Mittwoch, 20. September 2006

Wolfowitz Shut Down by World Bank Officials

In an effective rebuke to Mr. Wolfowitz, amid accusations from inside and outside the bank that he has pursued his anti-corruption strategy in a high-handed fashion, ministers from around the globe, who are the ultimate governors of the world’s leading development body, moved to assert control.

Mission: To Reconcile America and the World

Corine Lesnes reports an American businessman's assessment that the American government is no longer a credible messenger: "It says something. In the rest of the world, people don't believe it." In an effort at privatized diplomacy, a business association has been formed to reconcile the United States with the rest of the world by burnishing the United States' brand image.

The Ground Truth: Iraq War Veterans Speak Out

Susan Van Haitsma reviews the film "The Ground Truth," opening in selected cities around the country: "One of the points made by the veterans interviewed in 'The Ground Truth' is that recruiters do not tend to use the word 'kill' when they talk to young people about enlistment. The military recruiters I observed at the career fair encouraged students under age 18 to display their physical strength on the chin-up bar and to fill out cards with their contact information. The students weren't told that the primary purpose of the military is to harness their youthful energy for killing."

Control the Dictionary, Control the World

Bush, with a straight face, tells us that he has never authorized torture, and he thinks he can get away with that lie because the public is mostly unaware that his administration has totally altered the definition of 'torture,'" writes Bernard Weiner.

What has become of the soul of America?

Post Katrina and 9/11, Insight Into the Soul of America

"President Johnson called upon America to use its wealth and resources 'to create new concepts of cooperation, a creative federalism, between the National Capital and the leaders of local communities.' What has become of our 'Great Society?' What has become of the soul of America?" asks Dr. Wilmer J. Leon.

Suzanne Swift: 101 Days in Prison for Protesting for Peace

Sarah Rich writes about her daughter Suzanne Swift, now being held in military prison. Suzanne went AWOL because she was being sexually harassed by military superiors. "With the increasing media attention, Suzanne has been getting more and more silent, yet solid, support from other active women in the military. This gives us great hope that we are helping effect change for them, as well as validating women veterans' experiences and working to create new hope for the future safety of young women who hope to serve their country without fear of harassment and abuse someday."

Swiftboating the Swiftboaters

William Rivers Pitt writes: "He [Kerry] did not adequately respond to a series of devastating TV ads by Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth, a group that questioned Kerry's service in Vietnam and criticized his later opposition to the war. 'They had money behind the lies, and we did not have sufficient money behind the truth,' Kerry laments."

Verhindern Handys und Internet die Abnabelung?

"Ich muss erstmal meine Freunde fragen"

Seehofer stimmt in Brüssel für den Import von Rapssamen

Seehofer verärgert Bauern und Gentech-Kritiker

Der deutsche Verbraucherminister stimmt in Brüssel für den Import von Rapssamen.

impf-report Newsletter Nr. 36/2006

Death by a Thousand

Cuts--new report

An August report released by CPAWS and the Pembina Institute warns that projected development of Alberta's deep oil sands will drive many boreal wildlife species, including caribou, lynx, marten and some forest bird species to local extinction.

-Read the report at

Death by a Thousand

Cuts--new report

An August report released by CPAWS and the Pembina Institute warns that projected development of Alberta's deep oil sands will drive many boreal wildlife species, including caribou, lynx, marten and some forest bird species to local extinction.

