the US and beyond. The Cabrillo Port LNG terminal project is not a sensible choice for our environment or the environment we share with our friends in the marine world. An industrial facility of this magnitude has no place in pristine waters hosting such a diversity of sensitive and, in some cases, endangered marine life. It must be stopped.

The governor of California has the ability to veto this project but he won't do so unless he hears from you. So please, send an email to the governor and ask him to “Terminate the terminal”. Urge him to consider all the alternatives before approving any LNG terminals on or off our precious coast.

For the animals and for our oceans, let’s Terminate the Terminal.

Fred O’Regan
President and CEO


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