Donnerstag, 31. August 2006

Don't let the American Dream die

This week's sad anniversary of Hurricane Katrina reminds us that millions of Americans continue to struggle against poverty. A job - even two or three jobs - no longer guarantees access to the American Dream.

Let's send a Labor Day message to Congress: Restore the American Dream.

Bob Fertik

Dear Friend,

What does the "American Dream" mean to you? Being able to make ends meet on your income? Sending your children to college without huge debts? Being able to retire with dignity? Or maybe doing better than your parents and grandparents?

Growing up, we were taught that the "American Dream" was the idea that with enough hard work and determination America would always be a place where anyone could succeed.

But this Labor Day a majority of working Americans say that the American Dream is slipping away and is at risk, according to a new Change to Win survey of 800 workers.

Don't let it happen.

Click here to email your members of Congress today. Tell them not to let the American Dream disappear!

Most members of Congress are up for reelection this November. Right now they are holding campaign events throughout their districts explaining their visions for the future of our country.

Let's make sure putting the American Dream back within reach of all working families is on the agenda.

Click here to email your members of Congress today. Tell them not to let the American Dream disappear!

After you send your message, see the full results of Change to Win's poll of 800 working people and check out our new "Worked Up" dialogue about working in America.

Change to Win was founded to restore the American Dream - seven unions and six million members joined together to build a movement of working people with the power to provide a paycheck that supports a family, universal health care, a secure retirement, and dignity on the job. Help us ensure that the American Dream will be a reality for decades to come - take action today!

Thanks for all that you do,

Anna Burger Chair,
Change to Win

Globalization: It Didn't Just Happen

"Most workers have seen very little real wage growth over the last quarter century. There is not a single explanation for the upward redistribution of income over this period, but most economists agree that globalization is at least part of the story," writes Dean Baker.

Bush Bets on War, Again

With the midterm elections coming into view, President Bush is launching an extended publicity tour to draw attention back to the threat of terrorism, quickly pivoting to more comfortable political territory for him after the focus in recent days on the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.

$20 Million PR Bid Offered to Change US Image in Iraq

US military leaders in Baghdad have put out for bid a two-year, $20 million public relations contract that calls for extensive monitoring of US and Middle Eastern media in an effort to promote more positive coverage of news from Iraq.

Senator Stevens Exposed as "Secret Blocker" of Legislation

Alaska Senator Ted Stevens has been exposed, by the process of elimination, as the middle-of-the-night insider who blocked a bill to make public the spending patterns of the government.

Letter From Ally Denouncing Bush's WMD Hunt Suppressed

A damning six-page letter on the hunt for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was suppressed by Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, according to a former senior diplomat.

Ohio to Delay Destruction of Presidential Ballots

Informant: Kathy Dopp

100 Days for Darfur

Want to be Part of something big? Right now Amnesty International is in the midst of one of the most important campaigns we’ve ever launched.

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Next-up news 31 08 2006

Wieder Streit um Mast

Bürgermeister Rabe weigert sich, Ratsbeschluss auszuführen: "Wäre rechtswidrig"

Von Uli Hagemeier

Northeim. Muss der Northeimer Stadtrat vor der Wahl doch noch einmal tagen? Eigentlich hatten sich dessen Mitglieder Mitte Juli aus dieser Legislaturperiode verabschiedet, aber jetzt gibt es noch einmal heftigen Streit mit Bürgermeister Irnfried Rabe (FDP). Grund sind juristische Details, die wohl nur Verwaltungsrechtler zur Gänze durchblicken. Aber da es um Northeims Wahrzeichen, den Wieter geht, ist die Sache brisant. Es dreht sich um folgende Frage: Muss der Bürgermeister der Firma Vodafone mitteilen, dass der Rat den von ihr geplanten Mobilfunkmast neben dem Wieterturm nicht will oder darf Rabe sich diesem Auftrag widersetzen?

Komplizierte Rechtslage

Die Sache ist kompliziert. Vodafone will einen Funkmast bauen, der höher ist als der bestehende. Dagegen läuft eine Bürgerinitiative Sturm, der Landkreis Northeim hat die Baugenehmigung aus naturschutzrechtlichen Gründen abgelehnt. Gegen diese Ablehnung wiederum klagt Vodafone vor dem Verwaltungsgericht Göttingen. Aber bis das entscheidet, kann noch einige Zeit ins Land gehen. Vodafone hat deshalb bei der Stadt Northeim, die nachbarrechtliche und denkmalschutzrechtliche Belange prüfen muss, einen Antrag gestellt, den Bauantrag erst einmal ruhen zu lassen.

Neben der Bürgerinitiative will auch die Mehrheit des Rats den Bau verhindern. Das Gremium hat Rabe deshalb in seiner letzten Sitzung aufgefordert, Vodafone mitzuteilen, dass der Rat den Antrag auf Ruhenlassen des Bauantrages ablehnt und beabsichtigt, die Baugenehmigung aus denkmalschutz- und nachbarrechtlichen Gründen abzulehnen. Das hat Rabe aber nicht gemacht - und das will er auch nicht machen. Denn: Aus Sicht des Rechtsamtes der Stadt wäre die Umsetzung des Ratsbeschlusses rechtswidrig.

Denkmalschutzrechtlich könne man dem Bauantrag nichts entgegensetzen, sagt Rabe, auch nachbarrechtlich nicht. Bleibt das Naturschutzrecht - und genau diese Frage liegt ja dem Göttinger Verwaltungsgericht noch zur Klärung vor. "Dessen Entscheidung will ich erst abwarten", sagt Rabe.

Grüne wollen Offenlegung

Eine Stellungnahme des Landkreises als Kommunalaufsicht bestätigt diese Argumentation. Rabe hat seine Entscheidung dem Verwaltungsausschuss der Stadt am Montag mitgeteilt.

