The council has done nothing

By Paul Leat

This is Local London

AN action group of angry neighbours has formed in Arnison Avenue to fight the installation of an O mobile phone mast.

The NO Mast Group is now pushing for action to be taken by Wycombe District Council to have the offending 45ft pole removed, after the phone company had it erected despite being refused planning permission in July 2003.

O argued that because the council's original response had come one day after a 56-day cutoff point, the planning rejection was invalid.

Barry Evans, from NO, said unless something is done to solve the situation they will look to take on the council and the agents representing O in the courts.

He said: "O are going completely against their code of practice. They have stuck up the thing even though they know it was rejected. They are supposed to talk to residents and this clearly hasn't happened."

Mr Evans added: "The council has done nothing at all. It has failed in its duty to us as residents."

The council has said it is seeking advice from its legal team and a report is being put together to be presented to the development control committee.

The NO group, which has 25 members, has each written to a member of the development control committee listing its complaints.

Mr Evans said: "We have told them that we think it is pretty poor what has happened."

The error in responding to O was admitted in a letter from the council's legal team to the phone company, which asked for alternative sites to be discussed as a compromise.

The council claimed O had "not acted in good faith" by putting up the mast in February and said the mobile phone company's application was not complete when it received it, which delayed its decision.

O has said it acted responsibly and within the law.

Paul Goodman, MP for Wycombe, has said he will be advising people to boycott O's products if they are found to be in the wrong.

Jim Stevenson, from O, said: "We had many members of public write in which we are grateful for.

"We are taking into account all of their views and we will look at any alternatives that come up.

"Nothing has been set in stone".

10:32am Friday 21st April 2006


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