-Read the report at

Fighting for our honor

Boston Globe
by H.D.S. Greenway


George W. Bush likes to think of himself as another Winston Churchill. A bust of the great man adorns the Oval Office. But what Churchill wrote of his own country, when its leaders insisted on staying on a wrong and misbegotten course, could serve as a warning to the Bush administration as it seeks to throw aside justice and values to continue on a downward spiral under wrong and self-defeating policies. 'I have watched this famous island descending incontinently, fecklessly, the stairway which leads to a dark gulf,' Churchill wrote. 'It is a fine broad stairway at the beginning, but after a bit the carpet ends. ... A little further on still (the flagstones) break beneath your feet.' The descending staircase has already broken beneath our feet in Iraq, and the carpet of Afghanistan is wearing thin because of neglect. But a far worse danger would be the dark gulf of abandoning the high ground on the treatment of prisoners and giving in to moral decay at home...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The costs of an expanding long war

Independent Institute
by Paul Sullivan


Our government budget is in the red. Our national debt is quickly approaching $9 trillion. Lawrence Kotlikoff, a top economist from Boston University, argues in a recent paper that the U.S. Government is already bankrupt. This analysis may be an overstatement, but given likely trends in the balances for Social Security, Medicare, and some potentially huge long-term costs for what has become the 'Long War' in Iraq, one could at least say that things don't look so great over the next few years. The situation looks even worse if we consider the increasing structural and political inflexibility of the budget. Mandatory expenditures have been a greatly increasing proportion of the budget over the last decades. An expanding 'Long War' in Iraq is going to be quite a strain on an already stretched budget. Taxes will go up, regardless of what our political leaders say...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Why is war acceptable "over there?"

by Saritha Prabhu


One offshoot of the war on terror has been that it has given rise to a barrelful of easily lobbed-around convenient catchphrases. Some of these are easy on the ear, but upon closer examination either don't make sense, are borderline hypocritical or display callousness. Take one phrase we've heard a million times: 'We are fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them here.' President Bush has said this often, also saying that if we call it a day in Iraq, those terrorists/evildoers/Islamofascists will bring the fight to the streets of America. But what does this mean? Does it mean that Iraq is now a terrorist playpen of sorts, that American troops are baby-sitting the terrorists so they won't come to America and wreak mayhem here? If so, this war could wind up lasting much longer than we thought, because there is no dearth of Islamic jihadists, and because this war has become an effective recruiting tool and training ground for them...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Torture is torture

Washington Post
by Eugene Robinson


I wish I could turn to cheerier matters, but I just can't get past this torture issue -- the fact that George W. Bush, the president of the United States of America, persists in demanding that Congress give him the right to torture anyone he considers a 'high-value' terrorist suspect. The president of the United States. Interrogation by torture. This just can't be happening.It's past time to stop mincing words. The Decider, or maybe we should now call him the Inquisitor, sticks to anodyne euphemisms. He speaks of 'alternative' questioning techniques, and his umbrella term for the whole shop of horrors is 'the program.' Of course, he won't fully detail the methods that were used in the secret CIA prisons -- and who knows where else? -- but various sources have said they have included not just the infamous 'waterboarding,' which the administration apparently will reluctantly forswear, but also sleep deprivation, exposure to cold, bombardment with ear-splitting noise and other assaults that cause not just mental duress but physical agony. That is torture, and to call it anything else is a lie...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush pushes democracy in UN speech

Red Bluff Daily News


President Bush sought to blunt anti-Americanism across the Middle East on Tuesday, asserting that extremists are trying to justify their violence by falsely claiming the U.S. is waging war on Islam. He singled out Iran and Syria as sponsors of terrorism. Bush, in an address to world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly, tried to advance his campaign for democracy in the Middle East against a backdrop of turmoil in Iraq, Afghanistan and other nations that have embraced the very changes he seeks for the region...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Sea levels are rising faster than predicted, warns Antarctic Survey

By Michael McCarthy,
Environment Editor
Published: 20 September 2006

The global sea level rise caused by climate change, severely threatening many of the world's coastal and low-lying areas from Bangladesh to East Anglia, is proceeding faster than UN scientists predicted only five years ago, Professor Chris Rapley, director of the British Antarctic Survey, said yesterday.

Climate change is causing sea levels to rise around the world because water expands in volume as it warms, and because land-based ice, such as that contained in the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, adds to the volume when it melts and slips into the sea.