Diese Vorgehensweise gefällt der grünen Stadtratsfraktion allerdings gar nicht: "Ich empfinde das als Missachtung des Rats", heißt es in einer Pressemitteilung des Fraktionsvorsitzenden und Bürgermeisterkandidaten Torsten Seidel. Rabe habe die Ratsmitglieder über diese Rechtsauffassung viel früher unterrichten müssen, nicht erst kurz vor Ablauf der sechswöchigen Frist für die Umsetzung des Ratsbeschlusses. Seidel fordert die Offenlegung des gesamten Schriftverkehrs in dieser Sache. Geschehe dies nicht, erwäge die Fraktion, eine außerplanmäßige Ratssitzung zu beantragen.


Bush-Rede in New Orleans auf CNN live neu abgemischt

Sabotage aus dem Hintergrund

Zunahme der Armen in den USA

Seit 2000 ist nach der Statistikbehörde der Anteil der ganz Armen um 20 Prozent gestiegen, Wissenschaftler warnen vor der wachsenden Zahl der Menschen ohne Krankenversicherung.

Abhörskandal in Italien: Was wissen die Behörden?

Fool me once, fool me twice

Mit dem Ablauf des Ultimatums des UN-Sicherheitsrates für Iran gelangt der "Atomstreit" in die nächste Runde - eine Woche nachdem der Geheimdienstausschuss des US-Repräsentantenhauses die bisherigen Fakten des iranischen Nuklearprogramms neu aufgemischt und Iran weiterhin zur strategischen Bedrohung für die USA stilisiert hat.

Pilotprojekt für Hartz-IV-Empfänger als Begleitpersonal in Bussen und Bahnen startet in Leipzig

Ratingen: Mobilfunkmast auf dem Prüfstand

Die Verwaltung soll ein Standortgutachten in Auftrag geben und das Baurecht überprüfen.

Lintorf. "Die Hochhäuser am Konrad-Adenauer-Platz sind 30 Meter hoch, der Funkmast 34!" Was den Lintorfer CDU-Ratsherren Karl-Heinz Jörgend in Rage brachte, wurde auch im Rat engagiert und heftig diskutiert: Der geplante Mobilfunkmast am Ortseingang. Zuvor waren im Bezirks- und Umweltausschuss die Wogen bereits hoch geschlagen. Einstimmiger Beschluss des Rates: Die Verwaltung soll bei dem renommierten Ecolog-Institut ein Gutachten für den Standort in Auftrag geben. Zudem sollen das Baurecht noch einmal überprüft und mit dem Grundstückseigentümer erneut Gespräche geführt werden.

Das Baudezernat hatte eigentlich nur schlechte Nachrichten parat: So sei der Vertrag des Grundstückseigentümers mit dem Funkbetreiber bereits unterschrieben und der würde "nichts unternehmen, den Vertrag nicht zu erfüllen", wie Dezernent Ulf-Roman Netzel ausführte. Zudem sei aus "rechtlicher" Sicht nichts zu machen weder hinsichtlich der Planung noch der Grenzwerte. Und am Runden Tisch des Kreises sei der geplante Mast besprochen und abgesegnet. Doch hier liegt der Hase im Pfeffer. Nach der Selbstverpflichtung der Funkbetreiber dürfen die Masten nur in einem Mindestabstand von 200 Metern zu sensiblen Bereichen errichtet werden.

In Lintorf wäre dies aber nicht der Fall: Zum Kindergarten an der Tiefenbroicher Straße sind es nur 120 Meter, zur Wohnbebauung 130 Meter und zur Comenius-Schule gerade so die geforderten 200 Meter. Diese Information soll jetzt als Hebel dienen, das Projekt noch einmal komplett auf den Prüfstand zu stellen.

Angesichts dieser "beänstigenden Nähe" erklärte Lothar Diehl (Bürger Union), man müsse auch "Risiken eingehen und nicht alles als gegeben hinnehmen." Die Mobilfunkbetreiber seien schließlich auf ihre Konsumenten angewiesen. In der Debatte hatte Marcel Heckermann (FDP) darauf hingewiesen, dass mit dem neuen Mast nicht etwa ein Funkloch gestopft, sondern das vorhandes Funknetz engmaschiger werde. Das hätte dann auch zur Folge, dass die Sendeanlagen mit einer geringeren Intensität abstrahlen könnten. Barbara Esser (Grüne) hielt dagegen: Wenn mehrere Betreiber den Mast nutzen, erhöhe sich automatisch die Strahlenbelastung.


Von Joachim Dangelmeyer (Auszug)

There Is Fascism, Indeed

Keith Olbermann says: "The confusion is about whether this secretary of defense, and this administration, are in fact now accomplishing what they claim the terrorists seek: the destruction of our freedoms, the very ones for which the same veterans Mr. Rumsfeld addressed yesterday in Salt Lake City so valiantly fought. And about Mr. Rumsfeld's other main assertion, that this country faces a 'new type of fascism.' As he was correct to remind us how a government that knew everything could get everything wrong, so too was he right when he said that, though probably not in the way he thought he meant it. This country faces a new type of fascism - indeed."


From Freedom to Fascism on Google Video
Aaron Russo - America: Freedom To Fascism FULL

The Money Masters

The videos gives a history of how the European and American the banking system are being taken over.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Or order a DVD:

Informant: shane_digital


An article by Stan Goff. Very worthwhile. You can visit the website, TRUTHDIG, and participate in the discussion.


Sowing the Seeds of Fascism in America

ADHD Fraud and connection to EMF/EMR

Interview with Dr. Fred Baughman Author of "The ADHD Fraud"

Dear Dr. Baughman: You are doing a great job of exposing the fraud of ADD and ADHD!!! You are correct that persons' are being subjected to "experimentation WITHOUT INFORMED CONSENT...!!!"

I am a non-accredited EMF/EMR researcher with over 15 years of personal experience, research, and fighting major fraud on the part of the government, electrical industry, telecommunications' industry, and pharmaceutical industry.

I am currently writing a book that will be co-authored by Assoc. Prof. Olle Johansson of the Karolinska Institute and Physicist/Bioelectromagnetic Hygienist Marjorie Lundquist titled "Inflammation and EMF/EMR."

