Montag, 25. September 2006

A Detainee's Story: The Man Who Has Been to America

Why should Geneva Convention protections be applied to Guantanamo detainees? One innocent man's journey through the legal black hole of the war on terror - four prisons, three countries, two years - may be the best argument yet.

Why Retired Military Brass Don't Want Torture

Firsthand combat experiences compel old guard to attack Bush's "alternative interrogation." For all 43 retired generals and admirals, it was a combination of moral outrage and deep disgust over President Bush's proposed legislation on interrogating terrorist suspects that propelled them into unfamiliar territory. "None of us feels comfortable speaking out publicly," said Rear Adm. John D. Hutson (retired).

Due Process, Bulldozed

Bob Herbert writes, "Bilal Hussein was part of a team of Associated Press photographers who had won a Pulitzer Prize for photos documenting the fighting and carnage in Iraq. Now he's a prisoner, having been seized by the US government. You might ask: What's he been charged with? The answer: Nothing."

Study of Iraq War and Terror Stirs Strong Political Response

Democratic lawmakers, responding to an intelligence report that found that the Iraq war has invigorated Islamic radicalism and worsened the global terrorist threat, said the assessment by American spy agencies demonstrated that the Bush administration needed to devise a new strategy for its handling of the war.

Genetically Modified Food Animals Coming

US Questioned About Arar Torture Case

Days before the Bush administration put Canadian citizen Maher Arar on a plane for Syria, Canadian law enforcement officials advised their US counterparts that evidence of terrorist links by Arar was not definitive. Why the Bush administration still shipped Arar to Syria - where he was tortured - and whether he remains on the United States' terror watch list are still unknown.

Retired Officers to Accuse Rumsfeld of Bungling the War

Retired military officers on Monday are expected to bluntly accuse Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld of bungling the war in Iraq, saying that US troops were sent to fight without the best equipment and that critical facts were hidden from the public.

Attac wirbt für "Allianzen gegen neoliberale Politik"

"Pflege von großem Vermögen": Attac wirbt für "Allianzen gegen neoliberale Politik" (25.09.06)

Die globalisierungskritische Organisation Attac wirbt dafür, den "Widerstand gegen den Sozialabbau" mit den Protesten gegen die G8 zu verbinden. In einem Offenen Brief an Funktionsträger in den deutschen Gewerkschaften ruft Attac dazu auf, gemeinsame Perspektiven zu entwickeln, "die über den nationalen Tellerrand reichen und den universellen Anspruch auf soziale und ökologische Rechte ernst nehmen". Deshalb sollten sich die Gewerkschaften, Attac und andere Zusammenhänge dafür einsetzen, dass sich "die unterschiedlichen sozialen und politischen Strömungen des emanzipatorischen Lagers" stärker aufeinander beziehen, "gemeinsame Debatten" und eine "gemeinsame Praxis" entwickeln. Attac werde sich an den für Oktober geplanten Demonstrationen des DGB beteiligen und bereite sie mit vor. Gleichzeitig ruft Attac die Gewerkschaften auf, mit gegen den G8-Gipfel im kommenden Juni in Heiligendamm "zu mobilisieren".

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

UN-Klimabericht: Erd-Erwärmung soll nicht mehr aufzuhalten sein


Im November 2007 soll der vierte UN-Klimabericht verabschiedet werden. Ein erster Entwurf des mit der Erstellung beauftragten Forschergremiums liegt nun vor. Im Vergleich zum letzten Klimabericht aus dem Jahre 2001 habe sich die Lage noch einmal erheblich verschärft. Der Klimawandel sei nicht mehr aufzuhalten, allenfalls könnte das Ausmaß der Erwärmung noch gemildert werden. Für die Bundesrepublik werden extreme Hitzewellen und Dürreperioden mit Temperaturen jenseits der 40 Grad, aber auch Regenperioden mit starken Überschwemmungen vorausgesagt.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Aktion gegen "Totalprotokollierung der Telekommunikation"