The present prediction of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, from its third assessment report in 2001, is that global sea levels will rise by between 9cm and 88cm by 2100, depending on a number of factors including how far emissions are controlled, with a best guess of about 50cm over the century.

Rises of this order will present a substantial threat of flooding, storm surge and even complete submersion of many of the world's populous low-lying areas,such as Bangladesh, the Nile Delta and even London.

But the new evidence, from a series of scientific papers published this year, indicates that this rate would be exceeded, said Professor Rapley, who runs the world's leading institute on Antarctic science - although he could not say what any new rate would be.

Professor Rapley was speaking at the Liberal Democrat conference in Brighton, at a meeting of the Climate Clinic, formed by Britain's leading green groups, with The Independent as media partner, to press for tougher political action on climate change. "We have learned in the last 18 months that the ice sheets are capable in selected areas of much more rapid changes and dynamic discharges than we previously thought," he said.

Last week, two American studies showed that the melting of the winter sea ice in the Arctic had accelerated enormously in the past two years, with a section the size of Turkey disappearing in just 12 months.

The global sea level rise caused by climate change, severely threatening many of the world's coastal and low-lying areas from Bangladesh to East Anglia, is proceeding faster than UN scientists predicted only five years ago, Professor Chris Rapley, director of the British Antarctic Survey, said yesterday.

Climate change is causing sea levels to rise around the world because water expands in volume as it warms, and because land-based ice, such as that contained in the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, adds to the volume when it melts and slips into the sea.

The present prediction of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, from its third assessment report in 2001, is that global sea levels will rise by between 9cm and 88cm by 2100, depending on a number of factors including how far emissions are controlled, with a best guess of about 50cm over the century.

Rises of this order will present a substantial threat of flooding, storm surge and even complete submersion of many of the world's populous low-lying areas,such as Bangladesh, the Nile Delta and even London.

But the new evidence, from a series of scientific papers published this year, indicates that this rate would be exceeded, said Professor Rapley, who runs the world's leading institute on Antarctic science - although he could not say what any new rate would be.

Professor Rapley was speaking at the Liberal Democrat conference in Brighton, at a meeting of the Climate Clinic, formed by Britain's leading green groups, with The Independent as media partner, to press for tougher political action on climate change. "We have learned in the last 18 months that the ice sheets are capable in selected areas of much more rapid changes and dynamic discharges than we previously thought," he said.

Last week, two American studies showed that the melting of the winter sea ice in the Arctic had accelerated enormously in the past two years, with a section the size of Turkey disappearing in just 12 months.

Informant: binstock

Senate Bill on Torture and Detention Faces GOP Filibuster

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist signaled yesterday that he and other White House allies will filibuster a bill dealing with the interrogation and prosecution of detainees if they cannot persuade a rival group of Republicans to rewrite key provisions opposed by President Bush. With Congress scheduled to adjourn in nine days, delaying tactics such as a filibuster could kill the drive to enact detainee legislation before the November 7 elections, a White House priority.

Gore's Green Earth: he focuses on the solutions to global warming

By Amanda Griscom Little, Grist

Now that he's awakened the nation to the crisis, Gore focuses on the solutions to global warming.

Doing The Moral Limbo

by Paul Waldman,

Bush and conservatives get in touch with their inner barbarian.

Have your say: speak out for the America that leads the world on human rights

Call Congress now!


The HOUSE may vote on this as soon as TODAY! Please call your members of Congress at 888-355-3588 or 800-828-0498 and follow up by submitting the following page.


You would never know it from our own propaganda controlled corporate media, but the biggest news story in Canada right now, all over the front pages, is about a totally innocent man who was grabbed by our government and shipped to Syria where he was tortured for a year. So any promise that the Bush administration would not torture people is worthless when they think they can outsource such evil deeds to henchmen in other countries. Axis of evil indeed!