Personal experience re harmful effects of low level EMF/EMR is extensive and involves two grandsons who were dx'd w/rare immune. Their cells were "aging..."....they were toddlers...told they may develop Leukemia...improved after moving beds away from electric meters.

Guinea pig studies in my home (re electric meter) yielded white blood cell changes such as hypersegmented neutrophils (slowed DNA synthesis -- which are "markers for irradiation"), severe neutropenia and lymphocytosis (collapse of immune and/or pre-cancerous blood changes).

One guinea pig later died from Reactive Renal Amyloidosis (rare bone marrow disease -- a form of TSE-like problem (mad cow family of disease).

Husband has Alzheimers. Moved his electric clock radio and he "improved" on next neuropsych test!!!

Friend and RN at Vets Hospital in Minneapolis (Bonnie Boyum) has given me permission to share that her son, Michael, who died from Leukemia at age 23, had an electric clock and small fan on headboard of his waterbed.

I frequently appeal to political candidates and officials for help in regard to notifying the public of the vital need to move electric appliances from close proximity to beds. I call this "an avoidable healthcare crisis" and believe that every single health problem, including the so-called ADD, ADHD, will be reduced by over 51% by just moving appliances and some telephone equipment away from especially the heads of beds!!!

Additional concerns are high frequencies on electrical wiring, wiring errors, grounding problems, telecommunications' antennae and, of course, promotion of cell phones to children.

I would like to read your book -- you "hit-the-nail-on-the-head" regarding BIG PHARMA and the rest -- the tragic "poisoning of children," and more, however, I am swamped with my own work of trying to inform while also not being able to keep up with book-writing, etc.

EMF/EMR (electromagnetic fields/electromagnetic radiation) are listed as "toxic" on the webpage for the National Library website.

Consider the doubling/tripling effect a child who is taking toxic Ritalin, or other medications, experiences when sleeping in a bed that subjects that child's brain cells to electron changes that are out-of-sync with his or her own body's cells and how that child is then unable to sleep and restore circadian rhythm that is necessary to "maintain balance" of all bodily functions...including his or her brain....

The cover-up re need for prudent avoidance measures re low level EMF/EMR is all-encompassing -- goes all the way to the World Health Organization. The REAL FACTS re the $46 mil EMF RAPID Study have never been presented to Congress thereby allowing our U.S. National Institute of Health and National Institute of Environmental Health Science to keep the public in-the-dark (no pun intended -- there are theories that light at night may cause cancer too -- now that I think of it, even small nightlights are capable of inducing ADD-like symptoms).

Anyway, I greatly appreciate your help in exposing the fraud re ADD and ADHD. Dr. Russel Reiter (University of Texas/San Antonio), is the author of an excellent book titled "Melatonin." He is the expert who claims "light at night may cause cancer." EMF/EMR, particularly at night, greatly reduces production of one's own Melatonin. As you most likely know, this vital hormone plays a major role in regard to production of other hormones.

If I can be of assistance to you in any way -- speaking, furnishing info that proves the American Cancer Society knows full well about the appliance-at-night issue (in 1994 they mailed copy of "USA Today" article recommending moving electrical items away from beds) and also a small EMF flyer by utilities' communications' experts w/same recommendation (2001) taken out-of-print.....please let me know.

You may be interested in checking out BauBiologist/Lecturer Oram Miller's site also: .

Best wishes and take care!!! Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA Phone: 763-755-6114 Email: (8-31-06)

Be loyal to your country always, and to the government only when it deserves it. -Mark Twain


Re: Interview with Dr. Fred Baughman re ADHD FRAUD......
From: Fred Baughman
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 13:59:01 -0700
To: JCMPelican

Dear Joanne,

You should understand that no one or several symptoms (symptoms are subjective do not equate to signs/abnormalities--objective) of ADHD or any social or psychological construct, equate to a physical abnormality = disease. Until an abnormality = disease is in hand one cannot logically, scientifically speak of its physical cause/causes. You appear to miss the essence of my message.

Good luck.


----- Original Message -----

From: JCMPelican
To: Fred Baughmanm ; G. Kohls
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2006 12:28 PM
Subject: Fwd: Interview with Dr. Fred Baughman re ADHD FRAUD......

To recipients: I intended to include this very important email re interview with Dr. Baughman with my email re information about Dr. Baughman's book "ADHD Fraud" and his website.

While we can all appreciate Dr. Baughman's reference to children and adults who are being misdiagnosed as ADD/ADHD as really "being normal," we who fight every day for the rights of our "uninformed society" to reduce toxic EMF/EMR pollution from electrical appliances, high voltage powerlines, telecommunications' antennae, high frequencies on electrical wiring, various wiring errors and grounding problems within homes, schools, workplaces, healthcare facilities, hospitals, etc. realize that many symptoms that are being identified as ADD/ADHD are related to ES (electrical sensitivity).

Even health problems such as sudden deaths and heart problems that Dr. Baughman and others have linked to taking the toxic medications being given for ADD/ADHD are also linked to chronic, prolonged EMF/EMR exposures "alone!!!"

So, when you read about the deceptive practices -- pressure placed on institutions and physicians by Big Pharma, also promoted by lobbyists and politicians, pretty much all the words can be used (have been written about many times by EMF Guru, Roy Beavers -- himself a former lobbyist) to explain what is often discussed in regard to intimidation, loss of funding, loss of jobs, by EMF/EMR scientists and researchers who attempt to produce accurate, conclusive studies as well as to replicate positive findings.

As most of you know, Dr. Duane Graveline, retired astronaut, medical doctor and scientist is waging a similar war against pharmaceutical companies in regard to statins. See .

All of these subjects are linked in every way!!!! The issues re drugs for ADD/ADHD and misdiagnoses are tragic!!! The issues surrounding the industry-created need for statins and fervent promotion are equally tragic!!!

I note without exception the alarming rates of increase mentioned for every health problem I review. Many health experts write about or infer that there is some mysterious reason why so many health problems are increasing at alarming rates and most refer to "in past couple of decades," etc. and some even say "over past 100 years."