"Verheerend für die Meinungsfreiheit": Aktion gegen "Totalprotokollierung der Telekommunikation" (25.09.06)

Der Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung, ein bundesweiter Zusammenschluss von Bürgerrechtlern, Datenschützern und Internetnutzern, hat am Montag eine Kampagne gegen die von SPD und Union geplante Vorratsspeicherung von Telekommunikationsdaten gestartet. Das Angebot: Auf einem speziellen Internetportal können besorgte Bürger Offene Protestbriefe verfassen, die automatisch an alle 448 Bundestagsabgeordnete der Koalition versandt werden. "Die Vorratsdatenspeicherung privatester Kommunikationsdaten widerspricht jeglicher Verhältnismäßigkeit und würde sich verheerend auf die Meinungsfreiheit auswirken," so Bettina Winsemann vom Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung zur Begründung.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Kampagne: Offene Briefe gegen Totalprotokollierung der Telekommunikation (25.09.2006)

Zur Kampagnenseite

Media Tall Tales for the Next War

Norman Solomon writes, "When the USA's biggest news weekly devotes five pages to scoping out a US air war against Iran, as Time did ... it's yet another sign that the wheels of our nation's war-spin machine are turning faster toward yet another unprovoked attack on another country."

Bush and Torture

Le Monde sees "little chance that the disposition that allows the president of the United States to enact rules that constitute an outrage to common law will be challenged …"

Appeasement Driven by Oil: The Bush Administration and Darfur

David Morse writes, "The Bush administration is now in the habit of hurling the charge of 'appeasement' at critics of its Iraq war. Anyone who has followed the president's stance toward Sudan closely will appreciate the deep irony."

Torture Victim Had No Terror Link, Canada Told US

When the United States sent Maher Arar to Syria, where he was tortured for months, the deportation order stated unequivocally that Mr. Arar, a Canadian software engineer, was a member of al-Qaeda. But a few days earlier, Canadian investigators had told the FBI that they had not been able to link him to the terrorist group.

"Der Irak-Krieg hat es schlimmer gemacht"

USA: Ein Bericht von 16 Geheimdiensten erkennt in der Invasion und Besetzung des Irak Nährboden und Inspiration für eine neue Generation von Terroristen.

Der "lange Krieg" wird teuer

Während die US-Regierung die Militärausgaben senken will, fordert der Personalchef der U.S. Army 40 Milliarden Dollar mehr oder eine Begrenzung der militärischen Einsätze im "globalen Krieg gegen den Terrorismus".

Don't Let This Happen: Take Action on Illegal Spying and Detainee Trials Right Now

Ordinary people with no connections to terrorist organizations are being swept up into George Bush's war

Bush's climate plan will kick-start a new era of bargaining on Capitol Hill over the planet's future

A new intelligence estimate confirms the catastrophic failure of administration policy

Army Warns Rumsfeld It's Billions Short

The Army's top officer withheld a required 2008 budget plan from Pentagon leaders last month after protesting to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld that the service could not maintain its current level of activity in Iraq plus its other global commitments without billions in additional funding.

Are We Really So Fearful?

Ariel Dorfman wants to know, "Can't the United States see that when we allow someone to be tortured by our agents, it is not only the victim and the perpetrator who are corrupted, not only the 'intelligence' that is contaminated, but also everyone who looked away and said they did not know, everyone who consented tacitly to that outrage so they could sleep a little safer at night, all the citizens who did not march in the streets by the millions to demand the resignation of whoever suggested, even whispered, that torture is inevitable in our day and age, that we must embrace its darkness?"

How to Stop The New World Order

by Joan Veon

For the last 13 years as I have covered global meetings and studied the ever shifting economic and political structure of this New World Order of ours, I have been very saddened to realize that we the people have absolutely no voice in government. Over and over again, the president passes executive orders that bypass Congress and if that was not bad enough, our elected representatives have determined that “they know better than you and me.” Most of the change that is occurring today is because elected officials have decided that we the people are not smart enough to understand and we are being bypassed by them.....