What protection do you or I have against having the same thing happen to us? There is only the writ of habeas corpus, enshrined originally in the Magna Carta of 1215, which required the king to called to account to justify on what charge a person is to be detained. It is by now well known that many of the so-called terrorists being detained in Guantanamo, Iraq, and in a multitude of secret CIA prisons around the world were seized without cause, or worse yet, sold into bondage. And yet, Bush is still trying to jam through Congress a complete gutting of any meaningful rights of these detainees to have a just day in court.

It is a national disgrace that, in an attempt to keep hidden the hideous mistakes of the Bush administration, these detainees should be forever denied a fair hearing in the light of day. The Supreme Court has ALREADY ruled recently that the right of habeas corpus is sacrosanct. How shameful is it that any member of Congress would even consider attempting AGAIN to turn our legal system back to the dark ages of medieval dictators and barbarism?


This alert is brought to you through the activism of Stacey Tallitsch, running for the U.S. House in the 1st Congressional district, and one of the leading progressive voices in the state of Louisiana. Many of you have already submitted his action page calling for the troops in Iraq to start coming home now, a policy that is more surely correct with every passing state of emergency in Baghdad.

Stacey has been running call to action radio spots in this district , calling for an end of the obstinate occupation of Iraq, a military escapade which has brought nothing but death and destruction to both their country and our own. And he has produced a new one for the TV, confronting the Iraq lies of the Bush administration. You can see the new spot on this page.


Nobody can predict how a particular race will turn out. But we know that the spots we ran on impeachment had tremendous secondary impact, as TWO other groups were inspired to run their own call to action ads on this issue as a result of the investment we made in this action. If you are able to do so, please make whatever donation you can to continue the stand we are taking on issue after issue.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2006, Patent pending, All rights reserved

Needed: Workplace Democracy

Thom Hartmann: "US workers have almost no right to organize. Every 23 minutes in the United States, a worker is either fired or harassed for trying to unionize. Our president goes around the world, talking about the importance of bringing democracy. We loved Lech Walesa and his union movement in Poland. But today, if the middle class is to survive, we need a Lech Walesa in the United States ..."

Weak EPA Plan Would Leave 77 Million Americans Vulnerable to Deadly Pollution

More than 77 million Americans could be left vulnerable to deadly particle pollution if the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) follows through with a proposal to set weak public health standards for the pollutant, according to a new American Lung Association report.

AIG Said to Skirt Campaign Law

Despite state laws that limit corporations from giving more than $5,000 a year to political candidates, insurance giant American International Group Inc. has used a loophole to let its subsidiaries give many times that limit to politicians who regulate their business. Campaign reform advocates said such loopholes make campaign finance laws "meaningless."

Senators Want More Iraq Reports Declassified

A bipartisan group of Senators on an intelligence panel are seeking to declassify more information from two Senate reports on pre-war intelligence on Iraq, saying too much was kept secret. It's the first time lawmakers have appealed to the Public Interest Declassification Board since it was established in 2004 as a place for members of Congress to appeal if they think federal agencies are unnecessarily classifying material in the name of national security.

Thousands Protest to End Iraq War at UN Headquarters

Thousands of protesters including former American soldiers rallied outside UN headquarters on Tuesday, urging the US government to end the war in Iraq and bring home the troops. While world leaders gathered at the UN General Assembly inside, about 2,000 anti-Iraq war protesters chanted, "Peace can work, no more war," half an hour before President Bush spoke.

Vortrag: Elektrosmog & Kinder

Nächsten Montag, den 25. September findet ein Vortrag „Elektrosmog und Kinder“ statt.

Infos dazu im Anhang.

Freundliche Grüsse,


Outrage at phone mast secrecy bid

20 September 2006 11:47

Mobile phone mast campaigners today reacted with horror after it emerged vital information about the whereabouts of masts could be made secret.

Until now families have been able to find details about where masts are, who owns them and how powerful they are, thanks to a website called SiteFinder.