Many EMF authors continue to point out that the alarming increases in health problems directly correlate with what many refer to as "the electrification of the U.S." This theory obviously applies to other countries and reports in other countries around-the-world also correlate with development.

While my usual focus on EMF-related health problems has to do primarily with immune deficiency and Leukemia (due to personal experiences, interactions and studies), it is difficult to not separately address other health problems. The evidence re EMF's and its causal relationship to immune deficiency and Leukemia is "conclusive." The information, however, is being minimized and suppressed by the U. S. Government with the blessings of the World Health Organization!!!

I see an urgent need for experts working on every health problem to join forces with EMF scientists and researchers. The resultant tragedies of not doing so will be ENORMOUS!!!

Best wishes to all....... Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA Phone: 763-755-6114 Email: (8-31-06)

All the knowledge I possess everyone else can acquire. But my heart is all my own...Goethe


Dear Dr. Kohls: I really appreciate your input re what was also "my impression" in regard to Dr. Baughman's response to me.

What you say re psychiatry and Big Pharma sounds feasible but you, of course, are an expert in that area. I do know from lots of research, most of which does not pertain to psychiatry that "drugs" appear to be "the highest priority" in regard to many symptoms.

I doubt whether I or anyone else would be successful in regard to starting arguments with "Big Pharma" particularly since "touchy subjects" are typically ignored but I do understand some of your reasons for pointing this out.

Unrelated to Dr. Baughman's interview/website, etc. re ADHD fraud, I was very shocked to discover that the NIH's supposed "high priority research" re amyloid/protein folding/misfolding etc. is for the primary purpose of coming up with "drugs" as opposed to "prevention." Ironically, much of the research that is being done involves EMF exposure in one form or another even tho the "EMF subject" is not necessarily evident.

I should know by now that the "people don't count....but I keep "looking for the good guys" in industry and government. With the help of more doctors such as yourself, maybe the "hills soon won't be so steep!!!"

Thanks for all of your efforts to help in this matter .......for now, your contribution has greatly improved my outlook. I do realize, of course, that EMF's alone are not the only reason for symptoms being identified as ADHD and many other problems; but exposure to even low dose EMF/EMR when such exposure is "chronic and prolonged" -- persons can't escape effects from telecommunications' antenna, high voltage powerlines and can't do anything to mitigate effects of other EMF pollution -- appliances and electric meters, cell phones, high frequencies on electrical wiring, correct grounding problems, etc. unless they are warned.

I do realize you know this too but wanted to make the point that persons with any sort of injury occuring from other than EMF exposure, might suffer a doubling/tripling effect when additionally exposed to EMF pollution -- especially at night when their bodies are trying to restore circadian rhythm and deal with whatever else might be toxic and/or the result of other trauma.

My comment re experts joining forces with EMF scientists and researchers had to do with creating awareness re EHS symptoms as opposed to "stirring the pot" between anti-psychiatrist groups and Big Pharma. My statement was ambiguous although I do think there is merit to the other interpretation. I do, however, basically agree with your input. Not my "main purpose" even tho very important.......

I will send your comments to others on my list. As you know, I thanked Dr. Baughman. I am not sending him a copy of your email or this response to you. Thanks again and take care!!! Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA
Phone: 763-755-6114 Email: (9-3-06)

Pharmalobby und Medikamente

25. July 2006

Jetzt online: der “Report Mainz”-Beitrag über Arbeit der Pharmahersteller gegen eine Arzneimittelliste der Kassenärztlichen Vereinigung Nordrhein. Die Liste enthält Medikamente, die laut wissenschaftlicher Analyse teurer, aber nicht besser sind als andere. Auch der Spiegel bringt diese Woche eine Reportage über den Lobbyismus im Allgemeinen und die Pharmalobby im Speziellen.

BDI wollte mit Röttgen seinen Einfluss vergrößern

26. July 2006

Die Berliner Zeitung druckt heute Auszüge aus dem Protokoll der BDI-Vorstandssitzung vom 19. Juni ab, in der Norbert Röttgen zum neuen Hauptgeschäftsführer berufen wurde. Daraus läßt sich ableiten, dass der BDI mit der Wahl Röttgens seine Kontakte in die Politik und seinen Einfluss verstärken wollte. Wenig überraschend - aber interessant zu lesen.

Göhner (nur) noch drei Jahre als Doppelverdiener

1. August 2006

Der CDU-Politiker und Wirtschaftslobbyist Reinhard Göhner will nun nach Ablauf dieser Legislaturperiode seine stark kritisierte Doppeltätigkeit beenden. Welchen Posten er aufgeben will, ließ er aber laut Handelsblatt auf Nachfrage offen. Auch die Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände (BDA) will sich bislang nicht äußern.

Neue Studie zu PR-Kampagnen, Emotionen und Patriotismus

8. August 2006

Eine heute von der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung vorgestellte Studie zeigt den Zusammenhang von emotionalisierenden Kampagnen à la “Du bist Deutschland” und Initiativen wie der Arbeitgeber-”Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft” (INSM) und sagt für die Zukunft eine Zunahme solcher Art von wirtschaftlicher Einflussnahme voraus.

Schilys neue Nebentätigkeiten

18. August 2006

Otto Schily, ehemals Bundesinnenminister und heute einfacher Abgeordneter, engagiert sich nun in den Aufsichtsräten von Byometric Systems AG und SAFE ID Solutions. Den Firmen, die an der Iriserkennung bzw. der Hard- und Softwareproduktion für biometrische Reisepässe arbeiten, steht er mit seinem Fachwissen und seinen politischen Kontakten zur Verfügung.

Verdeckte Kampagne gegen Al Gore und “Inconvenient Truth”

21. August 2006

Die Lobby- und PR-Agentur DCI verbreitete ein vermeintliches Amateurvideo auf, das sich über Al Gore lustig macht und seine Warnung vor der Erderwärmung als überzogen darstellt. Beworben wurde es über Google-Anzeigen. Man kann davon ausgehen, dass PR-Experten und Werbeagenturen in Zukunft häufiger Videoportale im Internet wie YouTube nutzen werden, um die öffentliche Meinung zu beeinflussen.

