No Dirty Gold campaign’s call for responsible gold mining

More than 6,000 of you took action on August 23 and told Target to support the No Dirty Gold campaign’s call for responsible gold mining. Thank you for taking action.

Target acknowledged it received your faxes. We are hopeful that Target will soon add its name to the growing list of retailers that have endorsed No Dirty Gold’s goals.

But there's more you can do. You can write a letter to your local newspaper letting its readers know they have the power to change the way gold mining is done. And if you're one of the first 100 activists who notify us that your letter was printed, you will receive a No Dirty Gold t-shirt.

The editorial section is one of the most-read parts of your newspaper and it offers an opportunity to build awareness in your community about the impacts of gold mining.

We have provided suggested language for your letter. Please adapt it to suit your community and your background. If there is a Target store within the circulation area of your paper, use your letter to urge Target to sign the Golden Rules.

It is usually helpful to relate your letter to topics the newspaper has covered recently. Newspapers generally limit letters to the editor to between 100 and 200 words.

To the editor,

I was shocked to learn the production of a single gold wedding ring generates 20 tons of mine waste on average. This waste contains toxic materials, which often pollute nearby water sources and compromise the environment of local communities that may have had no say in the opening of the mine.

About 80 percent of newly mined gold is used in jewelry. Some jewelers understand this and are calling on the mining industry to clean up its act. These jewelers have endorsed the No Dirty Gold campaign’s criteria for responsible gold production called the Golden Rules.

Many jewelers have not expressed their support for responsible gold production. The next time I visit a jeweler, I will ask if they have endorsed the No Dirty Gold campaign’s Golden Rules. I urge other consumers in this community to do the same.

Alternative text for Target localities: Many retailers, such as Target, have not yet expressed their support for responsible gold production. The next time I’m at a Target, I will ask them to endorse the No Dirty Gold campaign’s Golden Rules. I urge other consumers in this community to do the same.

Sincerely, [Make sure you include your name, address, and telephone number in your letter. Some newspapers verify authorship before printing letters.]

Check your newspaper's letter to the editor requirements in its editorial page or on its Web site. After submitting the letter, please send us a copy and monitor the paper to see if your letter is printed.

Thank you,

Tim Fullerton
Oxfam America


Fall is a time of new opportunities and responsibilities for students returning to school. The same is true for the class rings vendor Jostens.

Tell Jostens to support responsibly mined gold.

In February 2006, the No Dirty Gold campaign named Jostens one of the eight jewelry retailers lagging behind other retailers in its support for responsible gold production. As students return to campus and Jostens begins its biggest sales season, the company has another chance to show its commitment to the environment and human rights.

Tell Jostens that the pride class rings signify is undermined by the environmental and human rights costs of irresponsible gold mining. Remind them that it is their responsibility to show it respects the values of the institutions its class rings represent.

As you know, Oxfam America works to end poverty, hunger, and injustice. Tell Jostens to do its part by endorsing the No Dirty Gold campaign's Golden Rules.


Tim Fullerton
Oxfam America


Tell Jostens You Can't Take Pride in a Class Ring Made of Dirty Gold

Sign the No Dirty Gold pledge


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