Peace and Impeachment on April 29

Two Important Events on Saturday, April 29, in New York and California

1. Peace March in New York APRIL 29 in New York City March for Peace, Justice, and Democracy Unite for change - let's turn our country around!

Democrats for Peace Contingent gathering for New York March

2. Impeachment Forum in California
The Progressive Caucus of the California Democratic Party Presents: Impeachment: Dialogue, Debate & Action April 29 at 8:30 PM The Crest Theater, 1013 K Street, Sacramento, CA Scheduled to appear on the panel are: • Representative Maxine Waters • Shayana Kadidal, lead attorney, Center for Constitutional Rights, and co-author, Articles of Impeachment Against George W. Bush • Elizabeth de la Vega, former lead prosecutor, San Jose and author of an upcoming book on impeachment • Bob Fertik, President, & co-founder • Mike Malloy, syndicated host of AirAmerica Radio, will moderate • Opening statement by Tim Goodrich, founder, Iraq Veterans Against the War. Tickets: $10 donation. You may preorder tickets through at the Crest Theater box office, (916) 442-7378 or at

Portions of this event will be broadcast later on the Mike Malloy Show on Air America. Mike will be discussing the upcoming forum this coming Friday evening.

Thank you for signing the petition!

With your help we have very quickly collected almost 30,000 signatures and the support of numerous organizations. We will soon be announcing an event at the White House. Cindy Sheehan and representatives of all the supporting organizations will deliver the petition to the President, along with every signature and comment you've added. You will all be invited to join us!

BUT FIRST... we need to collect a lot more signatures.

Please sign if you haven't yet. It's important and takes less than a minute.

Please print out this flyer and post it, pass it out, put it in the mail, tack it up on bulletin boards:

Please send the following note to everyone you know:

Bush and Cheney are seriously considering attacking Iran, and are threatening to use nuclear bombs. Please join me in helping to prevent this by taking 60 seconds to sign a petition at

An Audio Message from Ed Asner and After Downing Street

Listen to PSA by Ed Asner.

Please send this link to every radio station, producer, and host you can.

Go here to learn more:

Illinois Legislators Introduce Bill for Bush Impeachment

Three members of the Illinois General Assembly have introduced a bill that urges the General Assembly to submit charges to the U. S. House of Representatives to initiate impeachment proceedings against the President of the United States, George W. Bush, for willfully violating his Oath of Office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and if found guilty urges his removal from office and disqualification to hold any other office in the United States.

The Jefferson Manual of rules for the U.S. House of Representatives makes clear that impeachment proceedings can be initiated by a state legislature submitting charges. The state of Illinois is on its way toward forcing on the House what not a single one of its members has yet had the courage to propose: Articles of Impeachment.

The text of the Illinois bill and information on its status are available here:

The bill takes up the issues of illegal spying, torture, detentions without charge or trial, manipulation of pre-war intelligence, and the leaking of classified information. Here is a kit to help with promoting this resolution and with passing others in your towns and cities. Also on this page is information on activities in other states and localities:

The Evidence Is Persuading Even Senators

Here's an excerpt from an interview of Senator John Kerry by William Rivers Pitt:

PITT: 60 Minutes is going to report Sunday night that the CIA informed both George W. Bush and Dick Cheney that Iraq was not in possession of weapons of mass destruction a full six months before the invasion took place, and that both Bush and Cheney dismissed their analysis because the decision for regime change had already been made. What is your response to this revelation?

KERRY: If it is true, it confirms more and more of what we've heard from the British memos, from the Downing Street memo, from different statements by people in the administration and out, that they had made up their mind to go to war, and that they misled the Congress and the American people.

Read More:



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