Vattenfall streute Falschinformationen nach Störfall

23. August 2006

Nicht nur in den USA (siehe Gore) versucht man, unliebsame Kritik zu diskreditieren: der Atomkonzern Vattenfall hat nach dem Störfall im AKW Forsmark Medien mit unwahren Informationen versorgt und versucht, den ehemaligen Reaktorkonstruktionschef Lars-Olov Höglund zu diskreditieren. Die taz berichtet darüber mit Verweis auf die schwedische Zeitung Upsala Nya Tidning.

This economic recovery isn't much of a recovery for most of us, unless you're at the top

The administration misappropriates pre-World War II "appeasement" to tell its own "big lie"

Rumsfeld's Misuse Of History

When genetically modified plants go wild

August 31, 2006 edition -

Even advocates of these crops were shaken recently when modified plants 'escaped' from test areas.

By Gregory M. Lamb | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

In rice-growing states, traces of an unapproved genetically modified (GM) rice have been found mixed in with conventional rice meant for human consumption.

In Oregon, genetically engineered creeping bentgrass, being tested for possible use on golf courses, has been found miles outside its test beds, making it the first GM plant known to have escaped into the wild.

In Hawaii, a federal judge has admonished the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) for displaying "utter disregard" for the state's endangered native plant species. The judge says the USDA failed to conduct research on the environmental effects of fields of experimental corn and sugarcane that had been genetically modified to produce pharmaceuticals. Environmental and food-safety groups have asked for a moratorium on all field tests of experimental drug-producing plants until their safety precautions can be reviewed.

Early indications are that in each case little substantial harm has been done. The experimental rice, for example, is similar to two other GM strains already approved for general use.

But many who closely watch how biotechnology is changing agriculture, including those who see a valuable role for GM crops, are disturbed by what appears to be a series of recent incidents showing lax supervision of experimental plantings by the government and agribusinesses.

"You absolutely should be in compliance with regulations," says Martina Newell-McGloughlin, an internationally recognized advocate for the uses of biotechnology based in Davis, Calif. She directs the University of California's systemwide biotechnology program. The three incidents "aren't health concerns, but they are regulatory concerns," she says. "It's incumbent on the companies, on the USDA ... to ensure that everybody complies with these regulations."

The three incidents convey a message that "the US government has been somewhat lax in its oversight of the biotechnology industry and in some instances has not taken its responsibility to regulate as strongly as it should," says Gregory Jaffe, director of the biotechnology project for the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a consumer group in Washington that has expressed qualified support for the use of genetic modification in agriculture.

"Clearly this shows that the companies and the government don't have as much control over experimental crops as they need to have," Mr. Jaffe says. "I think there's a sloppiness out there. Industry doesn't take the rules of conduct as seriously as it should."

Government agencies, he says, have adopted what almost amounts to a "don't look, don't find" policy. "We have a fairly passive regulatory system," he says, that does "a little spot checking" but mostly relies on businesses to step forward and report their own problems.

The cases of the escaped GM grass and the mysterious appearance of experimental rice in the food supply raise important questions, says Michael Fernandez, executive director of the Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology, a nonprofit group in Washington that seeks to be an independent and objective source of information on agricultural biotechnology. "How do you know that [GM crops] are staying where you want them to stay?" he asks. "As there are more kinds of genetically-engineered crops out there, it continues to pose challenges for companies and for regulators."

Some amount of movement of GM crops outside their containment areas "is virtually inevitable," Mr. Fernandez says. "The question is, how do we feel about that? How important is that? Does it matter what the crop is?" The bentgrass may pose no significant danger, he says, but "would we feel differently" if it were a plant that produced pharmaceuticals?

Last December, a report from the USDA's own Office of the Inspector General urged the department's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) division "to strengthen its accountability for field tests of [genetically enhanced] crops." The report added that "weaknesses in APHIS regulations and internal management controls increase the risk that regulated genetically engineered organisms (GEO) will inadvertently persist in the environment...."

The report also criticized APHIS for lacking "basic information about the field test sites it approves and is responsible for monitoring, including where and how the crops are being grown, and what becomes of them at the end of the field test."

In a response, APHIS agreed to implement 23 of the inspector general's 28 recommendations. Among those it rejected was a request to develop guidelines to physically restrict public access to unapproved edible GM crops. US corn and cotton are mostly GM

America is awash in genetically modified crops that already have been approved for use both as animal feed and for human consumption. This year, 61 percent of all corn and 89 percent of all soybeans planted in the United States were GM varieties, the USDA estimates. More than 80 percent of the US cotton crop is also GM.

But despite that wide usage, the development of other applications and other crops has largely stalled. Plans to introduce a GM wheat to the market have yet to go forward. Nearly all widespread applications of GM to agriculture have been limited to two functions: enhancing resistance to insects or to herbicides. Plans to alter plants through genetic modification to improve such qualities as their flavor, growth rates, or size have yet to blossom.

Suspicion of GM foods in Europe, and to some extent in Asia, is limiting the world market for GM crops. China had been expected to OK the use of GM rice by now, but appears to be dragging its feet. After the news spread that unapproved GM long-grain rice had been found in US consumer supplies, the European Union announced it would require imports of long-grain rice from the US to be certified as free from the GM strain. Japan has suspended its imports of American long-grain rice pending further review. Farmers sue over 'contaminated' rice

Earlier this month, the USDA reported that a long-grain GM rice strain produced by Bayer CropScience had been found in bins of conventional commercial rice. It marked the first instance in which an unapproved GM rice had been found in the rice supply. The GM rice poses no health or environmental threat, the USDA said. But rice farmers in Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas filed a lawsuit against Bayer this week alleging its genetically modified rice contaminated the crop, according to the Associated Press.

The USDA is conducting an investigation to determine how the contamination occurred, and Bayer now is petitioning to have the strain approved for general use, a spokesman for APHIS says.

