Please help the foxes in Holland
A message from Eleanor:
It's really quite simple! There are helpful translations at the bottom. I thought I hadn't done it right but I received an e-mail afterwards so my letter went through! It's really important to write so that they stop doing this to foxes in Holland! It's horrible! All you have to do is click and fill in a couple of boxes. Please do it! *thanks2*
momma wont come back please read cross-post 9:25 AM
- The Netherlands - From 1 april 2006 dutch hunters may go out for feeding foxes (momma's) to blind them with light and shoot them. Also chasing and the use of cages and dogs of animals in shedtime, feedingtime and breedtime will be no longer prohibited by law by minister Veerman (minister of farming, nature and foodquality). This means that babyfoxes will be waiting for their mommies to come back. And that the mommies won't come back. This means that these babyfoxes will suffer and die of hunger or will be beaten to death by hunters. There are reasons to believe this has a lot to do with lobbying of parlemantairs of CDA and VVD (coalitionparties in government) who like hunting themselves and that for that reason foxes will be no longer protected. Faunaprotection is working on this to end the cruelty to the foxes in The Netherlands. You can help! Go to where you can sign and send a letter to dutch parlementairs about this issue. Let them know about your worries. They were waiting... and waiting... Jonge vosjes But their mother never returned! Do you care for these foxes?
9:38 AM Klik hier = for go to the letter for signing
Naam = fill out your name here
E-mail = fill out your e-mailadres here
Verstuur de brief = send your letter
It's really quite simple! There are helpful translations at the bottom. I thought I hadn't done it right but I received an e-mail afterwards so my letter went through! It's really important to write so that they stop doing this to foxes in Holland! It's horrible! All you have to do is click and fill in a couple of boxes. Please do it! *thanks2*
momma wont come back please read cross-post 9:25 AM
- The Netherlands - From 1 april 2006 dutch hunters may go out for feeding foxes (momma's) to blind them with light and shoot them. Also chasing and the use of cages and dogs of animals in shedtime, feedingtime and breedtime will be no longer prohibited by law by minister Veerman (minister of farming, nature and foodquality). This means that babyfoxes will be waiting for their mommies to come back. And that the mommies won't come back. This means that these babyfoxes will suffer and die of hunger or will be beaten to death by hunters. There are reasons to believe this has a lot to do with lobbying of parlemantairs of CDA and VVD (coalitionparties in government) who like hunting themselves and that for that reason foxes will be no longer protected. Faunaprotection is working on this to end the cruelty to the foxes in The Netherlands. You can help! Go to where you can sign and send a letter to dutch parlementairs about this issue. Let them know about your worries. They were waiting... and waiting... Jonge vosjes But their mother never returned! Do you care for these foxes?
9:38 AM Klik hier = for go to the letter for signing
Naam = fill out your name here
E-mail = fill out your e-mailadres here
Verstuur de brief = send your letter
rudkla - 30. Mär, 13:40