Inhuman Behavior: a chaplain's view of torture
By Kermit D. Johnson
The paradox is that patriotism can transmute individual unselfishness into national egoism. When this happens, when the critical attitude of the individual is squelched, this permits the nation, as Niebuhr observed, to use "power without moral constraint." - I believe this has been the case, particularly since 9/11, in the treatment of prisoners under U.S. custody.
The paradox is that patriotism can transmute individual unselfishness into national egoism. When this happens, when the critical attitude of the individual is squelched, this permits the nation, as Niebuhr observed, to use "power without moral constraint." - I believe this has been the case, particularly since 9/11, in the treatment of prisoners under U.S. custody.
rudkla - 26. Apr, 12:25