In Oregon, APHIS is continuing to monitor the escaped creeping bentgrass, an APHIS spokeswoman says.

The ruling in Hawaii by a federal judge was the first to involve drug-producing GM plants. A coalition of consumer and environmental groups is asking that the government suspend all field tests of drug-producing plants until its process for issuing permits can be reviewed.

In addition, says Bill Freese, science policy analyst at the Center for Food Safety, a consumer group in Washington that is among those seeking a moratorium, the USDA should follow all the recommendations in its inspector general's report. It should also take additional measures, such as regularly testing fields neighboring GM test beds for potential contamination, he says.

But Dr. Newell-McGloughlin hopes that this summer's outbreak of GM fiascos won't be taken out of context.

"The few missteps that have occurred, in my opinion, are tiny in the context of the large amount of good that has been done with this [GM] technology," she says. Genetic manipulation has much more promise for good that has yet to be tapped. By overreacting, we could miss out." The risks, she says, always must be weighed against the benefits. "There is the cost of not doing something," she says.

Informant: binstock

Lie by Lie: Chronicle of a War Foretold

Mother Jones¹ interactive Iraq timeline database lets you separate truth from spin:

Last week, President Bush said, "The terrorists attacked us and killed 3,000 of our citizens before we started the freedom agenda in the Middle East." Pressed by a reporter on what 9/11 had to do with Iraq, Bush testily responded: "Nothing. Nobody has ever suggested in this administration that Saddam Hussein ordered the attack."

Really? A look at Mother Jones timeline, "Lie by Lie: Chronicle of a War Foretold" reveals that on Sept. 25, 2002, Bush said, "You can't distinguish between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein when you talk about the war on terror." Three days later, Donald Rumsfeld said that the link between Saddam and Al Qaeda was "accurate and not debatable." And on and on.

This is but one example of how Mother Jones' timeline is an invaluable resource for journalists, bloggers, and ordinary citizens who want to reconstruct the truth behind the spin on Iraq. Each entry is sourced to original news accounts and source documents, allowing users to parse what the president meant by "ordered" and judge for themselves. Mother Jones' timeline database is sortable by tag (for example: "false intelligence," "Plamegate," "CIA," or "neocons") and searchable by keyword, so users can create customized timelines around the topics or people of their choice. And each entry includes a comment function.

When did Dick Cheney say, "The question in my mind is: How many additional casualties is Saddam worth? The answer is: Not very damn many." Who was the convicted sex offender and "known fabricator" behind much of Bush's WMD intelligence? Which terror alerts were timed for political convenience? Who said, "We will be greeted as liberators"? We hope the timeline will be of use in tracking down the answers to questions like these‹and to begin challenging those who, as the president would have it, "like to rewrite history."

What you'll find here is only a start, in two ways. We're launching with a chronology up until the invasion‹already hundreds of entries and sources‹but in future installments we'll take users up to the present day. And we trust that our Iraq War timeline will grow in ways we can't even anticipate, as it is circulated and commented on by users everywhere.


Informant: bigraccoon

Big Oil’s Royalty Rip Off Costs Billions

Council blunder allows phone mast to go ahead

By the light of a burning bridge

From the Wilderness
by Michael C. Ruppert


My country is dead. Its people have surrendered to tyranny, and in so doing, they have become tyranny's primary support group; its base constituency; its chief defender. Every day they offer their endorsement of tyranny by banking in its banks and spending their borrowed money with the corporations that run it. The great Neocon strategy of George H.W. Bush has triumphed. Convince the American people that they can't live without the 'good things,' then sit back and watch as they endorse the progressively more outrageous crimes you commit as you throw them bones with ever-less meat on them. All the while, lock them into debt. Destroy the middle class, the only political base that need be feared. Make them accept, because of their own shared guilt, ever-more repressive police state measures. Do whatever you want...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Time to depoliticize airline security

Independent Institute
by Anthony Gregory


President Bush’s critics complain that the new TSA restrictions were based more on politics than real security concerns, but they should not be surprised. The only endeavors unencumbered by politicization are those that are free from political decision-making -- those separated from the state. After 9/11, airline security was nationalized. Democrats were the first to insist on the change; Republicans initially resisted, but ultimately backed it. Government airline security has been burdensome, bizarre and ineffective...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

New twist in DeLay race

Houston Chronicle


Gov. Rick Perry ordered on Tuesday a special election for the unexpired term of U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay to coincide with the general election Nov. 7, when only two months will remain on DeLay's term. Candidates wishing to run in the special election must file with the Texas Secretary of State by 5 p.m. Friday. Shortly after DeLay announced in April that he was resigning from Congress, Perry said he would not schedule a special election to fill the vacancy before the general election. Tuesday's order officially set the date. The winner of the special election will represent the 22nd Congressional District from the day the election results are certified until a new Congress begins in January... [editor's note: This shouldn't be a surprise. The whole point of it is to give the Republican write-in candidate in the "real" election a boost. While probably technically legal, it's blatant election-rigging of the type we've come to expect from "the rules? Oh, they're not for US!" Republicans and Democrats - TLK]

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Chertoff backs air traveler registry

USA Today


Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff strongly backed a program Wednesday that would ease airport security for passengers who pass voluntary background checks to show they aren't terrorists. Chertoff told USA TODAY that checking air travelers' backgrounds, including phone numbers and travel histories, would improve security by allowing the department to focus on passengers with unknown backgrounds...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Der "Krieg gegen den Terror" im Kampf gegen den Rechtsstaat?

Terrorismusbekämpfung und Grundrechte

Der "Krieg gegen den Terror" im Kampf gegen den Rechtsstaat?