Flight 93 Lawsuit Filed

by Devvy Kidd

We the people are doing the job the government refuses to do because their hands are dirty. On that note, and because I want to know if Flight 93 did or didn't land in Cleveland, I filed a FOIA on November 14, 2005 against the FAA seeking routine data which is released to the public all the time without a FOIA. I had been trying to get this documentation through a friend who has a good working relationship with a member of Congress, but this request was being stonewalled.....

Flight 93 Lawsuit Update

by Devvy Kidd

Did United Flight 93 land at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport on September 11, 2001? That was the focus of my Freedom of Information Act request which was ignored for ten months until I filed the lawsuit. On October 2, 2006 while I was out of the state, a Mr. Brad Preamble, an attorney representing the FAA, called me because his agency had been served...

The Election Integrity Audit

Our enemies' indispensable ally

The Power of Narrative
by Arthur Silber


No one who retains even the smallest vestige of sanity, and who is still capable of grasping facts and their significance, should have even a scintilla of doubt as to who the indispensable ally of our enemies is: it is, of course, the Bush administration and its foreign policy of viciously aggressive, non-defensive, immoral war and occupation. ... To our nation's eternal shame, there is no serious opposition to the administration's plans, even at this fearfully late date. We have only one party: the War Party...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Republic of Fear

by Patrick Cockburn

The republic of fear is born again. The state of terror now gripping Iraq is as bad as it was under Saddam Hussein. Torture in the country may even be worse than it was during his rule, the United Nation's special investigator on torture said yesterday. 'The situation as far as torture is concerned now in Iraq is totally out of hand,' said Manfred Nowak. 'The situation is so bad many people say it is worse than it had been in the times of Saddam Hussein'...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Democracy in the Muslim world

Boston Globe
by Lorenzo Vidino


In recent weeks, President Bush has delivered a series of major speeches outlining his strategy against terrorism. We have come a long way from the nebulous rhetoric of the immediate aftermath of Sept. 11, 2001. The foe is no longer defined as 'terror,' which is simply a tool used by a well-defined adversary. ... The obvious cure to the problem is tackling radical Islam, the ideology that motivates terrorists. But the administration believes firmly -- almost blindly -- that democracy is the right medicine. According to the report, democracy 'diminishes the underlying conditions terrorists seek to exploit.' ... Yet democracy does not always have these healing powers. ... The truth is that today democratic societies are spawning terrorists no less than dictatorships are...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The real Islamic threat

Fox News
by James Jay Carafano


The greatest danger in the world today is not the threat from Islam, but the threat to Islam. In the long war against terror, nations with primarily Muslim populations have suffered the most loses -- murder, instability, economic malaise and the degradation of religious faith. And it is all the fault of the terrorists who claim to be their champions. On 9/11 and many times since, terrorists have tried attacking the West. But they've found the West isn't an easy target. ... In turn, the terrorists did what they have historically done: attacked the weak and avoided the strong. And the weak are in the terrorists' own back yard. ... But first, a reminder about the stakes of the border war. Homeland security is an international concern; ask any Israeli who supports building a wall for self-protection...,2933,215237,00.html

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush strikes deal that lets him keep fighting dirty

Guardian [UK]
by David Rose


Last Thursday night, in a development barely reported in Britain, any hope of bringing detainees at Guantanamo and in the CIA's 'black' prisons into some kind of acceptable legal framework to protect their human rights suffered a grievous setback. After weeks of wrangling, Congressional opposition to Bush administration plans caved in, leaving the prisoners in a literally hopeless position. ... After weeks of sound and fury, McCain and his cohorts caved in. Small wonder Bush sounded jubilant...,,1879845,00.html

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Powell belatedly joins bid to save nation's soul

Baltimore Sun
by Leonard Pitts Jr.


