Come Shake Up Washington

UFPJ's "Peace in Iraq Call-In Day" Is Monday, April 24

On Tuesday, April 25, the Senate will take up the supplemental spending bill for 2006. The current proposal includes $67 billion more for the wars in Iraq and Afganistan. How many innocent Iraqis must die, how many young Americans? How much more destruction, pain and hatred before the Congress finds the will to end this war? Tell your Senators: Not one penny more for the War! There is growing support in the Senate for an amendment to the supplemental that will prohibit permanent U.S. bases in Iraq. Tell your Senators: No permanent U.S. bases in Iraq! Our "not one penny more for war" call-in day to the House of Representatives last month was a great success. The number of Representatives voting against the war funding rose to 71, AND the House approved an amendment against permanent U.S. military bases in Iraq. We want to repeat that success in the Senate. If we are unable to stop the funding request from passing, we can at least make sure that an amendment against permanent bases is attached. Call 1-800-620-4394

The toll-free number we are using is graciously provided by the Friends Committee on National Legislation - a member group of UFPJ.

Congressional Hearing on Iraq Is April 27

Congresswomen Lynn Woolsey and Barbara Lee will host a hearing on the Iraq War on Thursday, April 27, 8:30-11 a.m., in 2325 Rayburn House Office Building (with an overflow room planned for anyone wanting to attend who can't fit in). Woolsey and Lee are expected to give introductory remarks, as is former CIA officer and current Georgetown University Professor Paul Pillar. There will then be two panels, the first consisting of two Iraqi women and two U.S. veterans of the Iraq War, the second consisting of Members of Congress who have introduced bills aimed at ending the war. Then there will a Question and Answers session involving the audience. So, bring your tough questions! Or watch the live blogging at

UFPJ and PDA Training and Lobby Days Are May 20,21,22 Here's a chance to organize, train, and lobby against war and for impeachment. United for Peace and Justice, and Progressive Democrats of America have teamed up and organized a series of activities in Washington, D.C., on May 20, 21, and 22. That's a weekend full of training both to lobby Congress and to organize back home, and a Monday of lobbying Congress face-to-face.

To take part in everything, you need to register with both UFPJ and PDA.

Register to Join United for Peace and Justice Training Sessions and Congressional Education Days May 21-22 in Washington, DC Optional strategy session Saturday, May 20 Register now with UFPJ:

Register to Join PDA Grassroots Organizing and Lobbying Day May 20-22, in Washington, D.C. Firebird Inn, University of District of Columbia Campus 4200 Conn. Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. (Van Ness/UDC stop of the Red Line Metro) Register now with PDA:

Saturday, May 20
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM PDA Grassroots Leadership Meeting

1:00 - 4:00 PM: Optional UFPJ Legislative Strategy Session -- open to members of the UFPJ Legislative Action Network and members of UFPJ member organizations. This session will provide an opportunity for local activists to share experiences, discuss long-term legislative strategy, develop ideas for building a stronger national UFPJ Legislative Action Network.

Sunday, May 21
8:00 - 8:30 AM: (PDA) Register/Continental Breakfast!

8:30 - 9:00 AM: (PDA) Welcome by Tim Carpenter, PDA Executive Director; Opening Prayer and Remarks by Rev Lennox Yearwood, PDA National Board Member

9:00 AM: (UFPJ) Register

9:30 - 10:00 AM: (PDA) "Be a Part of the Growing Pro-Impeachment Grassroots Movement" by David Swanson, PDA National Board Member/Co-Founder,

10:30 - 11:30 AM: (PDA) "Organizing Mobilize and Deliver the Progressive Vote in 2006/Working to Elect a Progressive Majority in Congress" Moderator: Steve Cobble, PDA National Board Member Panelists: Tony Trupiano, PDA endorsed candidate from Michigan's 11th District Terry Lierman, Maryland Democratic Party State Chair Bill Goold, Director Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) Kevin Spidel, PDA Deputy Director

9:30 -10:45 (UFPJ) Peace Voter 2006 training – a non-partisan campaign to make peace the top issue in the 2006 elections. Kevin Martin, Executive Director, Peace Action

11:00 - 12:15 (UFPJ) Peace voter organizing session – Hany Khalil, Organizing Coordinator, UFPJ

9:30 - 10:45 (UFPJ) Coalition Building -- Michael Heaney, University of Florida

11:00 - 12:15 (UFPJ) X-treme Lobbying -- Techniques to bring greater sophistication to your lobbying efforts including how to research campaign contributions, who has influence over your congressperson, how to use that information.

11:30 - 12:30 AM: (PDA) "Building PDA at the Local, State and National Level " Moderator: Mimi Kennedy, PDA National Board Chair Panelists (from PDA): Dan O'Neal, State Coordinator Dr. Bill Honigman, Chapter Leadership Stephen Spitz, Congressional District Point Person Laura Bonham, Issue Working Group Coordinator Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Building Diversity into our Grassroots Organizing (PDA National Board Member) Sherry Bohlen, PDA National Field Director Register now with PDA:

Afternoon UFPJ Organizing Session

1:00 - 2:00 PM: Iraq and Iran update and legislative briefing

2:15 - 3:00 PM: How to make your visits to Congress a success –- tips from the experts

UFPJ Break-out sessions:

3:15 - 3:45 PM: Planning your House visit - Meet with PDA and UFPJ activists from your congressional district to determine spokespeople for your delegation, refine your message. Trainers will be congressional staff as well as experienced peace lobbyists.

4:00 - 4:30 PM: Planning your Senate visits Meet with others from your state to plan your visits. Trainers will be congressional staff as well as experienced peace lobbyists.

4:30 - 5:15 PM: Building/strengthening a statewide legislative network An opportunity to discuss building a statewide legislative network in your state, or to strengthen your statewide legislative network.

5:30 - 6:00 PM: Wrap-up and logistics for Monday

6:15 - 7:30 PM: (PDA) Briefing for congressional and senate candidates

Monday, May 22
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM: (UFPJ and PDA) Congressional Education Visits



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April 2006


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