Bundeskabinett verabschiedet Entwurf eines Terrorismusbekämpfungsergänzungsgesetzes

„Darf man Behörden, deren Praktiken gegenwärtig Gegenstand eines Untersuchungsausschusses sind, die möglicherweise in die Entführung deutscher Staatsangehöriger verstrickt sind, mit zusätzlichen Schnüffelbefugnissen ausstatten? Behörden, die außerdem verdächtig sind, sich in schwerwiegender Weise gegen das Folterverbot vergangen zu haben, indem sie "zurechtgefolterte" Gefangene in ausländischen Folterverliesen vernahmen? Man darf, sagt die Bundesregierung mit ihrem Kabinettsbeschluss vom 12. Juli dieses Jahres…“ Artikel von Fredrik Roggan in Mitteilungen der Humanistischen Union Nr. 194, S. 6-8

Gesucht: Die dümmsten Sicherheitsmaßnahmen

„"Wer Freiheit für Sicherheit opfert..." In den letzten Jahren wird zunehmend nicht nur die Freiheit, sondern auch die Logik geopfert, wenn es um (Schein)Sicherheit geht. "Welche Sicherheitsmaßnahmen sind so dumm, dass sie einen Preis verdienen?", fragt nun eine britische Bürgerrechtsorganisation…“ Artikel von Twister (Bettina Winsemann) in telepolis vom 30.08.2006

Die Nominierung für den "Stupid Security Award" hat gerade begonnen. Es werden Preise in fünf Kategorien verliehen. Nominierungen sind an die Adresse zu richten.

Kommunikationsfreiheit und Datenschutz > Datenschutz

“Schwarzbuch Datenschutz“

Mautdaten für die Fahndung, Anti-Terror-Dateien, Konsumprofile durch Kundenkarten, Adresshandel, geheimdienstliche Ausforschung von Journalisten, Scoring, Videoüberwachung, RFID-Schnüffelchips... das Thema "Datenschutz" hat mittlerweile eine breite Öffentlichkeit erreicht ? nicht zuletzt wegen der BigBrotherAwards. Den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern ist keineswegs egal, was mit ihren Daten passiert. Deshalb gibt es nun das "Schwarzbuch Datenschutz". Es dokumentiert die übelsten Datensammler aus sechs Jahren BigBrotherAwards und bietet zu allen Preisträgern aktuelle Ergänzungen. Dazu ein Index, Buch- und Filmtipps sowie eine Beitrag mit dem programmatischen Titel "Tausche Bürgerrechte gegen Linsengericht". Das Buch versammelt Beiträge von Alvar Freude, Frank Rosengart, Fredrik Roggan, Karin Schuler, padeluun, Rena Tangens, Rolf Gössner, Thilo Weichert und anderen. Der Autor und Bachmann-Preisträger Peter Glaser schrieb das Vorwort „Orwellness“.

Das Buch: Rena Tangens & padeluun (Hg.): Schwarzbuch Datenschutz. Ausgezeichnete Datenkraken der BigBrotherAwards. Edition Nautilus (13,90 Euro, ISBN: 3894014946)

Siehe auch Informationen beim Verlag

Über dieses Buch Vorwort von Rena Tangens & padeluun – exklusiv im LabourNet

Aus: LabourNet, 31. August 2006

Mast plan set to face council axe

31 August 2006

MOBILE phone chiefs who planned to install a mast yards from a primary school are set to have their proposals rejected.

Hutchinson 3G had submitted a planning application to Bexley council to install a five metre mobile mast in Park Crescent, Erith.

Residents feared the antenna may be harmful to children who attend nearby schools and launched an objection campaign.

Now the protestors are claiming victory as Bexley planning chiefs are set to turn down the plans at a committee meeting at the Civic Offices tonight.

Resident Harvey Bignell, who has chaired campaign meetings about the mast, said: "[The council] has had 500 plus letters, three very big petitions.

"It is the biggest uproar they have against any proposed mobile phone mast to date."

The residents, who are set to attend tonight's meeting in their dozens, have had the support of their ward councillors and MPs who are also against the mast proposals.

A spokesman for Bexley council confirmed the planning committee would recommend the refusal of the application.

John Austin, MP for Erith and Thamesmead, has urged residents to write to Hutchinson 3G to lodge their objection.

Erith ward councillor Bernard Clewes said: "I feel sorry for the residents who I think have been put through an awful lot of strain as this has been going on for some time.

"I am delighted that the officers are going to recommend that the mast is not accepted."

A spokesman for Hutchinson 3G was unavailable for comment as we went to press.

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

North Slope Drilling Will Proceed

The Interior Department is set to sell oil leases to nearly 500,000 acres north and east of Lake Teshekpuk, an area that has long been protected because of its value to caribou and as breeding habitat for tens of thousands of geese.

Almost One in Four Children and 37 million Americans Remain Mired in Poverty

Congress and Staff Accept More Than Half a Million in Free Travel from Pharmaceutical Interests

How to Reduce Urban Poverty Without Really Trying

Bush Administration 'Mismanaged' Katrina In Its Own Favor

As the World Passes Us By

Soldiers Die, CEOs Prosper

Doubts Grow Over Bush's Syria Policy

Global Warning: Devastation of an Atoll


Reuters August 28, 2006

Informant: NHNE

A Democratic Dictatorship

Talk Radio Is Becoming Big Brother's Voice

Witness for the Prosecution?

Informant: Lew Rockwell

Real Estate Free Fall?


Informant: NHNE

Congressmember Murtha: " Disappointed" by Hillary Clinton's Refusal to Endorse Troop Withdrawal Plan

Democracy Now! interviews Congressmember John Murtha (D - PA) about
his position on the Iraq war, the Haditha massacre and Sen. Hillary
Clinton's refusal to endorse his troop withdrawal plan.

From Information Clearing House

From Hype To Hysteria: Fox News Selling Preemptive War Against Iran

Tomorrow marks the deadline for Iran to comply with U.N. demands to suspend portions of its nuclear program. Fox is using the opportunity to sell another preemptive war.

From Information Clearing House

The Man Who Has Been to America

Why should Geneva Convention protections be applied to Guantanamo detainees? One innocent man's journey through the legal black hole of the War on Terror—four prisons, three countries, two years—may be the best argument yet.

From Information Clearing House

Controlling the Masses: how politicians and business learned to create and manipulate mass-consumer society

Controlling the Masses: from Religion to Bernaise

A brief overview of the methods used to assert control over the masses.


