Americans are refusing to stand by silently and let the government’s illegal spying programs go on unquestioned and unauthorized

From: Anthony D. Romero, ACLU

Americans are refusing to stand by silently and let the government’s illegal spying programs go on unquestioned and unauthorized. I’m writing to ask you to add your voice by participating in our next live National Town Hall meeting on spying, secrecy and presidential power.

On Tuesday, April 11, you can go online and tune in to our live forum in Denver, Colorado, where I will be joined by several distinguished panelists, including Bruce Fein, former Deputy Attorney General under President Reagan, former Colorado Senator and presidential candidate Gary Hart, and Mark Silverstein, ACLU of Colorado Legal Director. Dottie Lamm, the former first lady of Colorado, will moderate the event.

On Tuesday, you can tune in live and submit your own questions for the panel by going to:

The event begins at 6 p.m. PDT/9 p.m. EDT. Experts from both sides of the aisle will discuss the controversy surrounding the Bush Administration’s program of illegal spying on Americans, and take questions from web audience members and live in Denver.

Together, our panel and live and online audience will break through the misinformation coming from the White House and address questions regarding the president’s violation of constitutional authority and federal law.

I hope you’ll join us live next Tuesday evening at 9 EDT/6 PDT:

You can also watch a video archive of our February 20 National Town Hall. View the discussion, sign our Demand for the Truth and add your own comment to our call for an end to illegal spying on Americans. Selected questions and comments will be read live during the April 11 Town Hall.

Please join us then, and I hope you'll invite your friends to tune in as well. Thanks as always for your participation and support.


Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director American Civil Liberties Union
April 7, 2006


More than 40,000 people have signed the ACLU's Demand for the Truth petition, calling on Congress to investigate illegal government spying on Americans.

Add your name and a comment now!

Help us keep the pressure on Congress to hold the President accountable.

Thousands have also added their own words about the Administration's warrantless program:

Hiding and distorting the truth and making claims that in essence would mean that the President is above the law are serious abuses of executive power and impeachable offenses. An independent prosecutor should be named to pursue the full scope of these abuses. -- H. Sanborn, Fort Collins, CO

I voted for President Bush and I believe in standing behind my President as long as he is keeping in check with our system of check and balances. … We should show respect to that man because of his office. Still that man needs to remember that he, too, is a citizen of the United States of America and he must abide by the laws just as I and many other Americans must do. -- C. Marchant, Beaumont, TX

All public officials in our government serve the people as authorized by the Constitution and must remain under the law as promised when they took their Oaths of Office. When the Executive Branch presumes to judge the legality of its own actions without judicial review, it opens the door to such abuses of power as the Founding Fathers sought to prevent. -- R. Henderson, Mason, MI

My parents were refugees that came to this country from Hungary during the Hungarian Revolution in 1956. They came here to be free, to be able to speak freely and to not have to worry about being spied on. -- S. Barker, Del City, OK

Add your name and a comment now!

Help the Defense of Civil Liberties! Become a Card-Carrying Member today! Tell your friends. Visit the ACLU's Action Center and get active.

© ACLU, 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor New York, NY 10004

Informant: Martin Greenhut


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