USFWS Proposes To Delist Rocky Mountains Wolves
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has announced its intention to establish a Distinct Population Segment of the gray wolf in the Northern Rocky Mountains, and then delist this population. A Distinct Population Segment (DPS) is essentially a population of a species or subspecies of animal that occurs in a specific geographic portion of that species' or subspecies' range.
The proposed Northern Rocky Mountain (NRM) DPS would encompasses all of Montana, Idaho and Wyoming, plus the eastern one-third of Washington, the eastern one-third of Oregon, and a small part of north-central Utah.
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The proposed Northern Rocky Mountain (NRM) DPS would encompasses all of Montana, Idaho and Wyoming, plus the eastern one-third of Washington, the eastern one-third of Oregon, and a small part of north-central Utah.
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rudkla - 25. Apr, 19:14