Run by telecommunications regulator Ofcom, the site was set up after the independent report by Sir William Stewart, who was probing whether there was a link between mobile phone masts and diseases such as cancers.

Although he found no link he called for a precautionary approach to siting masts near schools and homes while further research is carried out and the website became an essential source for people worried about masts near their homes.

But a ruling by privacy watchdog the Information Commissioner has placed the website's future in doubt - to the despair of people fighting for the truth about masts.

The Evening News, through our Put Masts on Hold campaign, has opposed the installation of mobile phone masts near homes and schools until it is proved they are safe.

Dr Ian Gibson, Norwich North MP and long-time supporter of our campaign, said he would be “violently opposed” to the collapse of the site.

“It's the only way we can get information about what they are up to,” he said. “I will be meeting the minister to have talks to try to prevent it.”

After an 18-month investigation the Information Commissioner last week ruled in favour of a request that all information used to compile the site be made available.

Currently the data is used by Ofcom to compile the website and let people know who owns masts within about 500 yards of their front door. Wider searches do not show who owns the masts.

The mobile phone companies fear if all information is made available it will allow competitors the chance to find “holes” in networks, giving them a competitive advantage, or allowing rivals to pitch for business in certain areas where they might get better coverage with another network.

The information is provided voluntarily by the five UK mobile networks, Airwave, and Network Rail, but the firms might now pull out of giving information - which would scupper the site.

“We're concerned by the decision as we believe it may have the effect of removing a source of important information from the public domain,” said an Ofcom spokesman. Ofcom has until October 9 to appeal.

Graham Barker, from Lloyd Road, Taverham, who has campaigned against a controversial Vodafone mast in Fakenham Road, said the facility needed to be kept available to families.

“It would be a shame if it's closed down,” he said. “The more information that is available the better in my opinion, anything that changes that is a retrograde step. Despite what the experts say the long term effects aren't really known.”

Jim Leathers, 73, who lives with his wife Eileen, 77, in the shadow of a mobile phone mast at Thurton near Loddon, said he would be worried if the site collapsed.

“It would be the wrong thing altogether and I don't agree with it,” he said. “I think it should be open knowledge where they are - when people move house or something like that they can check where there's a phone mast. That's useful information.”

In January last year the Evening News used the site to reveal how thousands of children were being taught within about 200 metres of a mobile phone mast.

Our survey found about 20pc of the Norwich area's 76 primary schools had phone masts or antennae within or close to that 200 metre range which experts had claimed could put youngsters at risk.

Are you fighting a mobile phone mast application in your area? Call Evening News reporter Peter Walsh on (01603) 772439 or email

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

List of countries describes as "Terrorist breeding grounds" increases

"Fragile" countries, whose deepening poverty puts them at risk from terrorism, armed conflict and epidemic disease, have jumped to 26 from 17 since the report was last issued in 2003.

From Information Clearing House

Harry Reid: not a single terrorist has been brought to justice

“Five years after September 11, not a single terrorist has been brought to justice under the President’s flawed policy.

From Information Clearing House

How Bush Rules: Torture and The Quest For Unfettered Power

The Bush administration’s new torture policy prompted the export of torture technique from Guantanamo to Abu Ghraib.

From his office in clouded cockoo land: Cheney Says Hopes of World Rest on U.S.

Vice President Dick Cheney cast the global war on terror on Tuesday as a "war of nerves,'' borrowing a phrase Harry Truman used to describe the Cold War. Cheney asserted that the hopes of the civilized world depend on a U.S. victory.,,-6090925,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Detainee Treatment Act poses a grave threat to American service-members

Ret. military leaders & frmr DOD officials say Detainee Treatment Act poses a grave threat to American service-members

Detainee Treatment Act violates the core principles of the Geneva Conventions and poses a grave threat to American service-members, now and in future wars.

