Plan withdrawn for phone mast

Published: 1st November 2006

ROMILEY villagers are celebrating defeating an attempt by phone giant Orange to put a mast in the village centre.

The application, which was to put a near 40ft mast outside Romiley Forum, had been due for a decision at last night's meeting of the Werneth Area Committee, but was withdrawn by the firm on Monday, following villagers’ concerns for the health of children at the local Romiley Primary School less than 100 metres away.

Head teacher John Furse had complained to Stockport Council and demanded assurances be given by Orange as to the future "health and well-being" of the school's 450 pupils.

Coun Syd Lloyd who had been due to hear the application said: "The contested application has been pulled by the phone operator. I don't know why it was withdrawn but it must have been because of the publicity and the strength of public feeling against it. However, I understand that Orange is still planning to site a mast somewhere in Romiley."

Darren Stannage, the manager of the Forum- based NK Theatre Arts charity, who had warned the mast could also affect the theatre's sound equipment and lead to its closure, said he was delighted at the outcome.

"I am very pleased that this application has been withdrawn. People hopefully have seen sense and have realised it's not the place to have a mast."

However, as the Stockport Express went to press last night the Werneth committee was discussing whether to approve an even bigger 56ft mobile mast by 02 on land owned by Network Rail at Romiley Railway Station. The application which was supported by Stockport Council officers stated that the new antenna, dish and cabinet are painted ivy green.

Lynne McGarty, the chairman of Bredbury and Romiley Community Association and a representative of Romiley Against Masts said last week that the group would oppose last night's application for the mast at the station on the grounds of visual amenity.

A council spokesman, said: "The application to erect a telecommunications mast at Romiley Village Centre has been withdrawn. The applicant Orange gave no reason for the withdrawal of the application."

Peter Devine

First published by the Stockport Express

© Copyright 2006 Guardian Media Group


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