Colin L. Powell is late. Late by weeks, late by months. Truth to tell, late by years. 'The world,' he wrote in a letter to Sen. John McCain this month, 'is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism.' The eyes goggle at the word, neon-obvious in its understatement. Beginning to doubt? 'Beginning?'

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The economy in denial

Free Market News Network
by Axel Merk


Almost every day, a high profile company directly or indirectly targeting the US consumer warns that its outlook is bleak. Let it be Yahoo warning about advertising revenues; let it be Kellogg's warning about its high costs; let it be Dell's warning that its eternal rebate programs cannot push sales anymore; let it be the automakers that sell many of their brands at prices below last year's level, yet are still unable to boost volume. All these incidents are linked to the US consumer; and US consumer spending, in turn is very closely linked to the health in the housing market. It also comes as no surprise that so far this year, the US dollar has fallen significantly versus a basket of currencies...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Patient Bill of Rights or, how to manufacture legislation

Liberty For All
by J. Michael Bragg

It sounds good on the surface in that our politicians have conveniently used 'Bill of Rights' as its moniker. However, with a little closer scrutiny this provision designed to help Americans unhappy with the service they are receiving from their 'managed care' plans is not so attractive. The bipartisan effort introduced by John McCain (R - Arizona), John Edwards (D-Trial Lawyers) and Ted Kennedy (D- Johnny Walker) has had a more watered down version than originally introduced pass in the Senate... (written 06/06/01; posted 09/24/06)

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The neverending war

No Force, No Fraud
by Bob Smith


There is no other explanation needed for the wars we are currently involved in. Despite all the propagandizing about the need for our Middle East involvement, the simple truth is that war is good for politicians and all who deal with them...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


War After War After War

Another Year, Another Post

By Layla Anwar

The Westerner is a bag of slimy nasal snots...and am not just talking about governments here, am talking of "people".

Dems must stop GOP on Social Security



Republicans will revive their effort to overhaul Social Security after the November elections, a 'dangerous' plan that would cut benefits to older Americans, the Democratic candidate for a Denver-area House seat said Saturday. 'We can and must stop them -- right now, before it's too late,' Ed Perlmutter said in the Democrats' weekly radio address. 'Just last year, Democrats stood up to President Bush and the Republicans in Congress, and fought back against this dangerous proposal and defeated it'...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Intel agencies: Iraq war hurting terror fight



The war in Iraq has become the primary recruitment vehicle for violent Islamic extremists, motivating a new generation of potential terrorists around the world whose numbers are increasing faster than the United States and its allies are eliminating the threat, U.S. intelligence analysts have concluded. A 30-page National Intelligence Estimate completed in April cites the 'centrality' of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and the insurgency that has followed, as the leading inspiration for new Islamic extremist networks and cells that are united by little more than an anti-Western agenda...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

For detainees: less access to US courts?

Christian Science Monitor


In a significant but little-discussed move, the Bush administration is asking Congress to strip the federal courts of jurisdiction to hear cases brought by Guantanamo detainees challenging the legality of their confinement. The move marks the second time in less than a year that the Bush administration is seeking to achieve in Congress what it was unable to win in court. In December, Congress passed the Detainee Treatment Act -- a measure that sharply limited judicial jurisdiction to hear detainee challenges. Administration lawyers even argued that the US Supreme Court itself had been stripped of the power to decide the case handed down last June that invalid[at]ed military commission trials at Guantanamo...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Attacks spark tougher Guantanamo jail

USA Today


The military is toughening a new jailhouse for suspected al-Qaeda and Taliban militants to protect guards after a spate of attacks and evidence that detainees have organized themselves into groups to mount uprisings, officials said. The hardening comes as U.N. human rights investigators are calling for closing the entire detention center on this remote U.S. base. But with the war against terror groups dragging on, commanders say they have no choice in dealing with men deemed enemy combatants...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush's battle to control the world's oil supply has cost billions of dollars, much more than it would have cost to discover new sources of energy

Informant: binstock

Einkommen schafft Arbeit: Mehrwert durch Grundeinkommen

Morgen Dienstag 26. September eröffnen wir um 20.30 unsere 12-tägige Veranstaltungsreihe mit dem Podium „Grundeinkommen ein Kulturimpuls“:

Mit Margit Appel, Wien, Christof Dietler, Chur, Martin Lötscher, Zürich, Bodo von Plato, Dornach, Brigitta Gerber, Basel, Daniel Häni, Basel.