From Information Clearing House

Judge, jury, and torturer

"TRUST US. You're guilty. We're going to execute you, but we can't tell you why." That is how Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, characterized the Bush administration's recent proposal for a draconian new trial system to deal with accused terrorists.

From Information Clearing House

Canadian Was Tortured and Falsely Accused, Panel Says

Canadian intelligence officials passed false warnings and bad information to American agents about a Muslim Canadian citizen, after which U.S. authorities secretly whisked him to Syria, where he was tortured, a judicial report found Monday.

How Canada failed citizen Maher Arar

Mr. Arar, a Canadian citizen who was deported from the United States to Syria -- where he was tortured as a terrorist suspect -- has suffered "devastating" mental and economic consequences as a result of his ordeal, Mr. Justice Dennis O'Connor says in a report released yesterday.

From Information Clearing House


Canada Plans Official Torture Protest

A formal Canadian protest to Washington appeared to be planned on Tuesday as the result of an official inquiry into the US deportation in 2002 of a Canadian citizen to Syria, where he was subsequently tortured.

Turkey official warns on Iraq federalism

"The core of the problem is that if Iraq is divided, definitely there will be civil war and definitely neighboring countries will be involved in this," Abdullah Gul said. "The Middle East can't shoulder this. It's too much."

From Information Clearing House

There is more than one triangle of resistance

What the occupiers of Iraq still refuse to accept is that the resistance is supported and protected by Iraqis.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. Resorting to 'Collective Punishment'

Ahmad, a local doctor who withheld his last name for security purposes told IPS. "This city has been facing the worst of the American terror and destruction for more than two years now, and the world is silent."

From Information Clearing House

We have a responsibility to future generations to do better, and time is running out

Fighting Capitalism One Essay at a Time

By Angie Tibbs

If enough people who care and know the issues do not come forward and demand an end to this madness, dissent will be criminalized. We are at a critical crossroads in our civilization. We have a responsibility to future generations to do better, and time is running out.

Rogue Nation: time to change the course of U.S. history

By Peter Stern

It is time for the American people to take back their nation from irresponsible and lackluster special interest-motivated elected officials. Impeaching top members of the Bush administration may be in order.

When the chief executive can make an unabashed appeal for torture, then the American dream is dead

Senate Bills Would Allow for Lifelong Detention Without Trial, Torture Without Accountability

Audio and transcript

Both proposed bills in the Senate strip away the right to habeas corpus and cut back the ability of rape survivors of to hold their perpetrators accountable. We speak with Michael Ratner of the Center for Constitutional Rights.

Ties to GOP Trumped Know-How Among Staff Sent to Rebuild Iraq

By Rajiv Chandrasekaran

A 24-year-old who had never worked in finance -- but had applied for a White House job -- was sent to reopen Baghdad's stock exchange. The daughter of a prominent neoconservative commentator and a recent graduate from an evangelical university for home-schooled children were tapped to manage Iraq's $13 billion budget, even though they didn't have a background in accounting.

Retired U.S. Col. Says U.S. Are Conducting Military Operations Inside Iran

Video and transcript

Air Force Col. Sam Gardiner (Ret.) said, “We are conducting military operations inside Iran right now. The evidence is overwhelming.”

What Would War Look Like?

By Michael Duffy

A flurry of military maneuvers in the Middle East increases speculation that conflict with Iran is no longer quite so unthinkable. Here's how the U.S. would fight such a war--and the huge price it would have to pay to win it.

Climate-controlled White House

Informant: Teresa Binstock

Royal Society tells Exxon: stop funding climate change denial,,1876538,00.html

Read the letter in full here

Informant: binstock

The FCC's secret exposed: they destroyed their own study when it proved media consolidation reduces local news coverage

The FCC's dirty secret has been exposed: they destroyed their own study when it proved media consolidation reduces local news coverage.

