Attack Iran, destroy the US constitution
Asia Times
by Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith
During the 2004 election, President George W Bush famously proclaimed that he didn't have to ask anyone's permission to defend the United States of America. Does that mean he can attack Iran without having to ask Congress? ... The president is acting as if the decisions that may get Americans into another war are his to make and his alone. So the Iran crisis poses not only questions of military feasibility and political wisdom but of constitutional usurpation. Bush's top officials openly assert that he can do anything he wants -- including attacking another country -- on his authority as commander-in-chief...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith
During the 2004 election, President George W Bush famously proclaimed that he didn't have to ask anyone's permission to defend the United States of America. Does that mean he can attack Iran without having to ask Congress? ... The president is acting as if the decisions that may get Americans into another war are his to make and his alone. So the Iran crisis poses not only questions of military feasibility and political wisdom but of constitutional usurpation. Bush's top officials openly assert that he can do anything he wants -- including attacking another country -- on his authority as commander-in-chief...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 26. Apr, 18:59