This is a critical time for our planet

Check out our new global warming campaign web site designed to provide energy saving tips and enlist every American in the Fight Global Warming campaign:

Thank you for helping launch our new global warming TV ads!

The response has been overwhelming -- more than 300 press stories and more than 200 blog hits in just the first 2 weeks.

But, this is just the beginning.

We've also launching a major consumer campaign to fight global warming. is our new site, designed to change the way people think and act about global warming.

We need you to help get the word out! Check out what you can do to fight global warming, and tell your friends:

-- How to Pick a Better Light Bulb
The next generation of light bulbs is here! New bulbs give off high-quality light and last up to 15 times as long.

It may seem like small change - but if every household replaced just three 60-watt incandescent bulbs with better bulbs, it would be equivalent to taking 3.5 million cars off the road!

Check out our light bulb buying guide:

-- Fuel-Saving Driving Guide
Many of us don't have a choice about driving, but a few simple tips can make a difference. Watching how you drive can improve your car's mileage per gallon, cutting global warming pollution and saving you anywhere from $200 to $500 each year.

Find out how you can drive more efficiently:

-- Save Energy and Money at Home
The energy we use at home accounts for about a fifth of U.S. global warming pollution. That means making smart choices at home matters. Find out what you can do about heating, cooling and appliances.

Learn more about home energy tips:

-- Educate Your Community about Global Warming
Many of you have had the same comment: Americans would act on global warming if they understood the human costs. That why we put this page together on global warming dangers to our economy, our health and our industries.

Send your friends this article on the human costs of global warming:

This is a critical time for our planet. Scientists warn that we may have only a few years left to cut global warming pollution before irreversible ecological consequences become inevitable.

Together, we can make progress now by using energy more efficiently in our own homes even while we press for national action to cut America's global warming pollution.

Thanks so much for all that you do. Global warming is real, but so are the solutions, and with your help, we are getting that message out.

-- The Global Warming Team at Environmental Defense.


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