Rupert Murdoch owns FOX News and rightwing newspapers in key cities like New York (the New York Post) and around the world. Now he wants to buy more media outlets in cities across the U.S. to complete his takeover of America's news. We know what will inevitably follow: more propaganda and lies like those that led to the disastrous invasion of Iraq.

Tell the FCC to say no to media monopolies like FOX News.

Bob Fertik

Big media will soon get bigger, unless you help us stop it. The FCC's media ownership comment period ends soon!

Tell the commissioners how you feel about the spin you get from Fox, Time Warner and other big media conglomerates!

Last week, the Associated Press revealed a secret study by FCC staff that suggested greater concentration of media ownership would hurt local TV news coverage. The FCC had ordered its staff to destroy all copies of this report!

"Adam Candeub, now a law professor at Michigan State University, said senior managers at the agency ordered that 'every last piece' of the report be destroyed. 'The whole project was just stopped -- end of discussion,' he said."

The newly found report contradicts the FCC's 2003 rationale for allowing media corporations to gobble up increased shares of the media market. Millions of comments from people like you stopped them back then, and can stop them again today.

Take a moment now to tell the FCC to stop the underhanded tactics!

It's time to listen to America and safeguard a diverse and independent media.

After you have added your thoughts to the public record, please forward this email to five other people who can add their ideas as well. We only have a few days left before the official comment period closes. The FCC needs to hear from us now!


Morgan Jindrich
A project of Consumers Union
1300 Guadalupe, Suite 100
Austin, Texas 78701

Kill the Messenger: Sibel Edmonds

Tuesday, September 19, 2006
--by Scott Horton --

There’s a new documentary coming out about Sibel Edmonds, the famously gagged FBI whistle-blower who found out too much about the criminals who occupy the highest levels of power in this country and others.

It’s called Kill the Messenger.

Watch the trailer here:

Make sure to follow the links to Lukery’s new Sibel

it’s already full of tons of information as well as his , of course.

Informant: Kev Hall

Informant: Kev Hall

New mast sparks protests

RESIDENTS in Huntstown are up in arms again over the continued presence of mobile phone masts near a primary school in the area. Two heated public protests took place last week outside the Pinewood House commercial centre as residents vented their anger at the erection of a second mobile mast antenna at the site.

Pinewood House is in close proximity to the Sacred Heart Primary School and the residents fear that radiation from the phone masts could have potential health implications for their children.

Dr Gillian Mulholland, who represents the Huntstown Mast Action Group, told Northside People that they fear a third antenna may also be added.

“We are disgusted by this and will continue to campaign against the erection of such masts near the primary school until such time as something is done about it,” Dr Mulholland said.

Of particular concern to the residents is a new panel antenna that was erected on a side wall of Pinewood House during the summer months.

The residents are also angered by the fact that Fingal County Council is unable to do anything to prevent the masts being erected, due to the fact that they are exempted from planning permission.

An objective relating to mobile phone masts included in the Fingal Development Plan 2005-2011 states that an area of land 200 metres in radius around a school premises should be kept free from the erection of phone masts.

“However, Fingal County Council has told me that this is only valid if the mast requires planning permission,” explained Dr Mulholland.

“Those of the type on Pinewood House do not require planning permission but a mobile mast is a mobile mast regardless.

“They still give out microwave radiation, which nobody will confirm is safe or not for children to be exposed to. In the meantime, no one seems to want to take precautions to protect our children.”

Local Socialist Party TD, Joe Higgins, who joined the residents at the protest last week, said it was outrageous that parents have been obliged to take such steps.

“Such transmitters should not be sited near schools, full stop,” he said. “There are very serious unanswered questions about their health effects, especially on children.”

“The Government carries a responsibility here also for allowing these masts to go up as exempted developments. This is incredible.”

However, a spokeswoman for mobile phone company Vodafone told Northside People that the health and safety of the public, Vodafone customers, employees and contractors is of paramount importance to the company.

