Threat to Our Forests
Reviewed by David Abbott
The Bush administration has come under attack for dismantling Clinton-era restrictions on road building and logging in nearly 58.5 million acres of the country's remaining backcountry and undeveloped forests. California, Oregon, and New Mexico have filed a lawsuit against the Bush administration, and a bi-partisan bill sponsored by Reps. Jay Inslee (D-WA) & Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) seeks to restore the rule. During its public comment period, the "Roadless Rule" generated the largest public response in US Forest Service history, with over 90 percent of comments supportive of the ban, while the repeal generated an even greater volume of comment, most of it critical. "Threats to Our Forests," National Environmental Trust, 9/05
Peter Phillips Ph.D.
Professor Sociology/Director Project Censored
Sonoma State University
1801 East Cotati Ave.
Rohnert Park, CA 94928
Office: 707-664-2588
The Bush administration has come under attack for dismantling Clinton-era restrictions on road building and logging in nearly 58.5 million acres of the country's remaining backcountry and undeveloped forests. California, Oregon, and New Mexico have filed a lawsuit against the Bush administration, and a bi-partisan bill sponsored by Reps. Jay Inslee (D-WA) & Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) seeks to restore the rule. During its public comment period, the "Roadless Rule" generated the largest public response in US Forest Service history, with over 90 percent of comments supportive of the ban, while the repeal generated an even greater volume of comment, most of it critical. "Threats to Our Forests," National Environmental Trust, 9/05
Peter Phillips Ph.D.
Professor Sociology/Director Project Censored
Sonoma State University
1801 East Cotati Ave.
Rohnert Park, CA 94928
Office: 707-664-2588
rudkla - 29. Apr, 14:20