CBS 60 Minutes
Informant: NHNE
In a message dated 3/22/06 4:12:48 PM, ljsullivan1166 writes:
<< Dr. James Hansen talking seriously about global warming -- he thinks we have ten years max before it's too late and cannot be reversed with any amount of anything >> this is the same talk from Dr. James Lovelock author of REVENGE OF GAIA. Im half way through and I want to find a rock to hide below... he thinks renewables wont work and that we need some kind of space shield to alter the heating of the planet along with nuclear so we can aid in the not heating up the planet.. when it gets to a certain degree of temperature theres no turning back. its bleak, bleak... more from him in the next issue of hopedance for thse who still read. CNN reported on the dumbing down of the US stating that only 6% of the US population actually reads more than ONE book a year. Also today CNN reported that theres been a 20 year study on the connection between whining and complaining youngsters and their conservative behavior and politics as well as being quite rigid in terms of gender identities whereas the kids who were more flexible and resilient became that dreaded word "liberals."
Unfortuantely the revenge of gaia is only available in Britain. Figures.
To read about the book go to
for James Lovelock: The Earth is about to catch a morbid fever that may last as long as 100,000 years Each nation must find the best use of its resources to sustain civilisation for as long as they can.
Informant: Hopedance
Informant: NHNE
In a message dated 3/22/06 4:12:48 PM, ljsullivan1166 writes:
<< Dr. James Hansen talking seriously about global warming -- he thinks we have ten years max before it's too late and cannot be reversed with any amount of anything >> this is the same talk from Dr. James Lovelock author of REVENGE OF GAIA. Im half way through and I want to find a rock to hide below... he thinks renewables wont work and that we need some kind of space shield to alter the heating of the planet along with nuclear so we can aid in the not heating up the planet.. when it gets to a certain degree of temperature theres no turning back. its bleak, bleak... more from him in the next issue of hopedance for thse who still read. CNN reported on the dumbing down of the US stating that only 6% of the US population actually reads more than ONE book a year. Also today CNN reported that theres been a 20 year study on the connection between whining and complaining youngsters and their conservative behavior and politics as well as being quite rigid in terms of gender identities whereas the kids who were more flexible and resilient became that dreaded word "liberals."
Unfortuantely the revenge of gaia is only available in Britain. Figures.
To read about the book go to
for James Lovelock: The Earth is about to catch a morbid fever that may last as long as 100,000 years Each nation must find the best use of its resources to sustain civilisation for as long as they can.
Informant: Hopedance
rudkla - 23. Mär, 14:40