Moderation: Enno Schmidt

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Rep. Weldon: Pentagon Report a 'Whitewash'

Rep. Curt Weldon, R-Pa., called a Pentagon report he had requested about pre-9/11 intelligence on al-Qaida operations in the United States "emphatically wrong" and a "whitewash," aimed at discrediting him as he faces the toughest re-election campaign of his career.

From Information Clearing House

It's the Manipulated Economy, Stupid

USA Today ran an article showing that "When it comes to President Bush's approval rating --the number that measures his political health --one factor seems more powerful than any Oval Office address or legislative initiative."

Informant: Lew Rockwell

Why the Gulf Countries continue to embrace the Doomed Dollar

Why has the dollar – although stumbling – still held its ground as a worldwide reserve currency instead of falling like a stone, and why have the Gulf countries so far paid only lip service to a necessary diversification of their currency holdings?

Rising prices, the unbearable heavy for Iraqis

Fuel and electricity prices are up more than 270 percent from last years, according to Iraqi government statistics. Tea in some markets has quadrupled, egg prices have doubled.

From Information Clearing House

Top CIA Expert Slams Bush Anti-Terror Actions

The Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) recently retired top expert on radical Islamists has strongly denounced the conduct of U.S. President George W. Bush's "global war on terrorism" and the continued U.S. military presence in Iraq, which he said is "contributing to the violence".

Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Worsens Terrorism Threat:

A stark assessment of terrorism trends by American intelligence agencies has found that the American invasion and occupation of Iraq has helped spawn a new generation of Islamic radicalism and that the overall terrorist threat has grown since the Sept. 11 attacks.

If America's So Great, Where's Our Health Care?

By Sarah Ruth van Gelder

Lack of health insurance kills six times as many Americans each year as 9/11 did.

U.S. Gets ‘Sovietized’

By Eric Margolis

We have seen America’s president and vice president, sworn to uphold the Constitution, advocating some of the same interrogation techniques the KGB used at the Lubyanka. They apparently believe beating, freezing, sleep deprivation and near-drowning are necessary to prevent terrorist attacks. So did Stalin.

List of accusations of GIs in Iraq stuns experts

By Associated Press

The accounts are brutal: An Iraqi man dragged from his home, executed and made to look as if he were an insurgent. Three prisoners killed by their Army captors. A team of revenge-seeking Marines going home to home, shooting down unarmed Iraqi men, women, children.

Iraq war created a terrorist flood, American spymasters warn Bush

Paul Harris in Washington and Peter Beaumont in Baghdad

This grim assessment is provided in a classified intelligence document called the National Intelligence Estimate, large parts of which have been leaked to the New York Times. The report is the largest US intelligence survey of the global terror threat carried out since the invasion of Iraq in March 2003.

The One World Order: The Conservative Charade

Bush Seeks Immunity for Violating War Crimes Act

United Professionals, Unite!

Child Hunger in a Land of Abundance Makes Us All Poor

Groups Denounce Deal on Detainee Rights

Nationwide Actions 'Declare Peace', Raise Pressure on Congress

US Army’s Kill-Kill Ethos Under Fire

Officials Wary of Electronic Voting Machines

Leaked Intelligence Report Rocks Bush Election Stance

Nach Auffliegen illegaler Abhöraktionen soll nun das Justizministerium die Telecom überwachen

Tell Congress Torture is Un-American!


What is the problem with being called an "obstructionist"?!! Something as offensive as the bill rubberstamping Bush to torture in our name must be stopped. It MUST be obstructed. And our senators with any conscience left must be made to understand that this is their JOB, to filibuster if necessary!

