Stop political repression against the immigrant rights movement

Our undocumented sisters and brothers are not alone.

We, the undersigned:

Demand an end to the arrests and deportations of undocumented workers.

Demand that the government release all undocumented workers.

Demand that employers neither fire nor penalize anyone for participating in protests on May 1 or any other time.

Demand that all workers fired for participating in immigrants rights protests in recent weeks be restored to their jobs.

We support and defend the right of undocumented workers to participate in all forms of protest.

The arrest of over 1,100 undocumented workers by police working under the direction of the Homeland Security Agency in at least 26 states this week was calculated to stop the call for a May 1st Nationwide Boycott for Immigrant Rights. The Federal Government’s attempt to squelch the movement for full equality is a brazen act on behalf of industries that profit from imposing substandard wages and working conditions on immigrant workers.

If it was not clear before the awakening of a powerful immigrant rights movement in recent weeks, it most certainly is clear now that government raids against undocumented workers, mass arrests and deportations, along with firing workers for participating in protest are nothing less than political repression calculated to spread fear and to crush this new civil rights movement. This political repression must be exposed, condemned and stopped. There is absolutely no moral difference between the government’s anti-immigrant repression, and the same government’s shameful history of repression, jailing and violence against the civil rights movement that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led and sacrificed his life for.

Moreover, we realize that if those of us who are not directly affected by anti-immigrant political repression today remain silent now, then tomorrow it will be our protest against the war, or for healthcare, better wages, schools and housing etc. that will be the target of political repression. We are not going to let ourselves be divided from our immigrant sisters and brothers so that the powers that be can repress some of us now and some of us later. We will stand together and we will all be stronger because we are united.

The government must be put on notice: The Immigrant community is not alone in their struggle for dignity and civil rights. All who love freedom and identify with the plight of those amongst us who are the most exploited, stand shoulder to shoulder with the millions of proud and courageous immigrants who have lifted all of us by marching for their rights.

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