“Vodafone ensures that mobile phones and their base stations are designed and operated so that people are not exposed above radio frequency exposure guidelines set by international and national bodies such as the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection ,” she said.
“The guidelines are there to protect all members of the public 24 hours a day.”

The spokeswoman said that expert scientific reviews conclude that it is unlikely that there are adverse health effects linked to the use of mobile phones or living or working near radio base stations when they are operated within the relevant guideline limits.

Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under:

US Treasury Secretary Paulson Concerned About Protectionism But Finds Nothing Wrong With The US Trade Deficit

I thought you might be interested in the index. You can view it at


THE DENIAL INDUSTRY,,1875587,00.html

Informant: NHNE


Here is an interesting newsletter from the Social Market Foundation It seems to be another one to watch.

Interesting that one of its board members is a director of Ofcom and used to be a director of APCO (EXXON, Philip Morris and manufacturing doubt- see Monbiot article,,1875587,00.html )
Science Risk and the media, do the front pages reflect reality? page 8

Media Myths and scientific risks page 10 mentions phone masts- who is this lib dem MP, someone needs to get on to him.

They are trying to confuse the issue even more!

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network

Protect California Ballots

Mayor wants Telus to wait on cell tower

By Don Plant

Wednesday, September 20, 2006, 12:01 AM

Telus will decide in the next two weeks where it will locate a controversial cellphone tower in South Kelowna.

The company made the announcement at a meeting in Kelowna on Tuesday.

Demand for wireless service is increasing as the city’s population grows, said company spokesman Shawn Hall.

“We need to meet that demand,” he said. “If we were to wait a year, I’d expect to see degraded cellphone service in Kelowna. People wouldn’t have the same service they have now because demand is increasing every day.”

The 42-metre tower is slated to go up in the Todd Road area, where a hole has been dug on Chris Turton’s property. About 140 residents have signed a petition against it, arguing the electrical emissions could affect their health.

Residents who attended Tuesday’s meeting pointed to two international studies that are probing the non-thermal effects of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) on the human body. They want Telus to delay the project at least until the studies are released.

Mayor Sharon Shepherd, who also attended the meeting, agrees.
“My preference would be that they back off on doing anything until we get those results in,” she said. “I’m very interested in these two major studies.”

A representative of Health Canada told the meeting that scientists regularly review the benchmark they use to gauge cell-tower emissions.

Bob Bradley, director of consumer and clinical radiation, said Health Canada and Industry Canada have integrated previous studies on the non-thermal effects of EMF emissions into the current safety code, said Hall.

The maximum ground-level exposure of the proposed tower’s emissions would be 98 times lower than Industry Canada’s benchmark for human health, he said.

Still, residents are worried the safety code fails to account for whether cell-tower emissions can make neighbours more prone to cancer.

“I believe (Telus) wants to do what’s good for Telus,” said Perry Leibel, a Todd Road resident who attended the meeting.

“There’s a bunch of details out there that Safety Code 6 doesn’t deal with.”

The international studies residents are touting won’t be released for another year or two, Hall said. Health Canada then has to review them.

“We’re at least three or four years until . . . those studies are reviewed and implemented,” he said. “It’s just as likely those studies will result in emission standards being relaxed.”

Residents have proposed seven other tower sites in South Kelowna.

Engineering reports found four of them are unsuitable because they’re either too far away to provide adequate coverage or two towers would have to be built on one site to transmit signals over a ridge of land, Hall said.

The three other proposed sites would be suitable, but they’re closer to residential areas. “I was disappointed there wasn’t a better site that appears to meet their criteria. I would hope no homes (are affected),” said Shepherd.

One family is moving away from Todd Road. Paul White, who devoted more than a year opposing the tower, said he’s tired of wasting his time.

“I have no power at all,” he said. “We’ve been graced with a period when they haven’t built, and I’m grateful for that. It gives us time to move out.”

© Wednesday, September 20, 2006Copyright

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