Last month I joined a group of leading peace activists in meetings with Iraqi leaders in Amman, Jordan. One of the most disturbing things I learned about was how Iraqi detainees are being routinely tortured.

Victims of Abu Ghraib told us about the unspeakable things that were being done in our name, as Americans, to our fellow human beings. In every case these victims had not been charged with a crime and were eventually released because they were innocent!

Americans were so upset that Saddam Hussein had tortured his own people that many of them thought that invading Iraq was actually a mission of mercy! Now we find out that it is America that is torturing innocent Iraqi people and our President wants permission to continue doing it!

George Bush is bullying Congress to RETROACTIVELY remove references from the Geneva Convention to "outrages upon personal dignity . . . " These are exactly the kind of barbaric abuses I learned about while I was in Jordan! Go to to see my video about this meeting.

Not my America!

Americans don't support torture for ANY reason. There is a line in the sand that we will not cross -- that we CANNOT cross and still consider ourselves civilized people. Intelligence gained from torture is worthless! Torture fuels the fire of hatred that is behind terrorism. But more than that, torture is immoral. And we don't want OUR America to have any part of it.

Take Action Now! Go to to tell Congress to uphold the Supreme Court decision that provides for fair trials and internationally recognized standards for care and treatment of people in detention.

My opponent, Darrell Issa, has good reason to look the other way on torture: His #1 contributor for this election and the last, is Titan, one of two contractors implicated in the Abu Ghraib prison torture scandal. Despite their connection with contracted torture, Titan's contract was recently renewed. Your contribution to my grassroots campaign will send a strong and clear message that torture is unacceptable.

Please go to to contribute to my campaign, because I will NEVER take money from anyone involved in human rights abuses. Period!

The one click form below will send your personal message to all your government representatives selected below, with the subject "Uphold international standards for treatment of detainees." At the same time you can send your personal comments only as a letter to the editor of your nearest local daily newspaper if you like.


This alert is brought to you through the activism of Jeeni Criscenzo, running for the U.S. House in the 49th Congressional district, and one of the leading progressive voices in the state of California.

When a brave candidate steps forward in such a district as CA 49th, shall we do anything to show them our support? If so, please also consider making a donation to Jeeni's campaign so she can spread the call to action message on impeachment, starting to bring our troops home from Iraq, and on so many other issues.


Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2006, Patent pending, All rights reserved

The Cheney Cabal: on the scheme for war against Iran

War on Iran Makes Perfect Sense: to the neocons, since they aim for maximum chaos

A Uniform Does Not Absolve You: on the soldier's responsibility

On fighting the neocons

Big News: The War Failed

Help Save The Wolves

A message from Pilvi

Even though these petitions seem expired, please continue to sign- we will see if we can get the sponsor's to extend deadline. Thanks

Save the Great American Grey wolf

Bring Back The Red Wolf

Help Save The Wolves

Protect Grey Wolves- Don't Kill them

Petition to Halt Baited Wolf Hunt

Stop The Ariel Gunning on Wolves

Stop the Arial Slaughter of Alaska's Wolves

Stop the Ariel Gunning of Alaska's Wolves

Save Wolves in Canada and All Over the World

Keep Wolves on Endangered Species List

Stop Killing Wolves in Alaska

Stop Portaying Wolves as "Big Bad Wolves" to Educate Children

Last chance: Stop warrantless wiretaps and unfair military commissions/torture!

Alle 100m ein W-LAN-Sender

Torture is a Moral Issue

Informant: ranger116

The US Empire Makes Its Move To Take Over The Middle East

Informant: ranger116

Kucinich Calls For Congressional Hearings On Negroponte’s Role In The Release Of A False And Misleading Report On Iran

Informant: Amy Sasser

From ufpj-news

Eisenhower Strike Group to arrive in Gulf with Tomahawk missiles (strike on Iran?)

Torture by any other name is just as vile

Modern Health Care System is the Leading Cause of Death

Informant: mjb1905


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