The Century of the Self

How politicians and business learned to create and manipulate mass-consumer society.

The Bush Record: More Poverty, More Uninsured

New Census Bureau data show the real state of the current economy. The Bush record on combating poverty and insuring more Americans is an undisputed failure.

Full Report:

Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States:
2005 [PDF]

'Don't Feed The Homeless'

Recent attempts in Las Vegas and Orlando to restrict sharing food with poor and homeless people are only the latest examples of a nationwide trend by cities to target homeless people.

Oil Company CEO Pay Averaged $32.7 Million in 2005, Study Says

In 2005, the CEOs of the largest 15 oil companies averaged $32.7 million in compensation, compared with $11.6 million for all large U.S. firms, according to the study, released today by the Institute for Policy Studies and United for a Fair Economy.

From Information Clearing House

Dritte Anhörung der Grünen Landtagsfraktion zum Thema Mobilfunk und Gesundheit

Laufen: Berechtigungsscheine für Altstadtbewohner


Laufen. Der Ortsverband der Grünen in Laufen hat sich in seiner jüngsten Zusammenkunft mit der Parksituation in der Altstadt befasst. Ein Bericht von Herbert Fial über eine Anhörung im Bayerischen Landtag zum Thema Mobilfunk stand weiter auf der umfangreichen Tagesordnung.

Im zweiten Teil der Veranstaltung berichtete Vorstandsmitglied Herbert Fial von der dritten Anhörung der Grünen Landtagsfraktion zum Thema Mobilfunk und Gesundheit. Das Thema sei aktuell, weil auf dem AWO-Seniorenheim ein weiterer Mobilfunkmasten in Betrieb genommen werden solle. Dieser sei nur rund zehn Meter Luftlinie vom Rottmayr-Gymnasium entfernt! Als erster Referent habe Prof. Dr. Hecht darauf hingewiesen, dass es seit etwa 70 Jahren vom Menschen erzeugte elektromagnetische Felder (EMF) gebe. Im kalten Krieg hätten sich die USA und die UdSSR in Moskau gegenseitig bestrahlt. Zuerst hätten die USA von ihrer Botschaft in Moskau aus Telefonate sowjetischer Politiker abgehört. Diese hätten im Gegenzug die US-Botschaft bestrahlt. Die Folge seien viele Erkrankungen gewesen und erste Warnungen, dass diese von der Bestrahlung herrühren könnten. Von 1962 bis 1979 seien von vier US-Botschaftern in Moskau drei an Krebs gestorben. Z Ferner wies Hecht darauf hin, dass man bei Einführung neuer Medikamente beweisen müsse, dass diese nicht schädlich sind. Bei der Einführung des Mobilfunks sei es genau umgekehrt: Hier müsse bewiesen werden, dass die Strahlen schädlich sind. - Und Wissenschaftler, vor allem von den Mobilfunkbetreibern beauftragte, könnten dies nicht. Dr. Hecht forderte Warnhinweise auf Handys, ein Handyverbot für Kinder und eine jährliche Gesundheitskontrolle für Anwohner in der Nähe von Handymasten.

Als zweiter Redner stellte Dr. Warnke Studien vor, die Schädigungen durch Mobilfunkstrahlung belegen. Die ersten Chromosom-Schäden seien 1958 im Report von Neu England bestätigt worden. Belegt sei ferner, dass sich im Körper verstärkt Stickstoff-Monoxyd bilde. Die neueste Forschungsarbeit sei die Reflexstudie von Prof. Adelkofen. Erschwert werde die Forschung dadurch, dass es in wenigen Jahren keine unbelasteten Kontrollgruppen mehr geben werde, da Satelliten-Scanner und das Mobilfunk-Basis-Netz jeden Bürger erreichen werde.

Der zweite Block der Anhörung widmete sich dem Thema "Mobilfunk und Kinder/Jugendliche" und ging nicht zuletzt auf das Konsumverhalten junger Menschen ein. Bereits 37 Prozent der Neun- bis Zehnjährigen hätten ein eigenes Handy, bei den 13- und 14-Jähringen seien es knapp 90 Prozent. Dabei sei das Handy eine der größten Schuldenfallen. 14 Prozent der Jugendlichen würden doppelt so viel Geld für das Handy ausgeben, wie sie zur Verfügung haben. Nur 66 Prozent der Eltern setze den Kindern hier Grenzen.

Die Biologin, Autorin und Dozentin Heike Solweig-Bleuel betreibt seit fünf Jahren Mobilfunkaufklärung an Schulen. Sie führte an, dass durch die Handy-Kultur das Sozial- und Lernverhalten empfindlich beeinträchtigt werde. Dem stimmt der Hauptschullehrer und Umweltfachberater Hans Schütz, zu: Es werde nicht mehr miteinander gesprochen oder gespielt, die Zuverlässigkeit und Entscheidungsfreudigkeit sinke. Handynutzer seien in der Schule nicht wirklich bei der Sache. Auch hätten Messungen der elektromagnetischen Feldstärke in den Klassen ergeben, dass sich diese versiebenfacht, auch wenn die Handys nur auf "stand by" geschaltet sind.

Frau Süß vom Kultusministerium ging auf die neue Verordnung der Bayerischen Staatsregierung ein, die seit dem 1. August den Betrieb von Mobilfunktelefonen und sonstigen digitalen Speichermedien auf dem Schulgelände verbietet. In der sich anschließenden Diskussionsrunde wurde dies nicht ausschließlich als Ruhmestat der Regierung gesehen: So sei diese Verordnung erst aufgrund der Vorkommnisse in Immenstadt und Kaufbeuren erlassen worden. Dort seien Mobiltelefone von Schülern zum Downloaden von rechtsradikalen, pornographischen oder Gewaltvideos verwendet worden. Es sei schlimm, dass die Verordnung erst daraufhin zustande gekommen sei, jedoch gar nicht angedacht worden wäre, wenn es nur um den Schutz der Gesundheit der Kinder gegangen wäre. (Auszug)


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