Residents: enough is enough, no more masts

WORRIED parents are hoping people power will prevent two phone masts from going up near their Chorley homes.

The masts, from two different mobile phone giants, would also be close to a playing field and Eaves Green Community Centre.

T-Mobile has approached Chorley Borough Council with prior notification of a slim line lamppost supporting three antennas, measuring 11.7m on land opposite the playing fields 70m south east of The Minstrel Public House on Cottage Fields.

And Vodafone has submitted prior notification of a 12m 'street works' mast with a tri-sector antenna on grass land 60m south west of the same pub.
Brian Taylor, 65, of Eaves Green Road, has organised a petition and has already attracted 300 signatures. He said there is already one mast in nearby Moor Road with a potential second one by O2, in addition to the proposed ones for the Lower Burgh Way area. He said: "We are not objecting to them being up, but they should share them on one pole."
Mr Taylor is urging residents to write to the council stating objections on grounds of siting and appearance.

Julie Frederick, 39, has two children aged six and 11 and her home on The Oaks backs on to Lower Burgh Way. She said: "It's a bit too close with it being a big neighbourhood with lots of children about. I signed."

Neighbour Shelley Williams, 39, who has a three-year-old daughter, said: "I am not very happy, I don't like the thought of them being in a residential area. I will be objecting."

But both mobile companies have assured residents their base stations always adhere to national and international guidelines.

Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under:

Jane Frapwell, electro-magnetic field advisor for Vodafone, said: "The reason for any radio base station is to provide a service for local people who use mobile phones which would be the case in this instance.

"They have to be locally based because they are low powered so they have to be placed where people live, work and travel. These are fairly discrete structures designed to blend in with existing street furniture They have the same sort of appearance as lighting columns and telegraph poles."

A T-Mobile spokesman added: "The mast is to enhance our network because more people are using mobile telephones, there are more than 60 million mobile telephone users in the country and we have to supply a network that will keep up with that demand."

A council spokesman said: "We have not yet received a petition."

The register includes 38 masts in the Leyland Guardian area.

The masts near you

They are:

1. Global Trading, Walton Summit Road, Bamber Bridge; LFA;
2. LFA, King Street, Leyland;
3. Walton Hall Farm, off Carrwood Road, Walton-le-Dale;
4. Transco Compound, Walton Summit Industrial Estate, Walton Summit;
5. NTL Bamber Bridge Telecommunications Site, Charnley Fold, Bamber Bridge;
6-8. Leyprint, Leyland Lane, Leyland (3);
9. Land on the northern side of Preston New Road (opposite Quattros) Samlesbury;
10-12. Bamber Bridge Football Club, Irongate, Bamber Bridge (2);
13. Global Trading, Walton Summit Road, Bamber Bridge;
14. Land adjacent Global House, Walton Summit Road, Bamber Bridge;
15. Fox Lane Sports Club, Fox Lane, Leyland;
16. Leyland ATE, Golden Hill, Leyland;
17. Yew Tree Farm, Fowler Lane, Leyland;
18. Land adjacent Church House Farm, Preston New Road, Samlesbury;
19. Freshfields, Wigan Road, Leyland;
20. South Ribble Industrial Estate, Winery Lane, Walton-le-Dale;
21. British Car Auctions, Reedfield Place, Walton Summit;
22. Land adjacent 16 and 17 Charnley Fold Lane, Bamber Bridge;
23. Chandler Ltd, Chandler House, Talbot Road, Leyland;
24. Grass verge, Carrwood Road, Bamber Bridge;
25. Dog Kennel Wood, London Way, Walton-le Dale;
26. Land at Tomlinson Road, Leyland;
27. Land to rear of the Poachers, adjacent Cuerden Way, Bamber Bridge;
28. Land to north of Slater Lane, Schleswig Way, Leyland;
29. Opposite junction of Dawson Lane and Western Avenue, Leyland;
30. Schleswig junction with Dunkirk Way, Leyland;
31. Land off Langdale Road, Leyland;
32. Grass verge adjacent 219 Brownedge Road, Bamber Bridge;
33. Clayton Brook Farm, Preston Road, Bamber Bridge;
34. Schleswig Way, Leyland.
35. Land adjacent Barton Dene, Heald House Road, Leyland;
36. Land adjacent Church House Farm, Potter Lane, Samlesbury;
37. South Ribble Industrial Estate, Winnery Lane, Walton-le-Dale;
38. 311 Croston Road, Farington Moss, Leyland.

13 April 2006

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